[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


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Static Signal saw there were a few loose exposed pipes he could easily rip out of the wall and do some damage with.



"Ah yes! These should do nicely!"
He rips the pipes out of the wall and starts going to town on the generators. "Sorry Maple. I really didn't ask you to stay behind to not use you. But I really rather you not electrocute yourself. Me...electricity isn't so much of a problem."

[Did I ever tell her about my immunity to electricity?]

[Umm...yeah...like three seconds ago.]

[Not what I meant, but okay!]

"That's okay Static, I don't expect to be good at everything."


After a tenacious travel through twists and turns, Misty and Anchors finally reach Square Fun. They quickly untie and un-blindfold him.

Upon breaking the first generator, the mechanical echoing lowered in volume. Then Static Signal heard from an upper balcony, "How dare you! Nopony thwarts the Changeling Champion! It just comes down to which of you will fall first..." She leaped at Maplejack but then teleported. Appearing behind Static Signal, she grabbed him and attempted a suplex!


"Thanks. If you give me a moment, I can probably dismantle this thing and then you can just fly down." Square Fun said.



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Council of Elders


Static laughed as he avoided the suplex and went in for a move of his own.

"How dare I? You obviously don't know me. My name is Static Signal. Don't worry, I'll make sure you remember it. I've gone up against a gang at night who preyed on a helpless mare. I set up a trap for a high ranking member of an international underground organization. I stood up and talked down to a force of nature... (and nearly got killed for it, but she doesn't need to know that. "I have casual conversations with wolves two stories high. I jump out of helicopters with neither a parachute nor a second thought. There is very little that I don't dare. And as you can see, I am still alive!"

"Heh, it was always nice to have somepony who could save two birds with one stone. Well...stick but you get what I mean." Dart Noveau recalled.
Wanderlust finishes loading the medical supplies into his pack and turns to his team leader. "So Rhapsody, where to now?"

Maple winces, quickly turning away ... not out of fear from the incoming Changeling Champion, Maple knew she wouldn't have risked coming in that fast and with that much momentum to give over to a seasoned wrestler... no, it was the horrible state of Static's attempt at a sleeper hold.

Shale Antiquity bowed her head a little. "My apologies. I got the impression you were avoiding the question as opposed to simply viewing it differently. I expected something along the lines of how I see myself as a world class musician and Keen here is a carpenter and handymare. Still, this should go swiftly if you can manage that on this last rock."

"Thanks for the shoulder rub, Static. Many of those side rooms for spying on you guys tend to be really cramped.


I mean..." "Gifts of flattery shall not thwart the Changeling Champion! With a curfew of devastation, it's lights out for you!"
She slipped behind Static Signal and put him in a sleeper hold.



Static grunts at the Changling Champions attempt at gloating. "Oh...buck...yo..." And he goes limp.

"YAY!... now that's a sleeper hold! WOO!" Maple trots a little in place excitedly.

"oh wait..." Maple's hooves stop in an awkward mid-trot when she realizes now wasn't really the time to admire somebody else's work. fortunately, her wings kicked in and kept her upright as she stopped turning in happy little circles to stare at the SSlumpedform of Static signal still resting against Changeling Champion's front.

*Maple switches to gurr face*



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Council of Elders
The Changeling Champion laughed at Maplejack. "How adorable. A little morsel like you thinks they're intimidating."

Meanwhile, Square Fun pulled a few key pipes and the three dimensional maze fell to pieces as the parts noisily clattered to the ground. Only leaving behind the small platform they were standing on, he teleported to the ground and waved for Misty Monsoon and Anchors Away to follow.

"Says the Mare who's been avoiding me this whole time." Maple smirked...

"Okay, Anchors, hang on tight!" Misty airlifts her teammate back down to the ground.


The Changeling Champion continued to smirk as she held the now limp Static Signal. "I'm not avoiding you, little morsel. I've simply been waiting for the right time to strike. I have your friend, surrender no." Elsewhere, Misty Monsoon easily carried Anchors Away down to the ground.

"While I find the music more important than the world fame, sometimes one feeds into the other. Case in point, it was easy to tell the tapestries were replicas because I own a few of them." Shale Antiquity replied.

