[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


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Council of Elders
Maple looks into her back for something to give Mr. Night Cap...

"hmm, med kit... the letter from Ms. Spark, Mr. Journal, ...bags of candy... wet stone, net... OOOHHH! Would you like my camp shovel/pickaxe, Mr. Night Cap? It might not be special or magical, but it might help you find something that is next time?"

Keen Craft had been quietly writing. Putting her pencil down, she asked Night Cap, "I'm curious, why do need proof?"

Searching through her vest pockets, Keen Craft pulled out something small and wooden. "Would this work? It broke off from one of those snowboard things Dirty Money had."

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

Flying down to the next closest rock, Rhapsody felt a sensation more akin to swimming. However upon landing, out of the corner of everypony's eye, something moved...

Static looked from Scarlet to Shale and smiled. "How serendipitous! Like Maple said, Night Cap, Rhapsody and I are in the process of making a documentary about Luna. So far we've got a very rough draft of a script. But I think eventually we're going to need help, like Maple said. Costume designers, narrator, actors...if it's something you'd be interested in that is."

Scarlet just stood there as the conversation washed over him. Maple innocent smile, Static enthusiasm. Even Shales ambiguous comment about 'knowing a few things about the movies'. The blue Pegasus closed his open (out of surprise) mouth. Opened it to respond. Then closed it again as he thought of Rhapsody. Though a building of bridges had been started, he wasn't sure how positive a reaction (if any) she might have to him getting involved in this documentary. Still, the dragon was out and, even if he might be able to help directly, he couldn't just say no. Not now. Clearing his throat awkwardly as he realised that, yes, he'd kindof Zoned Out.

"Well 'cough' uh... I can certainly get a letter to Mom and see if she has any names or ideas. Her response will depend on where her and Dad are at the moment and how busy they are. Moms always loved the stars at night. It's why so many of her films feature," twisting his head in embarrassment Scarlet added. "Dazzling love in the moonlight.

It's how they fell in love apparently.


Aunt--Shale. Ah, uh, you would be a great help for them. Your ear for music and atmosphere is well, its amazing.

As for me? If you can think of something i can do to help, i'd like too. I don't want to step on anyponys hooves though,"
he said, hoping Static would know what he meant.



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Council of Elders

"Don't Worry about Rhapsody Scarlet, She's going to get mad if she feels like it ...regardless of what anyone does. It's best to just go into a situation knowing that ahead of time. Instead of doing something the hard way and then finding out it wouldn't have made any difference at all. I think the rainbow socks are a joke she plays on the rest of us... since she seems to actually on see in black and white." Maple's smile cracked a little around the edges as she looked intently at Scarlet's face... reading the emotions that played across it.

Static stood there stunned. Just this morning he had no idea where to go next with this documentary. With only the barebones of an idea of part of a script worked out and no prospects for actors, he wasn't sure that this whole thing wouldn't just fade away into development hell and never see the light of day. Now all of a sudden it looked like he had connections!

"Wow!" he said, wiping a happy tear from his eye. "I don't know what to say! Thanks, everypony!

"And don't worry about stepping on anypony's hooves, Scarlet. If you're talking about who I think your talking about...she got into this not particularly liking Night Cap...or me for that matter. She thinks like I think. Making this documentary and making it right takes priority. There's a few things that rub me the wrong way about her, but one thing I do respect, she's all about getting the job done right, even if she has to work with some ponies she doesn't particularly like."

"Fact is, we could use your help. We could use all the help we can get."

"Dazzling love in the moonlight."
"Dazzling wholight?"

Static raises an eyebrow.

Insignificant reaction. Ignore.
File away for later.

"I doubt that's entirely accurate, Maple." Flairvoyant mused as she continued focusing on her mirrors. "I mean, it's likely she has a perception of darkness as opposed to light. Keeping an eye out for worst case scenarios and all that. Of course, I don't have the same experience with her that you might but I can only assume her style of leading is different than mine. All things considered, I'll admit to being surprised they aren't done yet."

"Well, as much as her and I aren't getting along right now... I can't think about it like that. Now that I've said what I said, I feel bad about saying it... and I don't really think she can't - and won't, like you're suggesting isn't quite right either... it's more like "hasn't in a while", and that still lets me hope she can find again what she's lost."

