

Well-known member
The American dub is a little unclear because of how they wanted to tell the story differently. Everyone seems to know Naruto has the Nine-Tails, but no one seems to expect much from that. In the original Japanese there is more secrecy both from the other characters and from the audience. But it seems the American dub still has Naruto's parentage a close secret. I struggle with how that works. At the start of the series Naruto is about 12, I guess, and lives in what seems to be an apartment by himself. Who fed him when he was a baby? Who taught him to dress himself? No idea. I would think any 12-year-old orphan would want to know about his parents. Do they just tell him it is a secret? Or did they lie to him?

I guess or think they said that Jiraya brought him to the village. Did his mom not live in the village? Was Minato's marriage a secret? Maybe Jiraya just presented him as a foundling. Lady 5 knew and Lord 3 know. Kakashi must have known it all at least by the time he started training him.

I just don't see how it could work unless there was a public lie about him.


Wondering bot
I believe Minato's marriage wasn't a secert, after all he was the four leader of the village/town/city and there was no reason to keep it a secert, it was just that the nine tails living in the body of his wife was a secert! My theory in regards to the basics of life was that he was raised by someone employed by the third to be the nanny for a time but they likely quit when Naruto became to much for them to handle, it was never explained about his life between when he was a baby and when he started ninja school, outside of the fact he was pretty much alone and everything he was doing was seeking attention! It was never really stated what truly inspired him to try and become the leader of the village outside of getting attention from the people to fill the void of loneliness within his heart which is one of the weak points of Naruto story and I guess the creator didn't bank on it becoming so popular and be considered one of the modern sucessors to Dragonball


Well-known member
I kind of assumed that different people were "assigned" to "Naruto duty" back when he was a toddler. It's just no one stuck around, because no one wanted to be around the "demon child". They all just immediately requested transfers whenever they got that job, until Naruto was old enough to look after himself. Everyone knew, they just all never talked about it, because they all sort of held a grudge against the Nine-Tails for being responsible for killing one of their leaders. Old grudges and learning letting go of the past being a big theme of Naruto and all.

...I mean, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You would think SOMEONE would have taken baby Naruto in, if only because he was the Fourth's child, and all. You'd probably get some sort of stipend for that kind of thing from the government. I guess the idea was that their hatred of the Nine-Tails kind of blinded them to that. But, at some point, I guess you just have to shrug and let that plot hole go. You would think they'd use one of their dozens of spin-offs to clarify what happened there, but as far as I know, they never did.

Jiraiya couldn't have done it, since he was wandering around for his "research" projects. The Third Hokage probably SHOULD have been doing it, but he held a grudge against the baby, for hosting the demon that killed his protege. So, I guess some nameless series of faceless ninja probably were responsible for taking care of baby Naruto. Like those low-rank missions where Naruto had to go find lost cats. Only it's taking care of this orphan baby no one wants to be around, lest he explode in demonic fire suddenly, I guess.
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Well-known member
When Sasuke goes to Orochimaru and he and Naruto fight, Naruto uses some 9 Tails chakra and Sasuke is all freaked out and can't figure out what is going on and it seems WAY late into the story for him to not know what is going on there. Maybe people don't talk and his parents died before they felt he was old enough to know, but no one's kid spread the rumor at school? And anyway besides that, 9 Tails has leaked before. It's just weird because in the American dub it is just as if everybody everywhere knows until suddenly Sasuke has no idea.


Well-known member
Spoilers for the newest chapter of One Piece. Chapter 1117!

I'm not even gonna tell you what this is about. That's how serious this spoiler is!
Oda never forgets anything

I don't know if people remember this little discussion we had here last year. But, it's become relevant again.

I'm going to give you one last layer of spoilers, just in case you clicked on this accidentally. Seriously. Go check out that chapter!
Gin LIVES!.jpg

Never. Underestimate. Oda!
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Wondering bot
I've been watching Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle in the last few days:
Basic story, is following a boy named Syaoran along with a girl named Sakura, Sakura has a mysterious power hidden within her and when it awakens, in the process of awakening Syaoran sort of interfered and as a result Sakura's memories taking the form of feathers scattered to various worlds and Syaoran goes on a quest with Sakura to recover these feathers, he acompanied by two other people who come from different worlds, one of whom wants to go back to his world after being cast out by a princess he knows, while the other person wants to go anywhere but his home world! The last character is, the masoct character who can sense where Sakura's feathers are and is the one who able to transport the cast between worlds once they have recovered Sakura's feather in that world

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