"We should probably hurry up and get back to where the others are... otherwise, they might get to have all the fun without us!" Misty takes off back in the direction of the generator room.



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Council of Elders
"Um... did you just answer for me? I mean I might have said yes if you'd actually asked me, but I think you just kinda forced my hoof?" Maple's eyebrows furrow in mild confusion

Static stood up as the Changling Champion's back was turned and her attention on Maple. Static separated into two Statics. Both of them spoke at the same time. "Hey, mule! Next time maybe you should make sure you're opponent's actually knocked out before letting them go!"

One Static flanks the Changling Champion to the right. The other flanks her to the left. The real Static goes in for a suplex.

Portable Projector (Illusionary Image) (3) 3/Day
Preparation Time: 6 Seconds
The illusion of a creature or an object up to medium size appears within fifty feet of you. It can make sounds and can move as long as it stays within fifty feet of you. The illusion lasts for the next five minutes or until a creature touches it. A Presence check (DC 1d20+15) allows a creature to determine that the image is an illusion.

I forget if I actually add my presence modifier or just the 15. But my presence is +6.

After walking a sizable distance, Rhapsody's team found the slowsand pit. The sight of it revealed that it was wider than long, stretching for several miles in either direction. The sand itself was iridescent as it glistened in the light of the stars. From here, the options were obvious: Try to find a way to traverse it or detour a long distance to see if there was a way around it.


As Aun--Shale chatted to Night and he beat a rock into submission, Scarlet used his rope to get a firm grip on another of the rocks barring their way, and heaved!



"'Spooky' isn't quite the word I'd use but non-magical advances can be quite fascinating."

Once the last rocks were rolled out of the way, Keen Craft began nailing wood blocks into the corners of the door. "Best to make sure the door doesn't collapse behind us." Venturing farther in, Scarlet Signal's team found a large cavern filled with treasure chests and adorned with menacing dark purple banners with the words 'Magia más allá de la magia'. Suddenly, they found themselves surrounded by a dozen angry ponies in safari gear. "No one shall stop us from obtaining the Dark Key of the Conqueror!"

The Changeling Champion attempted to break free but in failing to do so, she was suplexed by Static Signal and knocked out. Meanwhile, Misty Monsoon, Anchors Away, and Square Fun returned to the room.




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Council of Elders
"Woohoo! Good going, Static!" She pumps a hoof in the air.

Static smiles as the rest of the team rejoins them. "Team effort," he replies, giving Maple a pat on the back.

He wasn't sure if it was really necessary at this point. With the Changling Champion knocked out, the training session could be called complete. Still, he hated leaving any task undone. He took up the pipe he'd been using before and started to work on the remaining generators. "Not sure if this is really necessary with the 'villian' of these session knocked out. But the objective was to destroy this machine. Might as well not leave a job half complete. Give me a moment. This is going to be fun."


"Nopony touch the wires."

He starts to go to work on the generators.

Maple pulls the net she snagged previously out of her hair and tosses it on Changeling Champion, and then gets her medkit out of her saddlebag and does her best to fix up her friend.


"Good thinking Keen Craft," Scarlet said as she speedily shored up the door. "Everypony keep your guard up. Things up to now have gone smoothly. Welll, relatively smoothly. Perhaps a little too smoothly. Even for a test expedition, i somehow doubt they'll let us get "La Clave Oscuro" without a spanner in the works somewhere."

Scarlet had barely finished speaking aa they entered the 'Treasure Room' and the safari ponies popped up.


"No One shall stop us from obtaining The Dark Key of the Conquerer!"

Unfazed, Scarlet simply laughed as he eyed the Safari Squad. He'd been wondering when the 'Bad Guys' would show up. A quest for a powerful artefact? Of course there would be treasure hunters.

"I beg to differ,"
Scarlet said in a quietly menacing tone.


"You and your merry band of tomb raiders have no idea what you're messing with. 'Magia más allá de la Magia'. A magic beyond magic. We will not let you have that.

So, i give you a choice. Back down willingly. Or get knocked down."