Maple put her wings up over her eyes, she'd meant to use her talent to help Scarlet avoid this pitfall but instead, she walked right in hooves first and spilled all her frustrations out into the open again. in a colorful metaphor no less. "I'm sorry I even brought it up... I've just been a little worried ever since our team got back first, and then hers wasn't the second team back either... But she'd kinda hate it if we formed a rescue party to go help them..."



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Council of Elders
Static paused for a moment.

[Hadn't considered that. Rhapsody needing help?]

[I can't imagine that!]

"It's just a training mission. How much trouble can she possibly be in?" Though his tone did betray a bit of concern.

Scarlet cocked his head in thought. Then shook it.

"Considering how well planned all of this has been, i'll lay odds the Chief already has contingencies in place if anypony gets stuck. Plus, Rhapsody and her team might just have gotten the trickiest of the three mission setups.

Honestly, unless the Chief directly asked some of us to go look. I wouldn't worry.

For now at least."

Scarlet also caught Night Caps odd reaction, but made no comment.

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

Flying down to the next closest rock, Rhapsody felt a sensation more akin to swimming. However upon landing, out of the corner of everypony's eye, something moved...

With all the subtlety of a brick mid-flight, Wanderlust rounds on the shifting at his side, trying to catch the culprit.


"Pony pancake presser? That sounds like something right out of Daring Do. What happened?"



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Council of Elders
"It was a pressure activated time trap. When we finally past Dirty Money and to the last room. We found a single entrance room with a treasure chest sat all by itself in a pool of light. Whay we didn't realise until after moving the treasure chest, was the weighted button beneath.

The entrance slams shut, the roof starts coming down and a complex, multi-solution number puzzle rises up.

Solve the puzzle, or get squashed. So yeah, very Daring Do. I have to say though that, despite my best attempts, it was all down to Night Caps quick thinking that we weren't pancaked.

And yes, in hindsight it likely would have stopped long before any serious harm occurred, buuut...

Didn't feel like it at the time."

Scarlet let out a low chuckle as he remembered the adrenaline rush of that moment.

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

Flying down to the next closest rock, Rhapsody felt a sensation more akin to swimming. However upon landing, out of the corner of everypony's eye, something moved...

With all the subtlety of a brick mid-flight, Wanderlust rounds on the shifting at his side, trying to catch the culprit.

Moonshadow also tries to catch sight of whatever moved.


"Pecky, keep an eye on Rhapsody. Squawk if you see anything of concern." With a squawk, she pokes her head out and gazes intently at the pegasus.


I think the rules say a companion's move takes up the entire turn, but in this instance I don't think it should be an issue that they both look different ways?

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

Pecky almost instantly chirped a warning and then Wanderlust saw just what moved. Out of one of the holes in depths of the chasm soared a massive Quarry Eel. It was wearing a sort of draconic headdress and eye covers in bright colors. Letting out a piercing sceech that echoed through the canyon, it positioned itself in front of the flower.




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Council of Elders
"Your secret's known to us. Is it public knowledge? Ever consider advertising? Putting up flyers or something?"

Sunbeam said:
Busy with multiple things at the moment so if someone else can get to explaining the combat breakdown before I do, feel free.

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

"Alright team, it looks like it's time to hit 'em with a little bit of the old razzle dazzle! I'll take point while...oops. Forgot about not being team lead." Dart Noveau was initially gung ho but then embarrassed. Seemingly unphased by the outburst, Splash Flaunt commented, "I figure there's one of two ways we can handle this. Attacking is quite obvious and feasible considering it's obviously trained. Alternately, I'm sure there's ways to distract it and still simply swoop in to grab the flower. Unless anypony else has any ideas."

"We could do both." Wanderlust suggests. His magic focuses in his horn, forming a taut bubble that bursts to rain green glitterdust on everyone. It slides right off of fur, and gathers on everypony's hooves. "We can climb on the Cliffside and harass it, drawing it away from Rhapsody until she can time a good swoop." He leaps off the rock and lands against the cliffside with a sort of metallic clang, his hooves letting off green pulses as he launches himself from rock to rock. Plucking a few more pebbles from some crevices, he hurls them at the quarry eel, shouting "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK!"


"Don't look at me about fliers ... that's hard work, I think I actually lost weight doing that the other day for the marketing department." Maple held up a hoof... I thought my holes had gotten bigger O_O



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Council of Elders
"Sure you're famous...in Nightmare Heights. Not so sure about other places. In any case, it doesn't hurt to advertise your services." Static then looks to Maple. "Surely it wasn't that bad! It couldn't have been any more exhausting than walking the entire length of the museum all day looking after groups of foals."

