We didn’t have to wait long. Legacy Tarn was just revealed and Mark Maher has shared an in-hand gallery and behind the scenes information.
“All hail Takara Tomy’s Yuya Onishi san! He has knocked this IDW’s comic appearence design originally drawn by Alex Milne straight out of the park! One of my mega priorities when I finally got into designing for the Generations segment of Transformers was to have biweekly meetings with our publishing team and our IDW partners. There’s one thing I love just as much as toys, its comics! As I mentioned at Pulsecon, my big bro @kmcomicsandtoys got me into all the coolest stuff when I was a wee lil lad. So bringing Legacy Evolution Tarn to the Voyager class was high on my to do list!!
Articulation and posability for this guy is off the charts. I even pushed for the fingers to be sculpted as seen in the comic panels because I just thought they looked so evil, unique and different, and just really rad.
The EVO-Fusion capability to not only combine but to customize how you want his 2 ion fusion cannons to be placed is endless! Aaannnddd did I mention no back kibble and no hollow parts 🤯
Transformation sequence is not only smooth but is absolutely clever and even utilizes the sequence shown in the comic panels. 🤤
Throughout this whole Legacy line you will really notice each Takara Tomy designer’s style and aesthetic. I absolutely love how both Jhiaxus and Tarn have this strong bodied Decepticon presence to them.
The baddies are really gaining some heavy weights in the line but dont you worry, the Autobot heroes have their own squad coming together that will be quite epic indeed.
The Legacy Evolution showdown has just really hit its stride! Pick your team, get ready to have the ultimate once in a lifetime battles, the likes of which you’ve never been able to have before! Make room on your shelves!!
Make sure to tune into @hasbropulse for #pulsecon day 2 today! You won’t want to miss the science dropping on the other brands, I’m super excited for #GIJOE
Tell me who you want to see next down in the comments!!
“Goodbye Glitch, I want you to die with one thought in your head, everything you did was for nothing” – Megatron (shout out to James Roberts)”
Source: Instagram
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