Keeping his voice low and calm, yet with an unmistakably hard edge, Scarlet played the part of a STOMP team leader facing down the opposition and hoping to avoid a fight.



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Council of Elders
The ponies surrounding Scarlet Spectrum's group seemed to collectively take a step back warily. One soon spoke up. I erm...there may be others who stop you but...RETREAT! The group then scattered.

Once Static Signal smashed the last generator, the sound of machinery that had been echoing through the area fell silent. Meanwhile, Maplejack found that while the Changeling Champion had been knocked out, she was otherwise fine. In fact she seemed to slowing starting to awaken.

Once Static finished smashing the machinery, he walked back over to Maplejack and Pendulumnae. "She's coming around already? Wow! Either she's a real tough cookie or I need to work on my suplexes."

"Hey, CC! The machine's destroyed. Does that mean the training session's done and we can stop fighting? I know I sure wouldn't mind some pancakes right about now."
Static looks over the net. "Umm, not a bad idea, Maple. But she is a unicorn. She can teleport. Here, why don't you help me get this off her?"

"I suppose..." Maple said, giving Changeling Champion a sideways squinty eye...



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Council of Elders
Inwardly, Scarlet had to laugh at Night Vaps worsds.

So says the pony who suggested a minecart full of Shinies.

Outwardly, Scarlets jaw dropped.

"I... did not expect that.

I hoped they'd back down sure, but run for it? I'm not intimidating,"
he said in a surprised tone.

With a shake of his head, the blue pegasus focused back on their task.

"Ok then. Quick look around here to make sure we don't miss anything. Then we make tracks.

Be cautious though. While i the warning on those purple banners won't be 'real world' nasty. Expect a surprise or two, ok?

This treasure is not for taking. So be cautious Night Cap."


Destron D-69:
"I suppose..." Maple said, giving Changeling Champion a sideways squinty eye...

"Hey, don't worry, Maple. If she's still hostile when she wakes up, the net wasn't going to hold her any way." Static turns to Misty. "Misty, if she's still hostile when she wakes up, kick her in the head, would you?"

"Eh?? But, I don't want to hurt her..."

"It's a training mission Static..."
Maple says, putting a hoof on Misty's shoulder

"I just suplexed her and she's already coming around. She's tough. She can take it.

"Besides, I have ten bits that says she won't be hostile...right, Changling Champion?"



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Council of Elders
Once the Changeling Champion awoke, she exclaimed. "Curses, not a net! The Changeling Champion has been foiled! However, perhaps I have the last laugh since you still need to escape." "Yeah, about that. You got here before us so obviously there's another exit. Where is it?" She pointed at a conspicuously lighter panel on the far wall.

Scarlet Spectrum saw a large number of gems scattered about the treasure but in the distance, he saw a short pathway leading to some sort of large stone door.

Maple folds the net up neatly and puts it in her saddle bag this time. No sense stashing a secret item everypony already knows about.

Maple can't help but giggle... at "Curses!"

"heheheh" this training mission was a lot of fun with the outside help.

Once the Changeling Champion awoke, she exclaimed. "Curses, not a net! The Changeling Champion has been foiled! However, perhaps I have the last laugh since you still need to escape." "Yeah, about that. You got here before us so obviously there's another exit. Where is it?" She pointed at a conspicuously lighter panel on the far wall.

Scarlet Spectrum saw a large number of gems scattered about the treasure but in the distance, he saw a short pathway leading to some sort of large stone door.

Maple folds the net up neatly and puts it in her saddle bag this time. No sense stashing a secret item everypony already knows about.

Maple can't help but giggle... at "Curses!"

"heheheh" this training mission was a lot of fun with the outside help.

"Wait! I was wrong. Don't let her...bugger!" Statics sighs as the Changling Champion is set free. "Very well! Guess your free now. We'll be going. If you intend on hitting us from behind just know that two of us have already bested you. Now we number five.

"Personally, I'd much rather just meet you at the Pancake Pilferer. Such a nicer environment compared to this drab old cave."



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Council of Elders
"Ow golly!" Maple just slumps her head and mumbles ... "Static, stop giving away her secret identity." Maple shrugs at the Changeling Champion... "I'll close my eyes if you want to try again and not pull your punches this time."