"There was a heavy box"

"Oh no," Scarlet said with mischief dancing in his eyes. The Mighty Maple, nearly bested by a box!"

and the records did say Maple's pout lip grew three sizes that day

"Oh that's very true... all the time on my travels It'd hear stories of how Brave Mr. Night Cap saved this filly and that filly and that was even before I made the trip here to the Keep. Once ponies heard I was offered a job here - it was almost all they wanted to talk about. " maple shuffled her hooves a little. "You might not have noticed, but I was little awestruck when we first met Mr. Night Cap."



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Council of Elders
Scarlet refrained (with difficulty) from any reaction to Maples Glowing praise for Mr. Night Cap and his 'reputation'. While Scarlet did not deny Night Caps skills or courage. He was however, feel that Nights sometimes self-aggrandizing attitude, overzealous view of his own talents and odd quirk of mentally flipping even the most basic of criticisms into compliments. Tending to undercut said skills and courage. All of which culminated in a nagging (and unfair) worry that should the dreamwalker start advertising his services.

He would start, charging, for his services. Just as he'd all but petitioned the Princessess to hire (and pay) him to go hunt the Snow Shark.

And yet, despite all that, he's an honest pony at heart.

Most of the time...

Then a thought struck him that managed to derail that rather morose train of thought.

"Night Cap. Is it possible for non-dreamwalker ponies to, albeit inadvertantly, communicate through dreams?

Has that ever happened?"

Scarlet hesitated for a second, unsure on to ask what had occurred to him. If it was true, then there was a new lead to follow, a new shred of hope. If not, then he was simply cracking up.

Clearing his throat, Scarlet said hesitantly.

"I, uh... i ask because i have now woken from two dreams. Weeell, technically one dream as they were, in essence, the same dream.


I don't know where i am, but a voice calls out my name. It's her.. it's Rai--! The 'cough' pony i...lost. She calls my name. She seems surprised to see me, but pleased. I think.

Then i wake up.

The first time it happened, it put it down to being back in the Keep and having old memories stirred. But to have it happen a second time and in exactly the same way. That's more than just coincedence, right?

I mean, could it be more than just coincedence?"

"Science? What do you have in mind."

Scarlet laughed, smiling at his friend.

"Sounds like fun to me. Though i'll warn you, there really isn't much going on in my head," he said with a self-deprecating shrug.



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Council of Elders

You do know you sound downright crazy at this point,"
Scarlet said with a grin. He couldn't help a little wariness at what 'The Mighty' Night Cap had in mind. He remembered still remvered finding Night Cap sprawled, bleary-eyed and coffee-less. :)

Still, if the dreamwalker had an idea, he was willing to try it. He'd simply have to bring s0me Coffee along for the ride.

While Static bit his tongue at all the talk of having Night Cap messing around in Scarlet's brain, he couldn''t help a smell "heh" at the mention of Night Cap's "office." He almost wished he could see the moment where Scarlet walked in to the documentery department asking where this "office" was only to find the box fort.

[Does that box fort still exist? Seems like someone would have ordered him to take it down by now.]

Sidling up to Static, Scarlet whispered.

" So tell me, how much of Night Caps 'Office' is real "

Static whispered back. "Aside from Ready Quill, there are no offices in the Documents Department. It's all shared workspace. He set himself up a box fort in the copy room. I'm just counting the days until he's either told to take it down or some of the guys tackle through it just for the fun of it. I'd do it myself but I just love the poor guy to death!"

Scarlet smiled.

" Hehe, thats what i thought.

Don't worry, i won't break his fun

I'll drop by when i get the chamce. Thanks Night, this could be a new lead,
he added in his normal voice.



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Council of Elders
Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

Pecky almost instantly chirped a warning and then Wanderlust saw just what moved. Out of one of the holes in depths of the chasm soared a massive Quarry Eel. It was wearing a sort of draconic headdress and eye covers in bright colors. Letting out a piercing sceech that echoed through the canyon, it positioned itself in front of the flower.


Static - Maple - Misty - Scarlet - Night Cap (Anchors - Square - Shale - Keen)

"Something I've been wondering for a while, Night Cap, is...do you ever get house calls? Since you're a dream walker, I wonder if anypony ever shows up at your house with nightmare problems. While not a full doctor or nurse, it seems like a mix of first aid and your night job could give perspective." Flairvoyant asked.

