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Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
If they make all the girls, I wonder if they'll do Sayori's infamous scene...
I saw that yesterday afternoon. 😀 As Natsuki didn't get as much business as she might have in the game proper, it's a Nice Thing that she became the second character to get a Nendoroid likeness.

"But what about §àýýýý---" ... sorry.
I kind of hope we don't get... that... but it leads to the question of what we would get? Monika got the cracked jumpscare alternate face, Natsuki gets the black square overlay, Yuri will presumably get either photorealistic eyes or a yandere-ecstatic expression, Sayori... basically has her casual clothes and pajamas, both of which would require new body sculpts.

I'd almost want them to reuse the desk and give us Space Classroom Act 4 Sayori.


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Nonstop Baaka
I doubt they'd do that.
The Hanging would be too brutal. Somehow it feels worse than Yuri stabbing herself. Maybe a glitched out face, like when she gets deleted/overwritten?

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
I doubt they'd do that.
The Hanging would be too brutal. Somehow it feels worse than Yuri stabbing herself. Maybe a glitched out face, like when she gets deleted/overwritten?
You're likely right, I had been reading a fair bit of commentary on the Transformers portion of the board, and all the talk of reduced parts counts and other cost-cutting measures had me wondering if Good Smile had any similar pressures to deal with.

But as it is, if Sayori doesn't come with Mr. Cow, fans will be upset....

I think it's the sudden shock of seeing the aftermath, coupled with Monika's Act 3 rundown of what likely happened, that makes Act 1's end so much more shocking. Even though we see Yuri take her own life in Act 2, the stiffness of her sprite and the music choice give it more of a sense of unreality (although her smile could be interpreted as "At least I didn't hurt my love"), whereas the odd aspects of Sayori's ...unaliving only make one wonder how deep Monika's influence over the game setting really is. (Why are we the first to find Sayori, and not a parent?)

But since Sayori doesn't get to be around for Act 2's crazy visual effects, it leaves the question open of what Good Smile could do to continue the pattern.
I'm not sure how they'd pull it off, but they could make an alternate head based on the Act 2 loading screen. Basically, that sort of glitchy half-Monika half-Yuri sprite that is somehow still in Sayori's menu pose? It'd be a fiendishly difficult sculpt, so Sayori might be the last to come out in Nendoroid format.
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Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
It's more of a cover than a proper filk in its own right, but the video is one I had to share.

It could also go in the random Youtube thread....

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Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
So, while I was at work today, the DDLC subreddit had a bit of a code hunt.

The Team Salvato website was recently updated, and as it turned out, if you type the Konami code on your keyboard you can get one of several Secret Messages! I won't reveal them all here, but there are some that amused me.

You expected Just Monika. BUT IT WAS I, DIO! Also check out P is for Pain! (note: A rather infamous level Dan made in Super Mario Maker and put on Youtube.) All your base are belong to us. This site is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed. I Datamined A Website And All I Got Was This Stupid Secret Message. ...and my personal favourite: I Played An Anime Dating Sim Ironically And Now I'm A Gigantic Weeb

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Capping February's Focus on Filk, we have Dolvondo's "Insanity", a duet of sorts between a despondent post-game player and a desperate Monika.

Although there is a live action version, I used the CG so we can see as well as hear the second half. Let's get into it.

The lyrics are a little rough in places, but I'm willing to handwave that to the fact that everyone -- even our mastermind!-- has been through the wringer.
I do like how this version gives a certain pathos to Monika -- as much as she is responsible for all the chaos and horror, the torment she put her purported friends and the player she claims to love through, it's hard to hear her final pleas as the music breaks down and not be unmoved.

That said, she's a bit unreliable in telling her story -- she asserts that the other club members "were programmed to love you", but how can she be sure that she was not? (Aside from the fact that her role in Act 1 seemed to be more of a "tutorial" character.) She also says "I'm sorry for what you've seen", not "I'm sorry for what I've done", which is telling. She insists that she is real and worthy of affection, but given how she treated others in her own world -- well, as I hinted in the Cheesecake Bakery thread back in October, this leads to some unsettling questions regarding how she would treat humans if she actually got out into ours...

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Is this game on Google Play? I might try it if so.
The short answer is "no" ( although an outfit called MunazzGame has used the character designs in their own unrelated works. I suspect, as with a lot of quickly-made-for-Android apps, that such was not done with Team Salvato's knowledge, let alone permission).

The base game (without Side Stories) is available for the low, low price of free* for PC both on Steam and at ddlc.moe.

DDLC Plus was released for Playstation, XBox and Nintendo Switch, as well as PC.

*The game is free. The therapy bills, not so much.
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Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
DDLC Plus was released for Playstation, XBox and Nintendo Switch, as well as PC.
Speaking of which, a new image was released to commemorate DDLC Plus selling 1 million copies. Looks like Monika finally got a casual outfit to go with the others....

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
I don't really have much to say about this, except... buckle up. There won't be a wall standing when this is done....


Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
It's White Day in Japan. So, as the game is supposed to be set there, Drechenaux made four scenes where we give chocolates to the club members (as Valentine's is split into two gift-givings a month apart in that country.) I wish that everyone had gotten a CG, but at least someone remembered and took the effort.... although as Natsuki is (supposed to be) Japanese should she not have remembered as well?


Nonstop Baaka
Yeah, that was kinda awkward. Should've saved CG Monika for last. Also, not just chocolate, the guys give back white items-hankerchief, flowers, even undies.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Yeah, that was kinda awkward. Should've saved CG Monika for last. Also, not just chocolate, the guys give back white items-hankerchief, flowers, even undies.
I'm likely dating myself here, but I recall in the early 1990s news articles describing retailers in Japan attempting to make "Pink Day" in September as a reason for buying the last of those. Checking on Google recently, it doesn't seem to have caught on.

Perhaps it's enough that Valentine's comes twice a year over there... which I always thought was one of the nicer things about the culture. Even when Feb. 15th was "buy all the discounted chocolate for me because I had no-one to buy it for earlier" day....


Nonstop Baaka
I could take or leave double celebrating that. Even married, TMM and I tend to wait until the day after so we can get cheaper snacks. We'll go on a date on a weekend close to the 14th so it's less crowded.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
As I'm now often working on the day, things tend to be low-key but spread out over several days as a result. This has usually gone quite well, and avoids the whole picking-through-what's-left-after-one's-shift-before-stores-close issue.

It's true what they say, the meaning of certain holidays is often not in the trappings affiliated with them as who you're with and what's going on.

Though I have to draw the line at Arby's. Their... questionable food... made me quite sick as a child, the one time I was tempted to try it.

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