He's really going to have to get better at the talking part of Wrestling ... Maple thought.

Rhapsody looks around. "Well, Anypony got any ideas? I could carry you one at a time, but that'd be somewhat tediius..."

Rhapsody looks around. "Well, Anypony got any ideas? I could carry you one at a time, but that'd be somewhat tediius..."

Moonshadow looks over the 'river' of slowsand. "Well if it's less then thirty feet across I might be able to teleport to the other side. Another option is what I did to the stick maybe? What if I strengthened the sand into rock? Could we use it to just walk across then? Or would leaving a path for others to follow us with be a bad idea?"

Static raises an eyebrow. "I was being subtle. Of the ponies in this room, three of us already know. The other two wouldn't get the reference. C'mon. Let's get out of here."

Rhapsody looks around. "Well, Anypony got any ideas? I could carry you one at a time, but that'd be somewhat tediius..."

Moonshadow looks over the 'river' of slowsand. "Well if it's less then thirty feet across I might be able to teleport to the other side. Another option is what I did to the stick maybe? What if I strengthened the sand into rock? Could we use it to just walk across then? Or would leaving a path for others to follow us with be a bad idea?"

Wanderlust's eyes widened. "You could solidify the slowsand? That's impressive. Could you disintegrate the path behind us?"



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Council of Elders
"Well I've never really tried it before, but it sounds feasible. I know enough magic to strengthen a substance, and weaken it as well. Theoretically, I could turn the sand to rock, and then back to sand."

Pecky gave a few chirps.

"Er, yes I do suppose it depends on how deep this 'river' is. The rock I make could just sink to the bottom rather quickly..." Moonshadow rubs his chin.

"Well it'd take some of my 'magic reserves' I'm betting, but I'm also pretty good with telekinesis. I might be able to life across those of us who aren't able to fly and drop us on the other side."

Another squawk from Pecky.

"Hey! That was one time! Besides, his leg healed!"

Static - Maple - Misty (Anchors - Square)

After opening the wall panel, the team found a long pathway. Traveling for about a mile, they found a set of stairs leading upward and upon opening a hatch, they found themselves outside. Not too far away was the cabin where they initially started the training exercise and outside of it was an awaiting covered wagon.


Wanderlust quickly tries to backpedal the conversation away from him getting thrown across the pit. "Could you moor the rock to the side of the pit? Maybe I could freeze it in place?"

"Maybe. If our leader can get an estimate of how long across it is, we could just cut down a tree that's taller and walk across really."

Static took a deep breath as they finally reached open air. "Finally! Finish line's in sight!"

[That's usually when the ground falls out from underneath your hooves...isn't it?]


"Everypony ready to get out of here?"



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Council of Elders
"thank goodness it wasn't a really for real- real wish granting machine." Maple says as she nods at Static.

"Oh, I don't know. How about an entire mountain made of pure chocolate?"

"... okay that would be a good one too." Maple chuckles... while a deep crimson blush spreads over her face.

Scarlet - Night Cap (Shale - Keen)

Near the door, Scarlet Spectrum found engravings that seemed to match several stone tiles scattered about.


Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

"It would be a bit more scientific to research before we proceed." Splash Flaunt picked up a rock and tossed it. Once it crossed over the sand, it slowed down until it was almost floating and then landed gently on the sand only a few inches from the shore. "Huh."

"Wait that's what slowsand does? Interesting. It can't affect things that high can it?" To test that, Moonshadow lifts a rock with his magic, levitates is to about the equivalent of a first story roof, then tosses it across.




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Council of Elders
"Hey, should we do anything with the book I found?" Misty asks.

Static looked back at the book Misty was carrying. "I doubt it has any relevance past this training mission. But you might as well take it with you. Who knows, maybe the chief will let you keep it as a trophy."

Static - Maple - Misty (Anchors - Square)

Upon entering the cabin, the hooded pony asked. "Are you ready to return to where you originally departed?"

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

The rock Moonshadow threw landed a farther distance into the sand but it didn't move any faster than the previous attempt. It seemed to still be affected by the slowing effect.

