[OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project


Staff member
Council of Elders
Irma was rough. We had just sent a whole bunch of supplies to Texas because they got hit really bad. Then Irma pounced and we weren't really able to prepare in time. We were left with no food, no gas, and no help. Government lied and said we had power crews at the ready. No. They were all in Texas.

It took a few days to find food. There was this little pub that had enough gas to run the kitchen and a couple lights. The menu was down to literally "We can make this or that." Just two things they could cobble together with the supplies they had. I had curry chicken. It was one of the most satisfying meals I've ever had.

Destron D-69

I bet. We had an ice storm roll through here once, knocked out the power for a few days and the roads were all closed... so yeah making do was important. Tell you what though as soon as I could I went and got a big bucket of KFC ...

it's too bad for chickens I guess that they evolved to taste so good we made them a comfort food lol


Staff member
Council of Elders
I found a picture. As you can see it wasn't very brightly lit there. Super comfy though.


There is something strangely comfy about living in effectively the post-apocalypse (no electricity, no cell service, no food or gas deliveries, no emergency services), but doing normal things like walking into a pub and having a nice meal.

I really need to play Fallout New Vegas at some point. Everyone tells me I would like that one.


Pittied fools.
I remember there being a mild shuffling a characters early in this arc so some might temporarily seems to be on both teams for a bit.


Oh. Well...that was past me. Present me never considered it.


Never grow old, people. It does things to your brain.


Staff member
Council of Elders
To be fair, 2017 was a long time ago.

I do miss rp. I can't get involved in a new campaign that lasts more than a couple sessions before it's forever derailed by scheduling problems.


Pittied fools.
This exchange:

"Scarlet might not work since he's written a book..." "And his mom is a movie star." "Yeah. He's too high profile.

While I usually try to actively avoid having NPCs directly have conversations with each other, this is one of those interesting circumstances where you see how they're thinking differently about the same situation.

And separately, Louisianeigh, Fiesta Caldera, and Warning Sound got some good locale descriptions. Ah, the tomato.


Staff member
Council of Elders
In general, that's probably a good GM instinct. But the NPCs in this campaign were just so lovable. I don't think anyone minded watching them interact.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Fnu Aw said:
Surely a casino would do background checks. That would be one short lived spy operation, unless he Keep concocts fake identities for their employees just for situations like this.

Zamuel said:
I'm sure they'll whip out their smartphone and instantly use their 5G wireless connection to search the meticulously tracked social security numbers personal info as MLP characters are oft to do.

Fnu Aw said:
You laugh, but some IDW artist who doesn't know the setting will get rotated onto Pony, and then...

Zamuel said:

Actually, the real thing deserving sad horse emotes is the possibility that a show artist might do this since, while not this bad, they've done stuff like this before.

Shadewing said:
-=revs chainsaw=-

And that's how G5 was made.

Destron D-69

Classic Maple... horrible romantic/ lovable lecher, can't seem to will the fates (or the dm) to grant her that nap time team-up...

<_< assigned rooms... come on man LOL

Rereading this I busted a gut she's trying so hard to score on this away mission I'm half expecting the Bevis and Butthead theme to start playing. :LOL:

and then that line about not thinking about anything on the train... after the visual of her being the literal window-licker - yep.

The other thing that's constantly fun is How even after she's already on a side-quest, she finds another side-quest ... she's really become a leaf in the wind without the ridged structure of the tour-guide job ... its all good though, I remember loving how this little quest comes together. Soft Stone was a fun NPC ... poor guy was just soo in love he couldn't even see the trap he'd walked into... Maple's a huge fan of that kind of schmaltzy stuff, so even though she's trying to temper it with this brief moment of suspicion I'm sure she'd have tried to help anyway even if he turned out to be the leader of Coin XD

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