Final Fantasy


Squee! Meteion will always be with me now! 😍


The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
There was one minor opportunity I think they missed with Meteion's final fate. Spoilers for the Omega raids from Stormblood.....

At the end of the Omega story, Alpha and his wind-up toy of Omega leave to explore the world. There's a cutscene of them exploring the Fringes and getting into small misadventures. After that, they can occasionally be found in various places out in the world map, just hanging out and seeing the sights. I've seen them in a few places, like the campfire outside Moghome in the Churning Mists, the cliff's edge in the Behemoth's Domain in Central Coerthas, or in the kitchens at Revenant's Toll (which is the only one I seem to have a screenshot of). They can't be interacted with, but it was a nice little Easter egg.


I was kinda hoping they'd do something similar with Meteion. Just have her bird form out seeing the world.


Active member
Final Fantasy IX

Finishing the game on PS 2 having been able to gage what level you have to be by Disk 2.

I have a 13 having beaten Black Waltz 2.


Active member
Game upgrades

It won't happen for this reason.

You need a separate account for Play Station 4 and Play Station 5.

Start over with a new account for each system you own and then make sure you have the PS 4 Version for PS 4 and the PS 5 Version for P S 5.

I tried this myself several months ago.

What happens is that Sony says you own a copy of the game and as that's the case you may be stuck with the PS 4 Version.

So in future don't buy any games unless you get them for PS 5.

I had also run into software issues for Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 on PS 3 and the deck wasn't compatible with the game.

So there could also be compatibility issues with Final Fantasy VII.

Some games only work on the system it was made for.

I own MG S 2 and 3 on PS 2 for this reason.


Nonstop Baaka
Game upgrades

It won't happen for this reason.

You need a separate account for Play Station 4 and Play Station 5.

Start over with a new account for each system you own and then make sure you have the PS 4 Version for PS 4 and the PS 5 Version for P S 5.

I tried this myself several months ago.

What happens is that Sony says you own a copy of the game and as that's the case you may be stuck with the PS 4 Version.

So in future don't buy any games unless you get them for PS 5.

I had also run into software issues for Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 on PS 3 and the deck wasn't compatible with the game.

So there could also be compatibility issues with Final Fantasy VII.

Some games only work on the system it was made for.

I own MG S 2 and 3 on PS 2 for this reason.
Huh? I was able to set up our PS5, and transfer over the PS4 account and data without a problem. I can play PS4 games on the PS5 and have the save data. We do have the PS5 with the disk drive though.


I take it you haven't done the Gentleman Inspector Hildebrand side stories?

Only up to a point. I'll probably have more time to catch up on those once I'm done with the MSQ.

Problem I'm having with Hildebrand quests is the the sheer buffoonery makes me cringe whereas little moments like this just crack me up.


Well-known member
At least you'll be able to blow through the 8-man duties solo unsynched when you get to the rest of the Adventures, instead of needing to wait for them to pop.



I need to learn how to do that.

Yeah, learned it. Google makes a great teacher. You really nver know how far you've come until you one-shot a beginning boss.
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Well, credits arerolling on post-Endwalker. This is weird. I've never been completely caught up with the MSQ before. I mean, I still have plenty I can do...Hildibrand quests not even topping the list. But to actually be completely caught up on the MSQ! Wow!! It feels...I don't know...odd.


Problem I'm having with Hildebrand quests is the the sheer buffoonery makes me cringe whereas little moments like this just crack me up.

Well, I remembered the perfect solution to my problem, a solution I haven't used since early Heavensward...skip cutscene! That coupled with unsynced solo quests, I should be able to catch up on Hildebrand quests in no time!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I like the Hildebrand quests, but in small doses. Which is why I'm glad I kept up with them as they were released, but I've never done them a second time on any of my other characters.

I think the Heavensward segment was my favorite.


Well-known member
Most of the Hildebrand stuff is, "I like it, but don't need to see it again." Just about the right amount of driving a joke into the ground, replaying it would go past that limit.

Nashu is my waifu, though. I will fight that little Lalafell stalker for her. ;)



In the short bit I saw her at the end of Endwalker, I really liked Wuk Lamat. I can't wait to see more of her.


I've mostly been skipping through the cutscenes because I can hardly take the sheer idiocy of Hildibrand. But something made me take just a brief moment here and I'm glad I did. This moment actually made me laugh.


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