Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Somehow still sane
Read a synopsis of The Flash and it legit makes my head hurt. I assumed he was visiting alternate universes all this time since, you know, that would make sense. Turns out that stopping his mom from getting killed somehow changes events that happened before that happened. And Batman’s everything apparently.
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Somehow still sane
Flashpoint had its problems but it’s fairly competent capeshit comics. About the worst thing I can say about it is that it directly leads into the New 52.

How batshit insane the world was was also interesting in and of itself. The Flash didn't even come up with an alternate universe that was particularly memorable other than MICHAEL KEATON

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I don't read capeshit but the fact that Metropolis and Gotham are like right next to each other is so funny to me like Superman just gives zero shits about what's happening across the bay or whatever.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Meanwhile in Marvel, 80 percent of super teams and a ton of independent heroes are based in New York and they still rarely run into each other no matter how many buildings blow up.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
the flash looks like it's gonna be one of top 5 biggest box-office bombs ever lmfao


Well that's a shame. Ezra seems like such a nice guy. I was so hoping this would work out for him.

Wow! That amount of sarcasm was beginning to hurt even me!


i cant take it anymore im at my limit

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Me: *goes to McDonald's for an early lunch and orders a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, 10 piece McNuggets, medium frozen Coca-Cola, and small Sprite* (I had a deal on the app where I could buy 1 get 1 free QPC, Big Mac, or 10 piece McNuggets)

The person who brings out my food: *says my name when they bring it out*

And I mean like my name name, my actual name. I put my name in the app as 'Viola' because...why wouldn't I? That's my name and wwwwwwwww this was the first time someone's called me by my name aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Btw no I am not a fat ass, I split the McNuggets with my grandpa and the small Sprite was also for him. I just had the burger, five McNuggets, and the frozen Coke.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
i'd eat less mcdonald's if stores around here reliably stocked the grilled chicken i like lol

gonna start treadmill running at the planet fitness across the street on monday tho. gonna eat less too; i wanna lose some weight before tfcon in october


Staff member
Council of Elders
I just get Checkers these days. They really do have the best fries and it's not that much more expensive than McDonald's anymore.

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