Police behaving badly


too old for this
So, I'm at a local jail now. Not where I wanted to be, but you play the cards you're dealt till the next hand.
I was supposed to have a month of training. In booking, writing bonds, procedure. As well as the day to day running of the jail and dealing with incarcerated.
In week 2, I'd been there literally 7 days, I got called for mandatory Overtime. We had a covid breakout and the jail just doesn't have the people to cover.

So it's been a month or so. I can do the cooking, the cleaning, and generally keep things going. What I can't do is correctly fill out a bond, remember all the things in the booking software, or do the important paperwork. I try, but I'm on nights with no supervisor. The other two I work with have been there 1 week longer than me and 2 months longer. That's it. Both are 20 year old girls.
No one there except me and the sergeant, who works weekday mornings only, has any self defense training. My first day I trained people how to use the restraint chair properly.
When we do make mistakes on the paperwork, our corporal marks them in red ink, puts them in our box with a note saying, "try again and resubmit for regrading". Like we're in school.

No, cops aren't fully trained. Deputies aren't fully trained. We're not trained in de escalation. It's all 'seat of your pants' flying.


Well-known member
Funny enough, Law and Order is, by far, the most watched show in any correctional facility I've been at. By a massively wide margin. Even criminals love watching it.
They enjoy learning how the police catches criminals, and thus how to avoid making the same mistakes!


NOT a New Member.

San Francisco sued by woman who says her rape-kit DNA was used to arrest her.
Jane Doe "was re-victimized by this unconstitutional practice," lawsuit says.

San Francisco has been sued by a sexual assault victim in a complaint that describes "the San Francisco Police Department's shocking practice of placing crime victims' DNA into a permanent database without the victims' knowledge or consent..."
(Source: - https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/getty-sf-police-chief-800x533.jpg )


jumbled pile of person
Sounds like someone tried to "make it look like an accident" but had the brain of a Saturday morning cartoon villain's bumbling minion so they made it look like the kind of accident that's still criminal negligence at best.


too old for this
Pretty much. Police unions are why so many bad cops get to keep being bad cops for so long.
I'm all for unions, don't get me wrong. Having a decent one would have meant I could have kept my day job, but police unions are geared more for protecting the bad apples then anything else.

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