Does anyone have any idea of when it is most likely we will find out who the new Transformers comic publisher and why it has not happened yet?


I meant
Best Wars

50% and falling
I meant Beast Wars and if the odds are not good then why?

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
You ask a lot of questions thar none of us has any concrete information on. Nobody know for sure what's happening with the comics, so nobody can possibly know what the future plans are. We can only speculate based on our own personal opinions.


Staff member
Council of Elders
IDW tried Beast Wars multiple times. They found ways to make it suck every time.

ROTB would have to do phenomenally well for the next publisher to be in any hurry to do something with the characters.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Hard to tell how well the most recent one did given it lasted 17 issues (I've seen better series die at 6 or 12 issues) and seemingly only ended because IDW lost the license.


With the crossover with Beast wars in Kingdom there against Galvatron and the rise of the beasts there against scourge how about a crossover with the Beast wars cast in comic form against Cyclonus with its own different plot points by the new publisher ?
Maybe these could give them a idea like that.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
With the crossover with Beast wars in Kingdom there against Galvatron and the rise of the beasts there against scourge how about a crossover with the Beast wars cast in comic form against Cyclonus with its own different plot points by the new publisher ?
Maybe these could give them a idea like that.
....wasn't that Beast Machines Wreckers, kinda-sorta?

I mean, the BW/BMach show cast at least got looks in at beginning and end, and Cyclonus was one of the main villains (along with Cryotek and the Quintessons....)


....wasn't that Beast Machines Wreckers, kinda-sorta?

I mean, the BW/BMach show cast at least got looks in at beginning and end, and Cyclonus was one of the main villains (along with Cryotek and the Quintessons....)
Would it not be a good move to do Beast wars in some form when it is popular?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
At this point, I’d almost hazard that Hasbro is holding back any reveals of a new comic licensee until later in the year so that the new comics would come out next year to compliment the 40th anniversary. Got to use that marketing synergy to its fullest, y’know.


Well-known member
None of them are willing to focus on the good part of Beast Wars, where Megatron has conquered Cybertron with his Vehicon army and Optimus Primal and his Maximals are instructed by the Oracle in there quest to fight back...

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
None of them are willing to focus on the good part of Beast Wars, where Megatron has conquered Cybertron with his Vehicon army and Optimus Primal and his Maximals are instructed by the Oracle in there quest to fight back...
Oh, for the old Beast Machines Episode Generator.... Endless story potential there.🙃

Salt-Man Z

that is not dead which can eternal lie
The IDW BW comic had a lot of potential, as in, it would have been interesting to see where it had gotten to by, say, issue 30 or whatever. But it spent way too much time just regurgitating the cartoon, before even attempting to do its own thing, and by that time it was too late. Never mind that, for some reason, "Beast Wars" as a milieu just seems so limiting; like all anyone wants to do is either retell the cartoon or fit additional stories alongside it. It just doesn't possess the same flexibility of story possibilities that "G1" does--or at least no one has really bothered to try and push the boundaries of what "Beast Wars" can encapsulate (barring perhaps the Uprising stuff, which I have yet to read.)

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
The problem is that G1 started fractured, even just in the US; Marvel Comics vs Sunbow Cartoon. Then G2 as the weird 90's growth on the side of the Marvel continuity. G1 has iconic bits, but it in itself has no definitive iteration. You can make an argument that the Sunbow toon/movie is much more well known than the comic, especially now, but the Marvel comic is still influencing the franchise to this day. Hell, Primus long ago overtook everything else as the core origin story.

Also I think this phenomena got a boost when Dreamwave did a pretty straightfoward G1 retread and then died after only a handful of years, leaving IDW needing to go with a much more original direction to differentiate themselves from a series that wasn't even 4 years old at that point, so in just a handful of years, we went from 2 main US G1 continuities, to 4.

Beast Wars, though? Aside from some oddities with the initial toy bios, basically just had the cartoon (in the US at least). That's it. It's iconic to Beast Wars in a way that the G1 toon or comic could never be to G1, just by nature of being a singular oddity. It didn't get a real comic series until like a decade after it started..

I think it's only really notable because Beast Wars/Machines is so much different than everything that came before and everything that came after. Even something like Transformers: Animated has deep roots in G1, even if it has an aesthetic, style, story and characters all of its own. And even THEN, they'd probably be REAL skittish at trying to reimagining TF: Animated.

Beast Wars is that like times ten.
To the point where, ironically, Beast Wars sees more reimagining in non-Beast Wars stuff (IDW's G1, Rise of the Beasts) than it does from the stuff specifically about Beast Wars.
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Continuity Nutcase
I could write a new Beast Wars series that, while drawing obvious inspiration from the cartoon, would still be very different in its own right.

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