The screech startles Rhapsody as the large eel comes out of hiding. "Luna damnit, its always something!" She huffs and glares at the large creature."We've come this far, you're not stopping us!" She yells and slams her hoof into the eel's nose.


"We could do both." Wanderlust suggests. His magic focuses in his horn, forming a taut bubble that bursts to rain green glitterdust on everyone. It slides right off of fur, and gathers on everypony's hooves. "We can climb on the Cliffside and harass it, drawing it away from Rhapsody until she can time a good swoop." He leaps off the rock and lands against the cliffside with a sort of metallic clang, his hooves letting off green pulses as he launches himself from rock to rock. Plucking a few more pebbles from some crevices, he hurls them at the quarry eel, shouting "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?!"


Rhapsody looks over and notices what the rest of her team is doing. She nods. "I've got an idea, but I'll need a bit of time to execute it. Hold it off for a bit, this shouldn't take too long. Just be careful, regular attacks are probably just gonna piss is off, and you guys don't have a lot of room down there." She states before taking off, zooming around the room as she works to gain the speed and momentum she needs. Her idea was similar to how she shattered the boulder that one time. She was a strong pony that could hit very hard when needed, but she could also hit much harder when he put her mind to it. Speed was key, no matter how hard something hit, at the right speed though the strengh could be doubled or more. So now she was tryign to build up as much speed as she could, while also making use of her team's distraction to watch for an opening. She wasn't going to let this thing them, and she had just the attack planned to pumble it into submission.




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Council of Elders
"Oh golly, I haven't seen Mr. Night Cap this happy since he found out I was going to be his assistant for that one time." Maple said, smiling at the fun memory of helping out such a heroic stallion ..even in such a limited way.

Static grinned and leaned in at Maple with a hushed tone. "Yeeeeah, Night Cap does love his guinea pigs."


Static facehoofs.

Oddly enough, so does Scarlet.



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Council of Elders
Static leaned over to Scarlet. "You don't suppose he means us?"

Scarlet just raised an eyebrow.

"You think he doesn't mean us?"

"I...try not to assume what he thinks. His mind can be...slippery. I have faith...but...be careful. Mind magic, even when it's meant to help, can have some unintended...side affects. Trust me on that one."

"I haven't used it since that time you volunteered." Maple might have said especially quietly.



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Council of Elders
Things had just gone bad.

"Figures, this kinda thing always happens! All I wanted was to catalog some plants and stuff in a museum!" Ignoring the sourness of the situation, Moonshadow focuses on one of the Quarry Eels flying around. He had studied all types of fantastic creatures, surely he could recall something about this thing that would be helpful. A favorite food, a predator, plant it might be allergic to, anything!


Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

Moonshadow remembered from extensive study that quarry eels were most similar to moray eels. While better than their oceanic cousins, eyesight was poor with most senses keyed off of smell instead. Bright light or something that smells appetizing could provide ample distraction.

"Right, if I'm not mistaken, these things have poor eyesight. Pecky, while we distract it, I want you to swoop in and grab the flower. With luck we can just run and leave it be without having to harm it or us." It was subtle, but Moonshadow was pretty sure the eel was trained, especially given this was only a training mission, so hopefully he could get what they needed without having to hurt the poor thing.

Seeing Pecky make her way toward the flower, he did the only thing he could think of. By concentrating his magic, he should be able to shine a bright light a good two hundred feet or so. If he just got it in it's eyes, it'd hopefully distract it long enough for the others in his party to keep it from noticing the small woodpecker going for the flower.

Lighting up his horn, he focuses on the eel and attempts to shine a beam of light directly into it's pupils.


"I wonder if there's somewhere nearby where we could get some coffee or tea while we wait?" maple asks, cutting the deafening silence.

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

The quarry eel reeled from Moonshadow's blinding light--giving Pecky the opening to swoop in and snatch the flower unseen. Dart Noveau quickly called to Rhapsody, "Your call boss, pour on a little more damage for the distraction or make a mad dash back?"



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Council of Elders
"I'm already awake. I don't need to be wired. I could probably go for some tea."


Maple's Mouth opens to the sky but no sound is heard within the room. Elsewhere at the nearest donut shop

"PLEASE BRING COFFEE AND TEA TO ME!.... enough for twenty ponies, Please"

Static gives an incredulous look at Maple seemingly screaming to the ceiling without making any sound. "Uhhhhh, Maple? You okay there? Anything you wanna talk about?"