Static cocked his head, letting the joints still weary from that sleeper hold crackle with the movement. For the first time that day, he let his guard down over that limp he'd been trying to hide. "I've been ready since this day began," he said wearily. He looked back over his shoulder to the rest of his team. "If the rest of you are ready?"

"So we're dealing with something flatly magical." Wanderlust observes. A thought that was not entirely his own occurs. "...Maybe we could set it on fire? If the sand isn't inherently magical, it might disrupt the enchantment."




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Council of Elders
"Did we stop the wish machine? because if Not..we'll have to go back and bust it up some more." Maple asks, not really noticing the weariness of any of her team members.

Moonshadow balked. "What? What if it is flammable!? Wouldn't that set like the entire area ablaze? I vote we try something else." He turns to the other ponies present. "What do you think? I don't think it'll be too difficult to get over, though I don't know how it'll affect living things that pass over it, and I'm not willing to endanger Pecky."


"Night. We are on a training mission and we are not treasure hunters. No taking."

Spying the strange engraving and how the matched the tiles, Scarlet set to work arranging them in order to figure out the...



"It's the same warning aa those banners. This is the way to go."

Rhapsody watches the others as they try to figure out the Slowsand, With each attempt she analysis what she sees and tries to figures out the magical properties of the sand.

[spoilers] Arcana since the sand is magic:


Static - Maple - Misty (Anchors - Square)

"With everything running silent, it can be assumed that the machine is no more," the hooded pony said.

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

"Wouldn't the sand melt instead of burn? I thought that was how you made glass." Dart Noveau commented. Meanwhile, Rhapsody began to piece together that the sand was probably manipulating inertia in some way. While it seemed to have a decent pull, it was possible that it could be blocked since the team hadn't been affected while they were still on the shore.

Scarlet - Night Cap (Shale - Keen)

Night Cap's pushing was ineffectual as the stone door slowly opened towards them on its own. Inside, they could see a long line of alicorn statues on either side of the corridor with horns raised high. Just then from the direction they previously came from, a single coin rolled towards the group. It was covered in rust and caked on mud.



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Council of Elders
"I'm gonna try something. Possibly stupid... but since we're not effected on the shore here, that means it can be blocked or have a limited range...." She looks to Moony. "Whats the largest rock you can lift and throw into it? Something hopefully large enough to stand on. You don't need to go for distance... probably best if you don't if this doesn't work. But it seems first we should see if the effect is only limited to touching the sand and not things in the sand."

"Well if I go all out pretty big. I don't think something big enough for us to stand on should be a problem, but what do you mean touching the sand? The rocks Splash and I threw slowed down in mid air. I suppose it's possible that standing on a rock might block it. I also notice the rock splash threw didn't sink, so it's probably not like quicksand in anyway. Perhaps we can place a log in the sand, lengthwise and throw a stone over it to see if it slows down while above the log? If that works, then making a bridge of stones could be just the thing."

He scratches his chin. "Or am I way off in what you are planning?"

"Nope, that's close to what I was thinking. While the stone slowed in mid-air, would the stone the be a buffer? That's why I just want something large enough for me to stand on first. If the Stone is a buffer, then I could stand on it and not be effected, which means anything that we use for a bridge should work. However, if the rock isn't a buffer and I am slowed, then we might have to have the tree bridge or whatever be above the sand and not touching it. Since I'm a Pegasus, I'd probably have the best chance of still getting away if slowed."

"I could tie you to a rope." Wanderlust offers. "Holding a connection to someone outside the sand should be the safest way to enter it."

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

"And if the rock plan works, I'm sure I can kick over a tree to make a bridge."



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Council of Elders
"well that's good, it would get confusing really quickly if everypony suddenly looked like Misty." Maple says... O_O ... before realizing that was her 'outside the head voice'

"I will try to pretend I didn't hear that."

Static - Maple - Misty (Anchors - Square)

With the mission complete, the team rode back to the Coltberra museum. As they returned to the meeting room, they were intercepted by Brisk Iron. "The rest of you go on in. Anchors and Static, I need to speak with you about a matter."

[Uh oh! What did I do this time?]

