Hasbro PulseCon 2023, Hosted by Dan Larson & Thew Adams


Well-known member
An “Omega-type reveal” for HasLab? Honestly, I’m gonna be a little disappointed if Omega Supreme is the HasLab unless it’s gonna have motorized parts.


Well-known member
Tidal Wave will be a titan, that's definite. My guess is small parts of him will come off and form a replica of the original "armor" rather than the whole robot doing it.

-ZacWilliam, that's the simplest way to do it.


Well-known member
An “Omega-type reveal” for HasLab? Honestly, I’m gonna be a little disappointed if Omega Supreme is the HasLab unless it’s gonna have motorized parts.

My guess is Primus with the "Omega Lock."

-ZacWilliam, not that I wouldn't like a huge motorized Omega even more, but I don't think they'd do it after doing the titan.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
The three biggest Omega's

Omega Supreme: Already a titan, but the Animated and Energon Versions aren't

Omega Lock: To come with Primus

Omega Prime: The said no Optimus in Haslab, but plans can change.

Or they just used "Omega" to mean "big" or "important" and it has nothing to actually do with the Haslab beyond that.


Continuity Nutcase
True, but I think the expectation (or at least my expectation anyway) was for the next HasLab to be something released for the 40th anniversary, not something to be revealed during the anniversary to come out a year later. Launching a campaign next year works ok, but doing so means the anniversary will be long gone before anyone actually gets the big showpiece.
It's not that different from how Unicron was unveiled, rather than released, during the 35th anniversary.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Windblade is sold out on pulse already. I'm shocked given the seemingly widespread dislike of the character. Either it was just a vocal minority, or the break they took from her helped her popularity.

Happy to see it, other than it's going to make it harder for me to get ahold of her. :p


Staff member
Council of Elders
All anyone was aking for was for Windblade to not be in absolutely everything forever. Wish granted. It's all good now.


Kaiser Dragon
It's not that different from how Unicron was unveiled, rather than released, during the 35th anniversary.
I don't know that the situation's truly comparable. True, he was revealed during the brand's 35th anniversary. However, I don't recall him being advertised as an anniversary item, can't find any references to him in conjunction with the anniversary, and he wouldn't have made all that much sense as a brand anniversary item anyway since he didn't exist for the first two years. Meanwhile, he released in 2021, which was the 35th anniversary of the movie and his first appearance. That year also saw quite a few other TFTM releases that certainly made it all feel like an anniversary celebration of the movie.

The next HasLab, on the other hand, has repeatedly been mentioned as something to celebrate the brand's 40th anniversary. It's part of why Cybertron/Primus is so heavily speculated. A reveal next year will work, but not as well as a release.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
Windblade is sold out on pulse already. I'm shocked given the seemingly widespread dislike of the character. Either it was just a vocal minority, or the break they took from her helped her popularity.
Reactionary alt-rightoid weirdos who hate women/PoC/queer characters are generally a vocal minority in most fandoms. The problem is reactionaries/alt-rightoids know how to game the algorithm and make it *appear* they're the majority on social media.


Wondering bot
I placed my orders and its rather light:
Tasmania Kid
Powerlink Hot Shot

The rest I'm not getting unless they show themselves to be worth getting, I feel no connection to the RID2015 figure, animated, I'm kind of on the fence about these desgins, sort of, not hate or love either!


Continuity Nutcase
I buy all Wingblades so its automatic
All two of them. 😜


Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
I'm at work and can't watch the video, but regarding the Devastator discussion, I'm going to go full heretic and say that I wish they would give any new Devvy an interchangeable limb design, and throw out a few new Constructicons to mix things up: a sky crane helicopter, a boring machine (with obligatory drill nose), maybe have a couple smaller things like a fork truck and steam roller combine into one limb, just evolve the whole team beyond the original 6.

Also, make them Core size class.
I had a similar idea, I mean the Core class Dinobots need Constructicons to go against right? But my idea being they can make new toys of the Micromaster Constructions and then just like how they'll eventually make Dinoking later on make Sixbuilder.