Maple sort of Snort laughs... "No, I just called for some coffee."

Static sighs and leans back over to Scarlet. "This feels normal to me. Should I be concerned that this feels normal to me?"


Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

After getting a confirmation, Rhapsody's team swiftly escaped the canyon with the Argent Bloom of the Waxing Moon successfully in hoof. Or perhaps more accurately, in beak. The walk back to the initial staging cabin was fairly uneventful. Once they returned to the Coltberra museum, Brisk Iron escorted them to meet the others...


"With everypony done, there's a lot of things to cover." Brisk Iron announced to the awaiting STOMP members as she escorted Rhapsody's team into the meeting room. The door suddenly swung open behind Brisk Iron to reveal an excited Destiny Spiral who exclaimed, "Ms. Iron, you've got to see this!" "Destiny? What are you doing at this base?" "After all this time, I finally figured it out!"

What could the discovery be? Does Destiny's arrival mean destiny calls? Tune in next time folks for more of the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour!

*static crackle*



Staff member
Council of Elders
*static crackle*

Good evening folks! Time for another exciting Saturday night with the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour! This week we once again bring you to the riotous ramshackle of the Explorers of STOMP!

Previously, the Specialized Team for Obtaining Museum Pieces went back to basics with a little bit of training as they joined a counterpart team and several new recruits. However, it wasn't all death defying jungle gyms as information was discovered about long quiet foes. Furthermore, the astronomy director, Destiny Spiral, suddenly burst in to reveal...

"I finally cracked the secrets of the Amethyst Astrolabe!"

This most certainly caught Brisk Iron's attention. After pondering for a moment, "It seems like there's a couple of major developments that have all sprung up at once and would be best to have all department heads present for." "Way ahead of you! Sorta. I bumped into Steel and she said she'd take care of it if I went to get you." Brisk Iron chuckled. "Seems like Steel is on the ball as usual."

"Alright everypony, time to head back. Sorry you had to get everything setup, Static, but with the coincidence of so many things being in play, we really should have all the department heads present."
Brisk Iron led the group to the hidden teleportation circle and they were whisked back to the Caballuston museum. Steel Flint was waiting and gave Brisk Iron a quick update of who had already been contacted. "Maple, Melon's the only one who hasn't been updated so please go see if he's in his office. The rest of you take a fifteen to rest up and grab a bite to eat. You know where to meet up and I'll allow you to bring your food back this one time. Rhapsody, could you show Moonshadow where the cafeteria is? Likewise, Static, could you escort Square, Keen, and Night Cap to the cafeteria?"


Static turned sighed as he packed everything back up into his turtle shell and put it all back on his back. "We'll talk later then," he told Square as they walked out of the room and to the transporter.

Static figured Night Cap already had to have known where the cafeteria was. After all, it was him Night Cap that told him about Semolina. Still, he let the group to the cafeteria, making a beeline to Semolina's.

Maple Nodded and ran off in the right direction

"Coffee? At this hour? You'll never get to sleep tonight!"


Static sighs and leans back over to Scarlet. "This feels normal to me. Should I be concerned that this feels normal to me?"

Scarlet simply smiled onowingly and shrugged.

"This is STOMP, where the abnormal is normal and the normal is strange.

I'd be more concerned if you didn't simply take everything in stride at this point. Trust me Static, you'll be fine."

Following the rest to the transporter, he added under his breath.

"Beam me up, Unicorns.


Using a wing to give a jaunty salute, Scarlet turned to leave. Catching up to Static, he muttered.

"Night does know he's not likely to get a Grande at the cafeteria, right?"

For, once, Scarlet wished he had some Coffee on him.



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Council of Elders
Maple Has now arrived at Melon Hide's office

Lacking any direction and thoroughly unhappy to be back under a roof (get used to it, a snide voice in his head muttered), Wanderlust keeps close to his teammates. Food sounded good right about now, anyways. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" He pauses to clean some quarry dust out of his ear.

Static shrugged at Scarlet. "Granted it's a cafeteria, not a coffee house. My question isn't whether or not he could get it. Just, this late in the day it's typically not a good idea." Static shrugs again. Some things I guess he'll just have to learn for himself though."

Static gets up to Semolia's counter when he realises..."Aww! I left my bucket at home!" Static sighed. "Oh well! I guess I'll take have whatever the special is today and some tea!"

