Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!


Yeah, the regular head looks...weird. I'll definitely be keeping the alt head on.

I did find Dreadmon on E-bay. It's more than I wanted to pay, but at least I'll have all of the original Mutanimals.



Got this from e-bay today.


And all of the accessories


It's not an alt head, just alt eyes. I like these better.


At last I have the entire team.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Holy cow, Dreadmon looks great! Of all the Mutanimals, he got the least amount of focus. He was given superspeed tho but we never really saw it so much.

Man, it really would have been cool if the team had gotten a show or didn't die. Very cool that the CGI Nick TMNT used the name for their own version of the team.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Man Ray is passable there, but I hope they do a comics-accurate Wingnut and Screwloose.


This came today from Amazon. It's a couple days early, but I ain't complaining.


And out of box. It has all kinds of gloved hands, but being The Invisible Man Turtle, I went for the translucent ones.


I think the idea here is that his shell is transparent like the rest of him and that you can see what he's eaten. But then that would mean he eats pizza slices whole and his digestive system includes his entire shell. I'm open to other interpretations but this isn't a storage shell toy.


And here's the whole family. I haven't decided yet if I'll be getting April and/or Casey.



Continuity Nutcase
Being the Invisible Man allows him to sneak away pizza slices and hide them inside his shell. It's just that the shell also being transparent makes it a poor hiding place.


Well-known member
Tom Waltz has been laid off...of his editor position. But, he'll remain to help consult and co-write the Last Ronin and other comics.

More news in the IDW thread in the Comics sub-forum, but this is relevant to TMNT.

(*Scrambles to find something not as depressing to talk about*) Also, there's only one issue left of Armageddon Game. Almost doesn't feel like there's enough comic left to wrap things up, but we'll see. It's been unfocused, but a fun ride. Issue #139 was...definitely interesting. I don't know how some fans will take it.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
...this is probably a good time to start catching up on my ComiXology purchases, isn't it?


...this is probably a good time to start catching up on my ComiXology purchases, isn't it?
Same. Three TMNT comics came out this week (main series, Armageddon Game and Last Ronin) but I've been pretty wrapped up in other things this week. Hopefully I'll get to them soon.


Well-known member
...Yeah, it's probably a good idea to catch up.

Mind you, they haven't announced dropping anything yet. And out of ALL of their licenses, I think they'd try to hang onto TMNT the longest. That's the one that's likely bringing in the most money. It may or may not be the most costly, too, though.


I've been hearing that IDW is in a really bad way. I really can't say I give a rats ass about any of the comic companies around today, except that TMNT is the one and only title I DO give a damn about and IDW has actually been doing pretty good with them.

At the very least, I have concerns about "better the devil you know." Whatever people may think of IDW, I absolutely dread what would happen if Marvel or DC got a hold of them.

But if IDW does lose the TMNT license, what would that mean for Alopex and some of the other characters born in the IDW continuity?


Well-known member
I assume Nickelodeon has contracts in place so that they own Alopex and other IDW originals outright. I VERY much doubt there'd be any issue going forward like there was with Archie Sonic. That level of bad luck and outright incompetence is fairly rare.

Now, I'm not sure if any company that would get the license would instantly use her or not. They'd probably have their own ideas about what they'd want to do. But, I don't think there'd be any legal problem with being ABLE to use any of the IDW characters. But, I could see a new company wanting to put their own stamp on the characters.

I would like to see a proper Pantheon War before IDW closes up shop. Armageddon Game kind of feels like a big lead-in to a even BIGGER event...but I don't know how likely that EVER will be. And, I don't know if they were ever going to finish up that plotline or just have it be a background element. I just would kind of like to see the return of some of the stuff they set up in "Shredder in Hell".


Koopaling Aficionado
"Alopex" was already used in the 2012 show. So using her, and other characters new to the comic, doesn't seem like its prohibited.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I haven't bought any trades in a LONG time. Do the "IDW Collection" volumes collect everything in reading order, like I think the Transformers ones did?


Yeah. I used the collection volumes on ComiXology to catch up after taking a long break from the comics. Of course, there's still the side stories and one-shots that are still in collected volumes, but a bit more difficult to figure where they go chronologically. But the main line volumes are in order.

as far as Armageddon Game goes, I'm really not feeling the scope of this. I mean, there's been some trips to space and forbidden techniques learned. But the actual skirmishes don't really feel any bigger than usual and I'm just not feeling end-of-the-world tension when everything that happens on earth remains mostly in a New York...Mutant Town New York at that.

Don't get me wrong. It's been a fun read. But with only a couple issues left in this massive event, I'm just not feeling the scope.


Koopaling Aficionado
I haven't bought any trades in a LONG time. Do the "IDW Collection" volumes collect everything in reading order, like I think the Transformers ones did?
Yes. The large hardcovers do that, but they're quite a bit behind the curve release-wise. A new volume seems to come out once a year at this point, with a new one releasing in July (has Karai on the cover)

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Yes. The large hardcovers do that, but they're quite a bit behind the curve release-wise. A new volume seems to come out once a year at this point, with a new one releasing in July (has Karai on the cover)
But these collect the side stuff Caldwin mentioned?

Otherwise, seems like I might as well just grab the regular trades, if they're priced any better.


Well-known member
Wikipedia has a listing of what's included in all the IDW Collections.

And this has another reading order, for good measure.

I'm guessing Armageddon Game will get split up into two of these IDW Collections, for volumes 16 and 17. It looks like they have everything included.

Keep in mind, if you have a comic book shop in your area, they MIGHT have a sale around Free Comic Book Day, which is coming up the first Saturday in May. Depends on how many issues you've missed, but if they have a sale on back issues or trades, you might be able to score a pretty good deal, there. Some shops have sales, and some don't, but it always pays to check.
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Koopaling Aficionado
But these collect the side stuff Caldwin mentioned?

Otherwise, seems like I might as well just grab the regular trades, if they're priced any better.
It has EVERYTHING. And in as close to chronological order as they can manage. (Even includes both Ghostbusters crossovers)

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