What if? Change something of TF history and speclate what could happen or have a few laughs at possible changes


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Just a sudden thought, What if Galvatron was actually able to open the Matrix when he tried to do it on Unicron?
I could see that going two ways:
1) The Matrix destroys Unicron and reformats Galvatron with the wisdom to lead a unified Cybertron. Or 2) much like The Fifth Element, if evil stands in the center...well, it wouldnt be a happy ending for the universe.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Just this cannon on the tiniest little treads hauling a huge-ass trailer.

The movie isn't precisely clear on what the matrix is. It was later attached to Primacron's assistant but that still doesn't explain why it can do what it does, other than it not being magic like in the comics and later protrayals.

The series makes it pretty clear later that it would reject Galvatron if he tried to use it, the Prime part especially.

I'm guessing if it wasn't a "if he be worthy thing" it would purge Galvatron of his Unicron influence and make him into some form of Megatron Prime, but he'd still be G1 carton megatron and thus be evil as hell, using the matrix to conquer and enslave.

Unless the influence of the past Primes could temper his tyrannical nature and turn him into more of a benevolent dictator.


Well-known member
less of a what if, but Scourge WAS compatible with the Matrix. in "The Burden Hardest to Bear" he was mutating, the Matrix slowly purging Unicron's influence from him.
and since there isnt a stupid argument about Scourge like there is with Cyclonus, we know that Scourge was Thundercracker originally. so that means Thundercracker had Prime Potential.
so uuuuuhhh, What If Thundercracker became Prime?


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
less of a what if, but Scourge WAS compatible with the Matrix. in "The Burden Hardest to Bear" he was mutating, the Matrix slowly purging Unicron's influence from him.
and since there isnt a stupid argument about Scourge like there is with Cyclonus, we know that Scourge was Thundercracker originally. so that means Thundercracker had Prime Potential.
so uuuuuhhh, What If Thundercracker became Prime?

That is interesting, because Thundercracker is sometimes written as not especially evil, sticking with the Decepticons more out of fear of what would happen to him if he tried to leave. It would be interesting to see what he would become if given the matrix.


Well-known member
What if people realized that G1 isn't very good?


Staff member
Council of Elders
less of a what if, but Scourge WAS compatible with the Matrix. in "The Burden Hardest to Bear" he was mutating, the Matrix slowly purging Unicron's influence from him.
and since there isnt a stupid argument about Scourge like there is with Cyclonus, we know that Scourge was Thundercracker originally. so that means Thundercracker had Prime Potential.
so uuuuuhhh, What If Thundercracker became Prime?

Sounds like a great repaint idea for Star Saber.


Cat outta Hell
Staff member
Council of Elders
What if starscream was wounded and found by Unicron in the place of Megatron.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
What if...Transformers had randomly made some characters and figures female just llike the Gobots, right from the start? (eg Ratchet) How would that have effected female characters throughout the brand's history?


Cat outta Hell
Staff member
Council of Elders
It would have killed it since "boys don't play with girl characters" was a mindset in the 80s

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
What if Grimlock was the one to obtain the Matrix of leadership and destory Unicron, would he be: Grim Prime, Lockus Prime, Grimlockie Prime?
"Primelock" was the usage in one prominent fanfic of Usenet days gone by -- Kendrick Chua's "Human Urges", if memory serves?

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