Rhapsody nods to Brisk and leads Moony and Wander as well it seems, to the Cafeteria. She was just kind of glad to be back after that training mission. "I don't feel like it was really as good or productive as the last one I did." She states with a shrug. "But at least Moony got a win, that should make you feel good?"

"Squawk! Squawk squawk squawk!" Replied a very vocal woodpecker, flapping her wings while on Moonshadow's head.

"Yes Pecky, we're all aware you did the hard part." Moonshadow said with a roll of his eyes. Such a drama queen!



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Council of Elders
I feel that she'd probably get along very well with Tyber..." Rhapsody muses as she watches the duo.

Static - Scarlet - Night (Square - Keen)

Semolina Sway smiled at the group. "Nice to see a mix of familiar and new faces. Today's special is a spicy peanut sauce over noodles. I can't give you discount today but I recognize you so if you bring your pail next time, I can give you an extra discount."

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Darty)

While Splash Flaunt followed Brisk Iron, Dart Noveau followed Rhapsody. She chuckled at Pecky's little outburst. "I reckon she deserves some of the credit. All in all it went smooth enough but for now I'm up for a snack. What would y'all suggest?"


Maplejack found Melon Hide in his office. He immediately gave her a big hug when he saw her. "You're finished already! I guess that means everything went well, huh?"

"Food sounds good. I could definitely go for some fiod right now." Wanderlust sounded completely serious.

"Oh yes indeed, everything went well. In fact, our team was finished first." Maple returns the Hug, and smiles. "You must have been busy with something important back here at the keep huh Mr. Hide... apparently the chief brought in a lot of outside help on this one... I was kinda expecting to hear you were part of one of the other group's training." But, She wants you to be at the debriefing meeting -something seems to have come up, sorry I'm not really sure what. I was supposed to come get you! Do you need to bring any of this with you? um, ! sorry if I interrupted... I think the others are bringing food to the meeting? have you already eaten?"

Maple breathes

"I could maybe use some more coffee, if you don't mind stopping on the way? did you say you've eaten or not? sorry ... hey I got a net as a prize I can show you if you want? But, we had best head over to this meeting first."

"Sounds good to me...and some tea please."



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Council of Elders
"Hmm? Who's this Tyber? A friend?"

"Squawk Squawk!"

"Geez alright! We're both hungry! I'll find you something to eat." As soon as he said that, Pecky let out another line of chirps.

"Yeah I highly doubt they have a bowl of wood grubs laying around, but I'm sure they'll have some fruits or berries."

"Cheep Cheep." Pecky let out with a flap of her wing, indicating that she supposed that'd do, earning her another eye roll from her owner.

"Speaking of food, Wanderlust has the right idea. I'm starving." He begins to look around. "So uh, where do we order or whatever? I hope they have something hot like pasta!"

"Tyber is my pet Bat. He's a fussy know-it-all that's constantly after me to make sure I get everything done, and usually complains about my... Hobbies." Rhapsody states, playing down how sometimes it seems that Tyber's the one taking care of her and not the other way around.

"There are several options, I think even some food carts from businesses around the city. I'm sure you'll be able to find something to your and Pecky's liking. Just don't mess around with the Coffee machine, last pony that did that ruined it for everyone." She says grumpily, completely not holding a grudge against Night Cap for the new money-sucking coffee machine they had to use. ...Just like she didn't still hold a grudge against him an untrustable coward that can't follow even the most basic instructions... Nope, no grudge holding against the brown earth pony at all...

"Bleh, you don't have to worry about that. I hate coffee."

Rhapsody blinks looking to Moony as if he just grew a second head. She hakes her head and scoffs. "Well of course you do, you've probably only had backwater swill that they pass off as coffee, and not anything of actual quality and taste." The black mare practically lived on coffee, she can understand not liking bad coffee; there was plenty of it out there because most ponies either don't know better, don't care, or can't afford REAL coffee; but the good stuff that made by competent ponies? There was no way any sane pony could hate that.

Wanderlust decided not to divulge that he was used to coffee strained through socks or, in a pinch, mosquito netting. Rhapsody might not be able to take it.

Instead he reaches into a left-hand pocket on his vest, pulls out a handful of nuts, and tries to lure Pecky off of Moonshadow's head.



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Council of Elders
Scarlet perked up.

"That does sound nice. Special and a mug of Tea please?

Turn9ng to Keen Craft he asked.

