Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Grandpa's in the hospital.

He fell in the kitchen trying to pick up a piece of uncooked spaghetti. It happened a little after midnight, I tried helping him up but I couldn't so we made the decision to call 911 and they sent an ambulance.

He didn't wanna go to the hospital but it's better safe than sorry.

I'm staying at home, so you know. I know what hospital he's at.


Somehow still sane
Good call. Elderly people due to their physiology and the blood-thinners are prone to bleeding internally, even if with no symptoms.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
My grandpa underwent surgery this afternoon. I didn't talk to him, but I heard him in the background when talking to his nurse and he sounds fine.

We don't know how long he's gonna be in the hospital for, since he has to recover from surgery and then do physical therapy and all that.

I think I'll try and visit him tomorrow.


Wondering bot
I never really knew my Grandparents, the ones on my mum's side died when I was younger, in fact I never knew what my Grandmother looked like, while I only have vauge memories of my Grandfather, when it comes to my dad's side, when I was a kid, there was some kind of argument between them & my parents over me and a cough, I think and after that, we kind of cut ties, with me only getting the odd birthday card every year, so I never got close to them, I'm not close to my uncles or aunts either, but then, being a bit of a scattered family, spread across the country with a cousin living in the land down under, its not really something, being a close family, so the closest family outside of my parents is my sister and her kids, plus her husband as they live less than a mile away and we see them quite offen, so that is my family. Anyway, I hope your grandfather gets better soon Viola ;)


Somehow still sane
My grandpa underwent surgery this afternoon. I didn't talk to him, but I heard him in the background when talking to his nurse and he sounds fine.

We don't know how long he's gonna be in the hospital for, since he has to recover from surgery and then do physical therapy and all that.

I think I'll try and visit him tomorrow.
What for? Did he sustain afracture?


Staff member
Council of Elders
If he's at Broward General, I recommend the lasagna. It's decent. A lot of the food there is surprisingly decent, really. The breakfast is outright good.

It's all still hospital food, but they're trying.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
******* impossible for me to contact him though.

Got a random phone call from the hospital but when the paramedics came and asked me for a good phone number, I gave my house number and not my cell number (cuz tbh I usually have my own phone on silent except for starred contacts/repeat callers) so it might've been my grandpa trying to call me from the hospital because who else there would have my personal number besides him? But then when I call back and ask to be transferred to his room, he doesn't pick up the phone.

I know I could try his cellphone but like he might not be in a position to access it.

'Viola weren't you going to visit him today though'

I was but now it's 4pm and I'm tired and going to nap, so it'll be too late for me to do it today.


Nonstop Baaka
Call his cell anyway. If he doesn't p/u, leave a msg. If his box is full, he should see your missed call and call back when he can. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from you.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Call his cell anyway. If he doesn't p/u, leave a msg. If his box is full, he should see your missed call and call back when he can. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from you.
This would have been pointless because he doesn't have his cellphone with him. All of his belongings are being kept safe and locked away in the office.


Somehow still sane
Was it a joint replacement? Either way, hip surgery itself is fairly smooth but it takes quite a bit of rehab afterwards.

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