What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


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Nothing says "unearned white confidence" like Greene's repeated failure to recognize that she's not in AOC and Crockett's league.


too old for this
Greene really needs to learn when she's outclassed and how to retreat. Jesus Christ, who decided to elect the queen of Karens to the House?


jumbled pile of person
And of course the story ends with Trump having reversed course on condemning her, demonstrating that openly bragging about being a piece of shit is what will get you positive marks from Trump and his base.

EDIT: That comment was about Noem, not Greene. Though frankly both are probably the two front-runners for running mate at the moment.
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Well-known member

Ironbite-the last guy came within like 60 votes which scared the crap out of her into the next district.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Apparently when asked to describe the actions of the arizona servers, he claimed it was like they were storming normandy.

There's some not so subtle context here, when rudy describes himself as a nazi. Cause they were the ones getting stormed at normandy.


Ladies & gentlemen, the marshal who served Rudy, just before handing him the papers:



Staff member
Council of Elders
Reminds me of that time in 2017 when a couple ICE agents had breakfast in a diner, then arrested the cooks.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
Although I agree with them on Israel's genocide of Palestine, I don't care for CODEPINK bc they're the kind of anti-war leftists who say that we should just let Putin commit mass murder on a bunch of Ukrainians because stopping Russian imperialism and genocide "reunification" is "US/NATO imperialism", but I'm hoping she wins in court.
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i cant take it anymore im at my limit
>claims to be pro-life
>thinks women who are raped should be murdered by the state if they don't want to be forced to have their rapists' child, even if said rapist is a blood relative and the "woman" is an underage teenager, but the actual ******* rapist shouldn't be killed

call me a hypocrite, but i really feel that every last one of the psychopathic christofascist ************s who believe in this sorta "pro-life" bullshit don't deserve to live.

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