Static nods and follows Brisk with a brief puzzled look to Anchors.

Maple had looked a little (a lot) sheepish the entire ride back, only letting out a sigh of relief when it wasn't her that was going to get a talking to.



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Council of Elders
Static (Anchors)

Escorting Static Signal and Anchors away to another room, Brisk Iron said, "As you obviously know, Anchors' work schedule winds up being fairly different. With a lot of her work being out in the open ocean or distant coastlines, she's sometimes gone ranging from a few days to a few weeks.

An opportunity has opened up for the Keep to make an expedition studying the Challenging Trench and the waters surrounding the nearby Far Horizon Islands. It would be a boon to both us on l! and and for seaponies. However, while I feel that Anchors is the most talented for the job, this initial expedition will take several months. I know this will be a sizable amount of time and I felt the two of you would like to talk it over before I came to a final decision. I will leave you some privacy."

Brisk Iron left the room. There was a brief pause before Anchors Away spoke. "This...this is something I've always wanted to do but...the decision would have been much easier if asked a year ago. How do you feel about it, Static?"

Static stood there a moment. What had he just heard? He heard the words. But the meanings blurred together. It took a moment just to process what was being put on the table.


[Months? She'd be away...for months?]


[This is something she's always wanted.]


[You can't be selfish here. You knew what her job was when you got into this.]


"I...don't know what to think, Anchors. I mean..."

[Everyone I know goes away in the end...]

"I think...we've had a hard relationship up to this point. I mean, we make a good show for the others, don't we? We always sit together...never really argue that badly in front of them...

"But long distance relationships are always tricky and...even the expeditions you've gone on up till now...they take their toll. I mean...

"When we talked before, I said that I didn't want to push things or go too far too fast. And I meant it. But at the same time...I see other couples on the street...hoof in hoof...hugging, kissing...married.........foals. Us...how far have we come? In a lot of ways, it feels like we're exactly where we were when we started!

"And...I just...I just...I mean...I know it's your job. I know I knew that it was your job when we first started dating. But...it takes it's toll!"

Static took several steadying breaths, though they did little to soothe him.

"But...that being said, I know this is something you've wanted for a very long time. And like the chief said...nopony's better suited than you. And I think...I think that...I think that you'd resent me if you passed this up because of me. I mean, I'm sure you'd try not to resent me...but I think you would.

"And...and I don't want to be the one holding you back. You've already done so much for me getting your schedule worked around to be in Caballuston as much as you are. I just...I just..."

Static shook his head helplessly.

"I don't want to be unfair to you. It's a big opportunity for you and...I don't want to hold you back. But I just...I just don't know how much of this we can weather! We're talking months here. I...damnit!"

Static tried to steady himself again. Again it had little affect.

"I don't know, Anchors. You're usually the one who can see these matters better than I can. When it comes to matters out in the field, in the midst of battle, I can sort things out so easily. Everything makes sense. When it comes to matters of the heart...I feel so incredibly selfish and I just don't know what to do with that.

"I want to be selfish here. I want to be so...incredibly...selfish. But...I just...I know it would be selfish of me and I just...I just...

"What do you think?"

"I'm not fond of the idea of being tied down."

"Wait a second, I just thought of something. The sand is what is causing the slowdown right? And that rock Splash threw proved it's not deep. Do... do you think we can simply push the sand aside and walk on the cleared earth?"

"I'm not fond of the idea of being tied down."

"Just on the leg. Like a bungee tether, but in reverse."

"Wait a second, I just thought of something. The sand is what is causing the slowdown right? And that rock Splash threw proved it's not deep. Do... do you think we can simply push the sand aside and walk on the cleared earth?"

Wanderlust tests the sand, trying shove it to one side long enough to glimpse what was underneath.



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Council of Elders

"We hunt, secure and safeguard powerful and potentially dangerous magical artefacts. STOMP does not run around collecting jewels and riches 'cause they're shiny! Or to get rich quick!

Night, you have talents that help do that. You're tell8ng me you weren't listening when the Chief--!"

Breaking of his half-surprised/half-angry(ish) rant. Scarlets head swivelled between the opening door and the mysterious coin.

