Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Yet more weirdness with the toy line for this movie. We’ve known about “Autobots Unite” micro line for months, but it’s still not clear what its “role” is. It looks like a retailer exclusives, but the only US sighting that I know of is at Krogers, a grocery chain. And it has been readily seen overseas.
We still don’t know the exact details of the ”Core” Deluxe and Voyager figures, aside from Walmart in the US is stocking the Voyagers, and retailers seem to have listings for Deluxe, but the only actively available way to get any in the US is via a Target exclusive 3 pack.

And now, sighted in France in a product display, are MORE Bumblebee Power Series repacks. However, these are NOT part of the “Autobots Unite” line. They just sport a generic “Rise of the Beasts” product packaging. Seen are Bumblebee (VW), Optimus Prime (Power Series, no face mask), and Megatron (omitting the Energon Core form the AU release and also sporting the BB Movie Megatron design artwork).

It’s like, I didn’t realize Hasbro was seeing so much demand they felt it necessary to dust off all these Energon Igniter tools. Some of it doesn’t make sense since the Power Series repacks, more or less, compete with the Beast Changer assortment. And it’s equally weird to see ALL this product overseas not, seemingly, come to the US market to the degree that we’ve seen this time around.



Well-known member
Nobody tell him that's a youtube channel dedicated to making fake Fortnite trailers. See how long it takes for him to realize.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
So this is supposedly a rebooted movie. Why? BB set up a good universe.

I thought I saw it just wasn't in continuity with the Bay films, which Bumblebee also ultimately wasn't.

Though the movie universe is so contradictory, it's not like it matters. You can say it's in continuity and I doubt any of the plot gaffs would be any worse than what we've gotten.

Yes, even.

Unicron being Earth in TF5 and apparently being not Earth in RotB.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I thought I saw it just wasn't in continuity with the Bay films, which Bumblebee also ultimately wasn't.

Yes, even.

Unicron being Earth in TF5 and apparently being not Earth in RotB.
Looking at the box office…I’m not sure enough people saw TF5 to even CARE about those plot issues.


Staff member
Council of Elders
My TLK showing was packed and the audience liked it.

So I guess it was the Titanium of Transformers movies.


Well-known member
Until i see what the film actually does I'm not believing any of this talk. Each movie had its share of weird retcons. I'm just curious what this one's will be because...I have hopes.


Continuity Nutcase
Let's not forget that Age of Extinction was also called a "reboot" at the time prior to its release.


Wondering bot
I think nobody knows what a reboot actually means when they say its a reboot or not a reboot, when it comes to this movie and the biggest problem with the Transformers movies has been, there has been no uniformed vision for where the stories go, after the 07 film, everything was pretty much up in the air, I think the writers strike around the time of ROTF didn't help matters and Bay pressed a head and filmed a bunch of stuff and then left it to the writers to put everything together which results in a muddled mess of a film and things just got worse from there onwards and they were just throwing money at Micheal Bay to do whatever the hell he wanted and by the time of the fifth movie, they decide to have a shared universe because of Marvel and attempts to build such a thing up, pretty much falls flat as the Last Knight has a lot of ideas just crammed into one movie, for example, Transformers around the time of King Arthur could of been a nice short film by its self, the Junkyard could of been a comedy/slice of life film of robots hiding out in a scrapyard, while the crouption of Optimus prime would of made for a more intersting character story, see the heroic noble Optimus prime, fall from grace and become a villian, before a remeption arc for his character, where he shown the error of his ways and makes up for his mistakes, instead of just simple brainwashing!

I honestly hope, this film, delivers on the characters and make us care about the Transformers themselves and not spend to much time with the humans, thou I don't know why BB decided to hang out with Sam after the events of the first movie, its not like they been together for more than a couple of days!


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
The Core Voyager Assortment is being carried by most US Walmart stores since the line launched. Rhinox has even been sighted in US stores.

But it’s still not clear WTF is going on with the Core Deluxe and Voyager assortments. My inkling is that Walmart snagged Voyagers as a timed exclusive (like they did with the Marvel Mechasaurs kids line), and the Voyager assortment will be offered (with the Deluxe figures, which HAVE been found individually in Target’s computer system) as part of this fall’s “Christmas dump” with stuff like the animatronic Primal.

I mean, that’s all well and good. I’ve found those entire case assortments even. But…

As you can see, the assortments that I’ve seen only have Prime and Rhinoxes. No Primal. ☹️

It seems stores have skipped over the Voyager wave Primal completely?? I really hope I’m wrong.🥺

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I mean, that’s all well and good. I’ve found those entire case assortments even. But…

As you can see, the assortments that I’ve seen only have Prime and Rhinoxes. No Primal. ☹️

It seems stores have skipped over the Voyager wave Primal completely?? I really hope I’m wrong.🥺
Congrats! You skipped wave 1! :p

I'm sure Primal will get cycled out again. There MIGHT be a Scourge in this assortment by the end of the year, but I don't see much more in this assortment.
And maybe, one day, Hasbro will finally offer this dang stuff online.


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Maybe stores are skittish about the lack of color on Primal.
I… genuinely don’t think regional/general managers of hundreds of retail stores that carry thousands of types of products with hundreds of brands from dozens of different places across the world give that many shits about a single figure in a single wave of a single subline of a single brand of a single type of product.🤨
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Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Congrats! You skipped wave 1! :p

I'm sure Primal will get cycled out again. There MIGHT be a Scourge in this assortment by the end of the year, but I don't see much more in this assortment.
And maybe, one day, Hasbro will finally offer this dang stuff online.
Bleh. Gonna check GameStop. Or maybe Target will get their shit together to release the mainline stuff next month. 😔

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