Transformers Legacy toyline

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
(Re: Jhiaxus) Mark worked on Thrilling 30 figure and wanted to make a more faithful rendition. Mark loves the character and even bought some of the Manny Galen artwork. Now that Jhiaxus has been made, expect to see Machine Wars in the future as Mark brings it up at all the meetings.
So….I guess my Machine Wars Starscream remold comment isn’t totally out of left field after all…

WHO’s the Beast Machines fan so we know who to petition for Titan Grand Mal Megatron?

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
From the front page!

Q: Does Metroplex have any interplay with the old lines?

A: It does have 5mm and 3mm ports for weapons and blast effects, but it doesn’t have minicon ports or Cyber Keys. It can connect in city mode to Omega Supreme.
Wait, that thing has a city mode?!
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Staff member
Council of Elders
The red triangle seen on the side of the bucket wheel near its center is shown pointing in different directions in several of the stock photos, suggesting that the wheel does rotate in some fashion.
Front page article notes that the saw blade spins, ratcheted. Doesn't open up like the original but separates from the crane.

Great work on the article btw, glad these things are happening more and more. Hope these don't go away when in-person stuff returns.


Wondering bot
Menasor is compatible for the legs, but the arms would fall out easily they said. They also said that you could try whatever and they weren't going to tell you no. So who knows how it will fit. I will let you know in a few months when I get him. :)

Yeah, only time will tell, I already preordered him and a few bots of the next wave, not getting all of the wave as a chunk isn't really pushing my buttons (so to speak), then I'm still waiting on my wave 1 preorders but that's not due until some point in July as I'm living in the UK!

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
While highly unlikely I remember using Puzzler as my Menasor substitute many years ago, when they're talking about remolds and box sets. Though the 'cosplaying autobot team' has a much better chance.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Was thinking about how we'll probably get a Dezaurus to go up against Victory Saber and had the disappointing thought that it would be a retool of Dragon Megatron, but looking at his original toy, SS86 Grimlock seems like it'd be surprisingly close match based on how Dezzie transforms.


words pain, funny man
The problem with that line of thinking is that those were iconic characters, Devastator even more so due to TFTM as much as it pains me to admit it. Cybertron Metroplex has very little going for it in terms of nostalgia and media appearances.
Kids who grew up during the UT are getting to the age where they begin to feel nostalgic.

I've been saying this since Hasbro revealed "The Throne of the Primes" and expected us to be excited it was getting a toy.
I care [/LukeSkywalker]


NOT a New Member.
The fan panel was pretty illuminating

Some highlights

-yellowing plastics - PA plastics (stronger plastic material) is actually doing the yellowing. All of Hasbro plastics are put through a U/V treatment standard.

-This team picked Cybertron Metroplex from the previous team. Ties in to Legacy story theme, as a miner of Energon. Story was initial driver for getting Metroplex in there. Still designing toys for kids, ultimately. (None of that makes sense but whatever)

-Drill bit was cost out early on. Possibly will get Core Class release but no plans at this poimt

-Can't say there won't be more price increases

-ER Soundwave part of the Netflix capsule, so therefore a Walmart exclusive for a period of time. Walmart could do it again in that timeframe.

- Menasor IS NOT CW compatible. The legs fit but are extremely loose and the arm ports are not compatible period.

-Anything is possible on Core Skywarps missing null rays.

-bios being short is because translations are expensive. Translations are charged by the word. Bios need to be translated into 27 languages.

You can scope the full thing out on’s Twitter thread.

Seems to me Hasblo were giving some prime BS excuses for some of those points. Translations, while somewhat expensive, are not THAT expensive, I feel. If Netflix can do it, then so can Hasblo. I feel that it's just too much hassle for them to bother, and not relevant enough for their needs. It wouldn't surprise me if they were simply grandfathered lip-service inclusions that most staff would happily remove if they had the chance.


NOT a New Member.
Bah, people said Devastator would bomb because the parts weren't articulated enough. They said Predaking wouldn't sell because of his lack of detail.

I'm pretty sure Hasbro has a solid idea of how well this might sell. And even if it doesn't sell AS WELL as prior ones, then Hasbro will address their plans. Hell, Black Zarak (a deep fan cut remold of a well known Japanese release) has probably been more easily available than ANY Titan has to this point.

$170 to $200 is NOT that huge an increase. Probably no more, relatively, than we've seen across the board. I think a big part of the hang up has been the mental "barrier" offered by the $200 price point.

Except it is. YOU might think it isn't, but for others, that isn't the case. In Japan, that 200 dollars might easily become around 3-400 dollars once Takara has bumped-up the price. I doubt many Japanese fans will be clamouring to buy this figure, especially as that price.


NOT a New Member.
Menasor is compatible for the legs, but the arms would fall out easily they said. They also said that you could try whatever and they weren't going to tell you no. So who knows how it will fit. I will let you know in a few months when I get him. :)

In other words, expect a few add-on kits which connect the CW versions to Legacy Motormaster...


Wondering bot
Was thinking about how we'll probably get a Dezaurus to go up against Victory Saber and had the disappointing thought that it would be a retool of Dragon Megatron, but looking at his original toy, SS86 Grimlock seems like it'd be surprisingly close match based on how Dezzie transforms.

A retool of SS86 Grimlock into Dezaurus would have to be a very extensive retool, but if they want to include his chest beasts, I think they would need to bump him up to commander class as I believe Haslab Star Saber on his own would be roughly leader class in terms of height before adding on Victory Leo, so to really do the character justice, I think he would likely be a commander class, if it was like ten or five years ago, then I would of said leader but these days, I think commander class would not be out of the question


NOT a New Member.
Same for me. I didn't really like the original, so not going to take up valuable space in my office with him.
I had the original but sold it. For me, it was just a poor-man's G1 Metroplex, and this new version just seems to be a poor man's version of that, like a cheaper, bigger, more expensive, but somehow less impressive KO of the original.


Well-known member
Front page article notes that the saw blade spins, ratcheted. Doesn't open up like the original but separates from the crane.

Great work on the article btw, glad these things are happening more and more. Hope these don't go away when in-person stuff returns.
I've got a bad feeling that the ratcheting might restrict it to only spinning in the direction that's wrong for vehicle mode...


Well-known member
I think Metroplex looks neat. I always liked the original and I have a desire to get this new one so he can tower over my Cybertron figures. All of the negatives have been mentioned here, and I agree with most of them (especially the lack of Mini-con ports), but still, I like the toy.

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