"Well that's not oddly conspicuous at all," he commeted dryly.

"Aunt--Shale! Shale, sorry. Can you grab that coin with your magic? I'd rather not have anypony touch it. Not yet anyway. We have to get moving. If the Safari Squad are right, this train9ng mission has a few more surprises in store for us before we get The Key.


0nward up this Alicorn tunnel and we'll check that coin at our next stop. Night, i'm sure the Chief will let you have a souvenir of our adventure once we're done. Til then? No treasure, ok?

Keen Craft, Shale, Night Cap. Lets hustle."

As he moved towards the tunnel, Scarlet took a cursory look at the coin, trying to see any details beneath the rust and mud.


Passing time in the meeting room as they waited for the other teams to finish, Misty amuses herself by removing a blank page from the fake ledger, folding it up, and then cutting it into shapes with her dolphin scissors.

Maple watches Misty work without comment.

Maple - Misty (Square)

Square Fun glanced over as Misty Monsoon was cutting the paper. "I remember one of my students mentioning those kinds of scissors. I've heard they're sort of rare."

Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

Wanderlust found that pushing aside at least a foot of sand revealed there to still be more sand. However, it also revealed that it was unlike quicksand in that the slowsand pit was mostly dry instead of watery.

Scarlet - Night Cap (Shale - Keen)

As far as Scarlet Spectrum could tell, it was an ordinary, low value coin. Suddenly, the group heard voices announce, "Thanks for opening the door, chumps! You need to make way for Dirty Money!" Several ponies slid in on what seemed to be modified snowboards. All wore wraparound shades in a sort of golden material as they rode past.

Static (Anchors)

Anchors Away was silent as she took everything in. She sighed and leaned against Static Signal with a slight nuzzle. "Long distance relationships don't have to be bad. I mean, you do think it's worth it, right? I'm glad you haven't tried to rush things since things have been hard since...

I never really talked much about after that mission with Splash went wrong have I? I remember being so scared on land. The nurses had no idea how to treat me while I was injured but over time, my bruises healed. They made me feel safe and it's what pushed me to learn first aid. It helped me trust ponies and you've helped me even more. You may be rough around the edges but I feel safe with you.


Something I can promise is that if I go on this one expedition, I'll never be gone as long again. I also know that I won't just have the mission itself to focus on--I'll know I'll have somepony to come home to when I return. I...I want you to do something for me. I know you've been inventing things. I know that there are those blimp things that allow ponies to fly without wings? While I'm gone, I'd like you to build something like that for going underwater. That way, you could come with me and see the world I see."

"Oh? Why are they rare? I know they look cool! But they work just like regular scissors..."



Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple - Misty (Square)

"It's not that they do anything different, just that there's so few in that style. You might possibly be able to trade them for something else of interest."

"Oh, huh. That's neat!"

Misty unfolds the cut-up piece of paper, revealing a line of paper ponies all holding hooves.

"Oh that's soo cute, they're all friends."

"Aha! Thee real challenge is here!


Speeding up, Scarlet his wings, leot into the air and headed after the 'Dirty Money' group.


Spinning in the air, Scarlet whirled his lasso and sent it spirall8ng towards one of 'Dirty Money' boarders. His intent was mostly to tie and pull the pony from his board. Though seeing Night Caps disks gave him an idea. Giving his rope a bit more spin, Scarlet to spin his intended target enough to distract the rest. Ensuring that none had the presence of mind, nor opportunity to attempt to dodge Night Caps impromptu barricade.

Anchors Away was silent as she took everything in. She sighed and leaned against Static Signal with a slight nuzzle. "Long distance relationships don't have to be bad. I mean, you do think it's worth it, right? I'm glad you haven't tried to rush things since things have been hard since...

I never really talked much about after that mission with Splash went wrong have I? I remember being so scared on land. The nurses had no idea how to treat me while I was injured but over time, my bruises healed. They made me feel safe and it's what pushed me to learn first aid. It hel! ped me trust ponies and you've helped me even more. You may be rough around the edges but I feel safe with you.


