Hasbro PulseCon 2023, Hosted by Dan Larson & Thew Adams


Well-known member
It's a very weird feeling to not need any of the Pulsecon Exclusives. In the past I've always wanted Transformers and Joe and been at least interested in SW and Marvel. Often I've only had funds for the Transformer but have wanted more. This year I'm fine to pass on all of them.

-ZacWilliam, I mean I'd take any of them as a gift, but I don't care very much about any of them...
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Staff member
Council of Elders
I love this whole "sprue" themeing. It's a bit odd since these mainlines don't tend to do kits, but it's clever and recognizable.


Well-known member
I'm looking forward to the reveals and the exclusives. I just hope that I can snag them with no difficulty.


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
It's a very weird feeling to not need any of the Pulsecon Exclusives. In the past I've always wanted Transformers and Joe and been at least interested in SW and Marvel. Often I've only had funds for the Transformer but have wanted more. This year I'm fine to pass on all of them.

-ZacWilliam, I mean I'd take any of them as a gift, but I don't care very much about any of them...

Do we know the exclusives?


Well-known member
Do we know the exclusives?


2nd Player Hot Shot with Jolt.
Force Unleashed Starkiller + Troopers
Red Baroness and Twins
"Detroit Steel" Ironman guy

-ZacWilliam, I wouldn't mind the Hot Shot but largely for Jolt and it's not quite enough for the price to me.
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Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
View attachment 16536

2nd Player Hot Shot with Jolt.
Force Unleashed Starkiller + Troopers
Red Baroness and Twins
"Detroit Steel" Ironman guy

-ZacWilliam, I wouldn't mind the Hot Shot but largely for Jolt and it's not quite enough for the price to me.

Shoot, that's right. It had been so long since the reveal that I totally forgot about Hot Shot.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
So, they're supposed to reveal the next Transformers HasLab. It's G1 themed to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the brand, which is all we know so far. Not sure if this is a viable theory in any way/shape/form, but it's probably the one thing that could get me to consider spending the kind of money that a HasLab takes:

A Mount St. Hilary / Autobot Base Playset.

I've always heard that there are no playsets made anymore because they don't sell like they used to. That would be a great reason to do one as a limited release type of thing. Give me a mountain that opens up into a playset with a few of the rooms shown on the old cartoon and I'd be happy. It can be fairly simple, parts wise, compared to an actual transforming robot like Unicron, so there may be room in the budget for a larger size. I could even live with it being scaled for Core Class figures instead of main-line.


Well-known member
I'll say first that that could be awesomely cool. I'm not down on the idea of a dedicated playset.

That said I do not believe we will ever get a non-Transforming playset like that either at retail or especially as something that needs high fan appeal like a Haslab. It's just too far off brand, too far from what folks want from Transformers, if it doesn't turn into a giant robot. Hasbro would never do it.

Joe or Star Wars, even Marvel might pull off a straight playset on Haslab but Transformers I can't see it.

-ZacWilliam, if I was in charge I'd try my damnest to get a Darkmount and Smelting Pool Playset and Titan Class Spanner, even if it would just be for me. ;)


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
-ZacWilliam, if I was in charge I'd try my damnest to get a Darkmount and Smelting Pool Playset and Titan Class Spanner, even if it would just be for me. ;)

No, it would be for me as well. I'm still mad that Earthrise gave us multiple characters that canonically turned into bridges, yet not a single one was named Spanner.


Continuity Nutcase
Did they say it was G1 themed, or is that just an assumption people are going with since it's a 40th anniversary thing?
The only things that have been said about the next HasLab are:
  • It will celebrate the 40th anniversary.
  • It will not be another Victory character.
  • It will not be an Optimus Prime.
  • It will not be gun mode Megatron.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I'm the only one, but I'm still hoping it's a Studio Series '86 Autobot Matrix of Leadership.

Guessing it will be Metroplex or Devastator though.


Well-known member
My guesses:


Metroplex V2 - Better (read more G1) Metroplex.

Devastator V2 - This one's boring to me. Honestly I am 100% happy with Combiner Wars Devy. I know they could do at least the components better but honestly mine are almost never gonna be components and the CW ones are good enough imho.

Primus - If they really want to counterpart Unicron do a really big well painted Cybertron to go with.

Less Likely But Possible-

Guilthor - I mean sure.

Star Convoy - Bigger and better than the last take.

Grandus - For size alone.

Probably unlikely-

The 13 Primes - All 13. Awesome new designs.

Ark Crew - The whole G1 Season 1 Autobot cast with Powerdashers, Omnibots and Bumper as stretch goals.

Thunderwing? Big Red? Purple Griffin? - I don't know, I guess anything's possible.

-ZacWilliam, I'd take Monstructor with robots, and articulated shells but I don't expect that.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I think Fort Max would have been a good choice (remake of the biggest Transformer ever, until Unicron at least) but they're just reissuing the not great Titans Return version, so I'm checking that one off the possibilities list.

I'd want a new Devastator just based on how dissapointing I found the Combiner Wars version. Weak joints leaving bots (including Devastator) unable to hold up their weapons, weird proportions, lack of articualtion and hwatever the heck is going on with bonecrushers split groin not sticking together. However, they did just reissue that a few years ago.

I'm thinking it's going to be a bigass Metroplex. Not quite $550 Unciron sized, but bigger than a $200 titan would allow them.
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