"So what did you think of our training?"

"Bleh, you don't have to worry about that. I hate coffee."
Static gives Moonshadow a distrustful sideways glance and takes a step away from him. "Shun the non-believer. Shun! Shun! Shuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnuh!"

I have a feeling I said the wrong thing...Moonshadow thought, as he was scorned by two separate ponies. Better not say I don't like tea either...

"I'm just really feeling hot coco right now. We got any of that?" They had a drink back at his home town that was a mix of coffee and coco. At the very least he could tolerate that, hopefully it'd be enough.

Meanwhile Pecky took notice of Wanderlust's nut supply and shimmied around the rim of the hat to be near him, peering down at him as if waiting for him to toss her one.

Static - Scarlet - Night - Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Square - Keen - Darty)

As Semolina Sway began to prepare orders, Keen Craft replied to Scarlet Spectrum with, "I think it worked well as a test of skill I don't know if it should be truly considered training or not."

Meanwhile, Dart Noveau commented, "Doesn't Steel not like coffee? I remember her ! only drinking tea from when I was here."


Melon Hide laughed, "With all this energy, you sure you need coffee? I'm fine but if you want something before the meeting, let's get going. My treat."

Wanderlust tosses a nut up, but not to Pecky. If she wants to reach it she's going to have to streeeeetch out of the hat...



Staff member
Council of Elders
"Yeah...well...Mrs. Flint outranks me. So I can't really shun her." He turns his attention back to Moonshadow. "Maybe you'd like a Mocha. With all the chocolate, you'd barely taste the coffee."

"You know, Night, I really don't get it myself. But hard as it is to believe, ponies like that actually do exist!"

Wanderlust tosses a nut up, but not to Pecky. If she wants to reach it she's going to have to streeeeetch out of the hat...

Pecky watches the nut as it rises up and then falls to the floor. A brief moment later she lifts her head and gives him a "Are you kidden?" look.

"Yeah...well...Mrs. Flint outranks me," Static says with a sly grin to Darty, "So I can't really shun her." He turns his attention back to Moonshadow. "Maybe you'd like a Mocha. With all the chocolate, you'd barely taste the coffee."

"No no, I wouldn't want to take any if it runs out. I'll just stick with hot coco and soda and stuff."


"Whoa there, down boy!"


"Yeah...well...Mrs. Flint outranks me," Static says with a sly grin to Darty, "So I can't really shun her." He turns his attention back to Moonshadow. "Maybe you'd like a Mocha. With all the chocolate, you'd barely taste the coffee."

With a devilish grin he adds in a low voice. "I'll tell Steel you said that."

Nodding back to Keen Craft. [color=ff0000]"Good point. A test of skill and a test of teamwork. Your speed carpentry i must say came in very handy. Cover on-the-fly."

With a devilish grin he adds in a low voice. "I'll tell Steel you said that."

"Or you could maybe not?"



Staff member
Council of Elders
Wanderlust tosses a nut up, but not to Pecky. If she wants to reach it she's going to have to streeeeetch out of the hat...

Pecky watches the nut as it rises up and then falls to the floor. A brief moment later she lifts her head and gives him a "Are you kidden?" look.
Wanderlust grins up at them and tosses them a few more nuts, aiming properly this time.

"Maybe just a small tea then." Maple tittered, as she embarrassedly smoothed down her ruffled feathers with a wing.

Wanderlust tosses a nut up, but not to Pecky. If she wants to reach it she's going to have to streeeeetch out of the hat...

Pecky watches the nut as it rises up and then falls to the floor. A brief moment later she lifts her head and gives him a "Are you kidden?" look.
Wanderlust grins up at them and tosses them a few more nuts, aiming properly this time.

With a few quick head bobs, Pecky catches each nut directly out of the air, giving a few pleased chirps between munches.

Rhapsody heads over and gets herself a coffee, the Museum's wasn't the best, but she didn't have time to go out and get something better; after the training mission she needed something as she felt completely drained of energy so wasn't overly picky at the moment.

With a devilish grin he adds in a low voice. "I'll tell Steel you said that."
"Or you could maybe not?"
"That depends," Scarlet replied in a mock malevalent voice. Thoughthe mirth dancing in his eyes showed that he'd never actually do it. Cocking his head at Night Caps reminder off their pancake puzzle, Scarlet was silent for a few seconds.

"Keeping a cool head under pressure? Either solve the trap and live. Or go 'squish'."


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