Just remembered Magmatron was Beast Wars Neo, not Beast Wars Second. Now we'll need a Big Convoy.
I'd say before we get Neo guys (which is too late now that we know Magmatron's coming) we should get BW2 Galvatron, I'll be rather upset with we get Big Convoy also before him.

Thoughts on the new toys.

Core class: Megatron look good and fun. Tazmania Kid he looks nice and I never did get Snarl.

Deluxe: Animated Bumblebee looks good but I'd rather get repaints as Wasp and Glyph. Chase looks great I'm actually excited to get him. Windblade is Windblade she looks good.

Voyagers: Thundertron looks great! I have been regretting not getting him, loved the Zoids shout-out. Animated Optimus looks good.

Leader: Tigerhawk looks amazing! Admittedly I'd rather get Silverbolt, Rampage or Depth Charge first, but eh that's a minor complaint looking at him, and I don't even care about the lack of metallic paint if it means no chipping, flaking and pealing.

The Infernac Armorizers are creative, I like that they did find an episode of Transformers to reference and got Rocklords in as well.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I predict that the next HasLab will be Wheeljack's lab with the labels to make it a HazLab mounted on a slab that turns into a Black Lab.

Due to wanting to avoid any problematic 'lab' references it will be called a 'Cybertronian Repair Bay'.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't really collect Beasts, but I just realized that Tasmania Kid is a tail-swap away from being a squirrel, and my whole family has been obsessed with our local squirrel population for the last couple of years. May have to get one and see if I can find a donor tail.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I see a Cheetor peaking out above Energon Megatron in the art! A solid set of reveals, all told. And the rumored items list is indicating some more good stuff on the way.

I dig the angle on the Armorizors. There are some neat conceptual elements with the Rock Lords homage, but also playing into some sort of “corruption” that mutates Transformers into these rock-esque creatures. Bouldercrash looks interesting, and I’m glad to see the “gimmick element” meaningfully associated with the Core class. Magneous has a strong look to him, so I’m curious how future offerings of this gimmick will play out.

I’m loving Megatron. It’s always nice to see stuff from outside of G1, and they nailed this one FAR better than I expected. I’ve got him on preorder, but the Galvatron recolor is on my radar.

Snarl is shockingly close to both his original toys AND the animation model. I’m a bit surprised that they appeared to shift his colors from the toy accurate version on the back to something that seems to evoke the BW2 animation model.

Chase turned out FAR stronger than I expected. The integration of his original stylization is on point, and his fundamental design is just a nice, classical, converting car design. I love the Energon weapon. Which is not only versatile, but is a great throwback element to the Energon tools the characters used in the series.

Windblade- I’ve not felt ANY of the prior WB figures have been that strong. And given how prominent she’s been in the franchise as a whole around 2015, I’ve been surprised we’ve not seen more of her in the collector segment. This one looks solid all around.

Thundertron looks fine. I’m not attached the character, at least not enough to not wait for the Walmart capsule offering with other pirates. My bet is that Leader offering will be Thundertron with a gold colored Armorizer. The Zoids look does his alt mode good. Speculation is that this will be the foundation tooling for Silverbolt…but it would have to be a HELL of a partial to pull that off.

Optimus Prime- I dig how he turned out. But I can’t help but hear the little voice in my head urging me to wait and see if he gets a redeco with a Face plate. Maybe an updated/Fan Channel version with his end of series battle gear?

Tigerhawk looks solid all around. I dig the more streamlined look. Though, I can’t help but be…bemused?…that it takes the $55 leader price point to offer something comparable to the original $20 Ultra figures from 1999.

I didn’t plan on getting both Commander and Titan next year, but that just might happen. I have a soft spot for the Japanese Beast Series, and I can’t NOT buy Tidal Wave after all the years I’ve harked on him being a Titan caliber offering. Next year is going to be pricey with those two PLUS the new movie merch. AND I got Fortress Maximus on deck for next spring and all the other crap we don’t know about for the 40th Anniversary.

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