Something I can promise is that if I go on this one expedition, I'll never be gone as long again. I also know that I won't just have the mission itself to focus on--I'll know I'll have somepony to come home to when I return. I...I want you to do something for me. I know you've been inventing things. I know that there are those blimp things that allow ponies to fly without wings? While I'm gone, I'd like you to build something like that for going underwater. That way, you could come with me and see the world I see."

Static's ear flicked as his mind went into overdrive. He stepped further and further back as he made measurements.

[Cockpit roomy enough for at least one, maybe two. Oxygen tank rack, one rack per two hours plus an emergency rack. Of course it's not enough to pump in oxygen. Need to get the carbon dioxide out. So, air filtration. Windows, structural weakness. Going to need some pretty thick glass. Engine, propulsion system both horizontal and vertical.]

Static looked at how far back he was moving. "I'm going to need a bigger living room..." He looked back up to Anchors. "I guess I should really look into leasing some warehouse space. It would save on the fire damage to my home from all the welding."

He takes a deep sigh. "And yes, it is worth it. You're worth it. It's just, everything I've heard, everything I've seen...long distance relationships have a high mortality rate. I guess the one good thing though is, those that do survive tend to be pretty strong." Static gave another sigh. "From now until it's complete, whenever I'm not at work, I'll be working on this thing. In return, can you do something for me? I don't want to rush things. And we do have time. But, can you at least think about where we're headed? Eventually, when we're at that point, I do want that family. Whether they turn out to be seaponies or earth ponies or...I don't know how that's going to work...but eventually, I'm going to want foels to raise. Could you just think about if that's something you'd want eventually as well? Just...think about it."

Static took a small mettle box out of his saddle bag. "Oh, also...I was hoping to give you this before your next expedition. I...didn't think it would be quite so long...but..." He hands her the box. "It's a morse code transmitter set to a channel that the Keep doesn't use. So we should be able to use it whenever we want. I was thinking maybe at night after work, maybe every couple of days or so, we can just chat. It's something at least."



Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet - Night Cap (Shale - Keen)

Three ponies used their allies as springboards to leap over the obstructions created by Night Cap and Scarlet Spectrum. The rest all crashed into the barriers and were immediately knocked out.

Static (Anchors)

Anchors Away set the metal box down and looked into Static Signal's eyes. "I wouldn't have made my request if I wasn't thinking about our future. I also have a g! ift for you, too...but I can't give it to you until right before I head out."

Static nods. It was good to know she was thinking about it. He draws her in for a hug. "Okay. So...I guess we can call Ms. Iron back in then." He clutches tighter to the hug. "In a moment."

Rhapsody looks to Wander. "Seems like its sand all the way down. Unless you a real powerhouse, I doub't there no parting the sandy sea here."

With some time on her hooves, Maple reads the letter Amber left her.

Rhapsody looks to Wander. "Seems like its sand all the way down. Unless you a real powerhouse, I doub't there no parting the sandy sea here."

"Next plan, then. Please let me tie a rope to your leg before we try anything."



Staff member
Council of Elders
Rhapsody looks to Wander. "Seems like its sand all the way down. Unless you a real powerhouse, I doub't there no parting the sandy sea here."
"Next plan, then. Please let me tie a rope to your leg before we try anything."

Rhapsody looks to Wander, a brief glare in her eyes as he brings up the rope thing again and is about to tell him what he could do with the rope before taking a deep breathe and letting out an annoyed huff. "Fine. Anything that gets us going again."

Wanderlust bends down, and has a neat knot around Rhapsody's leg almost before anyone sees him pull out the rope. "I promise to give you plenty of slack." He says with a joking smile.

He turns to Moonshadow. "Can you place a rock closer to shore?"

Moonshadow nods. "If we can find one large enough. Pecky help out."

Poking her head out she squawks in agreement before flying up and around.


Rhapsody - Moonshadow - Wanderlust (Splash - Darty)

Looking around, Moonshadow easily found a large flat rock nearby that would work as a suitable platform.

Scarlet - Night Cap (Shale - Keen)

Night Cap whether it was the downward slope of the tunnel or perhaps simply determination, Night Cap managed to pull ahead of the remaining members of Dirty Money. Quickly realizing they were boxed in, they swiftly attacked!



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