[OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project


I really loved this part. For one thing, it was a chance for everyone to have a moment to show Maple that they were her friends no matter what.

But it was also a great moment between Static and Rhapsody. It wasn't just a "I disagree with you but I understand why you think that way." It was a "I disagree with you but we need someone who thinks your way so keep doing what you're doing" type thing.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It was a good moment. It would have strained credulity if no one had any concerns about knowingly being around a changeling. We needed Rhapsody around to make sure we weren't making a mistake.

I've said it before. Rhapsody did the Zipp thing before Zipp existed. It's uncanny sometimes.

Destron D-69

one of the things I had notes on prior to this meeting was "things to say to __blank__ if they need convincing." ...if things had gone south with Misty. maple's plan was to go straight to Rhapsody alone ... and just do what needed to be done to get 'out of the situation' to say it in a way that's g-rated lol. When Maple said that she thought regaining her memories and learning she was a jerk was her worst fear about getting her memories back..and that she had no idea it could be even worse...she means that - Maple personality-wise is about as diametrically opposed to changelings as you can get. she was in a really dark place on that trainride back, even though everyone was supportive... she wasn't yet willing to rule out cop assisted suicide.

that's how much Maple agrees with Rhapsody about changelings. heck, Its still going to be touch and go for a while yet lol

i loved writing this stuff :) you guys are the best. I'm amazed reading these again how giving you all were with your characters up to this point in the game that I had so much to work with. ... XD ic and ooc this little pudge of fluff just absorbing and redistributing emotions lol


Staff member
Council of Elders
Shadewing said:
The fantasy going through Rhapsody's mine at the moment:

Night Cap loaded into that Trebuchet that Splash Faunt bought a few arcs ago, launched through the sky at Cloudsdale, only for him to get their and realize he can't touch cloud...

Caldwin said:
So...just confirming that in this reality, earth pony's can't fly?

Zamuel said:
Without goofy vehicles? Of course not.

Destron D-69 said:
no worries Caldwin, Maple's just a true believer in all things Night Cap.

Shadewing said:
Fnu Aw said:
Rhapsody looks over to Night Cap, and then just grins widely. "Yes, I agree. Night Cap should totally fly to Cloudsdale to scout things out."
Rhapsody, you know he's going to take that as a vote of confidence.

"Yes, I know. I thought everypony wanted me to be more supportive of my teammates..." She says as once more images of Night Cap being flung by trebuchet literally through Cloudsdale plays in her head.

Caldwin said:
"Hey, if I can survive my fall from the helicopter, Night should be able to take a trebuchet ride like a champ! I say go for it.

Static seems to be swinging more towards Rhapsody on the pendulum of Rhapsody vs. Night Cap. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Shadewing said:
Destron D-69 said:
I just picture him yelling "HAY YOU GUYS!" at the top of his lungs and then *foommmpooofff* in and out of the clouds on his way back to the ground.

I think its a good thing I wanst drinking anything when I read your post lol.

Shadewing said:
Destron D-69 said:
it would be nice to hear what the plan is instead of just guessing

"I thought we already had a plan." She says looking to Night Cap.


Two things I really like about this. "Sweet Luna, I hate the possessy ones!"

Buffy Speak!

Also, Static thinks Rhapsody's making sense...and totally hates it! 😂

Destron D-69

maple's history with southbound team meetings continues to be a fun quirk to revisit... were she ever to show up again in any stomp sequel, it would have to be dramatic meeting chaos lol.


Oh, and having a heart to heart with one of his teammates. This was a great arc...except for losing Snowy.


Pittied fools.
While I was usually on edge whenever the Princesses were used, this was one time I was wholly confident. Celestia's line to Major Delight was utterly satisfying.


Pittied fools.
Eh, it's a two part problem. Worry about player reaction to those two characters specifically combined with the worry about dialogue from characters I didn't create. And of course, overall GM jitters.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Static lays a hoof on Night Cap's shoulder, trying to calm him. "Don't worry, Night! They'll be okay. Heck! Snowy defeated Baromets by himself. He definitely has a way with magical sentient beings. If Rhapsody and I could make it through touching that thing, believe me, so can Snowy. He'll be fine!"

Night Cap stops pacing and sighs.

"I still wish I were in there though. I... can't do anything to help out here."

"Don't worry, we all know you couldn't do anything in there either." Rhapsody states as she glances over to him and Static before turning her focus back on the room.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better."

Night Cap stops pacing and sighs.

"I still wish I were in there though. I... can't do anything to help out here."

"Don't worry, we all know you couldn't do anything in there either." Rhapsody states as she glances over to him and Static before turning her focus back on the room.

Static opens his mouth to say something.

Night Cap stops pacing and sighs.

"I still wish I were in there though. I... can't do anything to help out here."
"Don't worry, we all know you couldn't do anything in there either." Rhapsody states as she glances over to him and Static before turning her focus back on the room.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better."

Static closes his mouth.


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