What if? Change something of TF history and speclate what could happen or have a few laughs at possible changes


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
"I am Jimbo, leader of the Autobots" has a certain ring to it...

What if...the Autobots and Decepticons had woken up in the 1950s or 60s and taken on forms that were contemporary then?

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
What if Shockwave was a very popular cosplay and a lot of people work very hard on their con costumes, but as usual the only one who gets any attention is some girl who bearly understood the idea?


What if Skylynx had both a very elevated opinion of himself and a contract to repaint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?


What if the G1 Theme Song was replaced with banjo music?


Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
What is Hasbro figured out the strength of their characters before the '86 movie was made, so instead of killing off the cast for a new lineup of toys, they all got upgrades instead and the new toys were just new versions of the same core set of characters, with maybe one or two new ones, reimagined with whatever gimmick de jour is popular that year.

So it's the 84/85 cast that gets turned into headmasters/targetmasters, who get pretender shells, and even who get micromaster versions.

Would this have carried through to G2 and Beast Wars, or would them going so hard on it in G1 turn them off from it going into later series, until the nostalgia train picks up?


What if the majority of the Autobot cars were based on civilian vehicles instead of all sports cars? I really feel like there's a severe shortage of characters with regular car alt modes (there were a few in Micromasters I think, and well Skids, some minicars and maybe Ironhide?). How much did sports car idolatry play in the brand's popularity in 1984 I wonder?


Staff member
Council of Elders
That's an interesting thought. I wouldn't be surprised if that did have something to do with it, and maybe why poor Skids got so horribly downplayed.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
That's an interesting thought. I wouldn't be surprised if that did have something to do with it, and maybe why poor Skids got so horribly downplayed.
On the other hand, Ironhide and Bumblebee (both prominent in the first two Sunbow seasons, as well as Dreamwave and IDW G1) weren't given sports or racing car altmodes either....

It's hard to tell from deep within the fandom (especially with Movie, Aligned, Cyberverse and Animated Bumblebee trying to "correct" things), but iconic character status amongst the general populace may not in fact be tied to the altmode as much as we might think....

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Y'know, I don't think I've ever seen a gender swap Transformers universe. Has there been one glimpsed in official fiction or media?

We've already got Acid Storm and Skywarp getting genderflipped in Cyberverse and Earthspark.

Has there been an... Optimus Prima? Megatroness? Bumblebelle? Starscream? (Ok, most names don't even need to change at all)

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