Transformers Legacy toyline


Somehow still sane
Preordered Scourge at a local merchant. Kinda sucks that he has the inflated price tag but that's exclusives I guess.

Don't mind the extra black in robot but the pink window pecs need to go.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Found the figures on, but their search is all messed up and for some reason can't besearched by most recent entries (unlike so I haven't found Scourge nor the Maverick reissue yet.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Canceled my pre-order for Jhiaxus on BBTS and ordered from Amazon instead. They already had him in stock and BBTS was saying November before he's be in stock. Since I was picking up SS Thundercracker anyway, I figured I'd just do both in the same transaction.


singularly focused
He may not be the fastest, but Burn Out is determined to win the Speedia 500.
hmm, there seems to be some crossed wires when it comes to Burn Out's gender
she/her on the stream, he here in the flavor text

Granted, all the he/shes I know are extremely cool, but I doubt that was their intention


So all the Velocitron stuff is up at Hasbro Pulse as well.

Scourge was sold out already at Walmart, but everything was up as of a few mins ago at Pulse.

The Phazer

Well-known member
I pre-ordered the new molds and Road Rocket on Pulse UK.

I'll skip Scourge, he's just not good enough for the price tag. The other repaints (except Blurr) are maybes if they go on discount.

Yes, I am very burnt by the amount of toys that are portrayed as limited run recently that end up on sale for 60% off four months later, why do you ask?


Active member
Canceled my pre-order for Jhiaxus on BBTS and ordered from Amazon instead. They already had him in stock and BBTS was saying November before he's be in stock. Since I was picking up SS Thundercracker anyway, I figured I'd just do both in the same transaction.
THANK YOU. ORDERED. Didn't realize he was already in stock anywhere. I hadn't pre-ordered him yet, and now I'll likely have him in-hand on Monday.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Pics of new figures revealed at SDCC are up. Mirrored here (not mine, I found them over on TFW)

dead end.jpg
tm megs.jpg


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Skullgrin looks fantastic. Love these new mini-pretenders.

Dead End is pretty much what I expected. Not bad, by any means, just no surprises.

Crank Case is a Skids retool, which I wasn't expecting.

Pointblank looks great. I love that they named him "Autobot Blanker" as though someone was self-censoring themselves while referring to the fact that this character has a bit of a reputation when it comes to their relationships with Autobots.

My exposure to Beast Wars is pretty limited, so I have no strong opinions on TM Megatron.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Got Override on preorder. Thats what msttered to me this go around.
I snagged her on preorder, missed out on Cosmos. But I've had very good luck with the deluxe figures hitting my local Walmart so I'm willing to take the chance.

Glad to see Starscream's thrusters fold down, that made him an instant buy. Megatron isn't flattering, but I'm sure better images will sway me a bit.

Oddly, the only reason I want Dead End is because of his Cyberverse version. And I appreciate the faceplate over the toy face.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Skullgrin is hilarious and I must have it.

Megatron will depend on the dragon mode. On the other hand, my original is getting some GPS-style fragmenting in the knees.....

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