Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection - Transformers: Legacy subline at Walmart

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I'm pleased with this revelation!

I don't even mind the red weapons (Back in the 90s, even the best deco would be marred by crazy accessory colors, so this fits into that). And like DinoKing, it feels like a conscious effort to play more love to Victory given Star Saber's imminent release.

Does miff me a bit that, to get a decent "Countdown base", much less one reflective of Victory, requires the purchase of Omega Supreme (just for Countdown), Sky Lynx (for the base element) and Galaxy Shuttle (for the rocket component).

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I never got the original Astrotrain version of this mold (and I ******* wanted it because I love trains) but dammit if I see this at Walmart I am definitely picking it up.

Yes I will buy the toy literally called Galaxy SHUTTLE for the train mode that only exists because of who he's retooled from.


Well-known member
I swear he towered over even Star Saber, but its been awhile. Doesn't help that he only took robot mode a handful of times that entire series.
He's bigger, but not Titan-sized based on his robot mode:


Well-known member
I never got the original Astrotrain version of this mold (and I ******* wanted it because I love trains) but dammit if I see this at Walmart I am definitely picking it up.

Yes I will buy the toy literally called Galaxy SHUTTLE for the train mode that only exists because of who he's retooled from.

I just now realize that name wise, its also fitting 'Astrotrain' 'Galaxy Shuttle' Which makes me not mind the name now; I mean it still very much 'Job as Name' but its kinda fitting that the now Autobot counterpart have a similar sounding name.


Well-known member
Honestly, I'm partly surprised that they didn't wait to do an Armada Jetfire (if they're doing Prime, he's a given to show up at some point) and redeco him from that as they're closer look-wise.


Well-known member
-ZacWilliam, I feel like a Space Shuttle should win this race REALLY EASY... maybe he's the Crowd transportation. Like the Actual Shuttle to the event.

Walmart website:

"He may not be competing in the Speedia 500, but Galaxy Shuttle has the honor of transporting the racers to the starting line"

Hey, called it!

-ZacWilliam, I LOVE that they gave the race conceit enough thought to make Cosmos the announcer and Galaxy Shuttle the actual event shuttle.


He’s a solid Commander Class, and does anyone REALLY think Hasbro would ever commit the resources to make a Galaxy Shuttle in that price point?

We are getting some good stuff, but there ARE limits to what and where Hasbro is willing to spend resources.
Reminds me of when people were wanting Overlord retooled into a Leader class Flywheels.

edit: Jesus christing hug we only just heard this existed and it's already sold out.

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