Transformers Legacy toyline

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Don't feel bad, I really like Menasor but between the combination style, modern QC across five figures, clear plastic, and at least two being held together at the waist with a plastic tab for almost $200 together, I'm hesitant. And it"s slightly CHEAPER at sets end than Metriplex 2. I just can't jump on new releases with the same enthusiasm as before, too much is or has happened.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I was thinking of that when I saw the clip, too. Metroplex in Cybertron, Flynn in RPM, and in between those, Drew McIntyre debuted as "The Chosen One" of Vince McMahon in WWE.

I don't know what it was, but there was a surge of Scottish characters going on there for a bit, wasn't there?


Continuity Nutcase
I was thinking of that when I saw the clip, too. Metroplex in Cybertron, Flynn in RPM, and in between those, Drew McIntyre debuted as "The Chosen One" of Vince McMahon in WWE.

I don't know what it was, but there was a surge of Scottish characters going on there for a bit, wasn't there?
In the case of Metroplex and his fellow inhabitants of Gigantion (who were all construction engineers), they were all give Scottish accents in honor of Montgomery Scott, Chief Engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise on Star Trek.

In Flynn's case, the accent was just something his actor (who is Kiwi, rather than Scottish) came up with, and the producers loved it and ran with it.


Well-known member
South Island does have Scottish roots, it's where many Highland Scots ended up after the Highland clearances, I heard they still have an accent.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
How wild is it that Transformers went from a franchise that was so convinced noone would want to buy the same toy after a few years, so they slaughted a ton of characters in the movie, to re-releasing the same figure like 4 times in as many years.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I love the look of this Metroplex, but it's a other case of "let's just do the original again with ___". Except the original had knees, so here they gave it more size. The fact that the altmode is pretty much the same yoga pose with tacked-on thing cements it. Sure, wheel bucket excavators only look like so much to begin with, but take the opportunity to play with the design, make a more cohesive altmode, add a new base mode. Something.

I bowed out of Titan Class buying after Scorponok (ok, Black Zarak), skipping the Ark, but even if I hadn't this would be a pass with little regret.

I'm not even a super ardent "Titan Class Tidal Wave pls" guy, but that would have been a much better package to get than this, even if they'd delivered the same "let's upsize and tweak the original design" they did here. If not the Nemesis, hope he's next.

I do still want a Lost Light with no robot mode that instead goes full playset, with interlocking suites and chambers you can arrange in ship mode or in a giant hallway or whatever. And include a Core Class Ring and various MTMTE Easter eggs.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
Figures. They make a Titan I actually want for the first time ever and they bump up the price to a stupidly high level.


Kaiser Dragon
The Cyber Key gimmick of splitting the wheel into the axe-head doesn't seem like a big deal, though I can certainly understand given the $200 price that it feels like it should have everything. Missing the Minicon feels like a big mistake, though.
The gimmicks requiring a key/mini-con/powermaster/whatever to activate can all go die in a fire as far as I'm concerned. But the axe head not separating really does feel like the biggest negative for this figure to me. I'm assuming there will be at least one kit created to add the axe blades and Drill Bit. That would be a point in favor of getting him eventually, except for the fact that would bump the overall price up even further. Which is just one more reason I'll be watching for clearance prices down the road.
And those who still have their original Cybertron/Galaxy Force toys will finally have a Metroplex that's as tall as he was on the show in relation to the other characters.
Easily the biggest draw for me. I have the original, and he's fine. But getting a properly huge Metroplex to go with the rest of the group would be pretty cool.


Honestly, for me the biggest draw is that I don't have the old one. He was the only one of the planet leaders I never got.

(This is the part where someone who thinks "biggest" means "only" tells me to just buy the old one on eBay instead of being interested in something they aren't.)

Demovere Xeno

I love the look of this Metroplex, but it's a other case of "let's just do the original again with ___". Except the original had knees, so here they gave it more size. The fact that the altmode is pretty much the same yoga pose with tacked-on thing cements it. Sure, wheel bucket excavators only look like so much to begin with, but take the opportunity to play with the design, make a more cohesive altmode, add a new base mode. Something.
I'm really hoping those (kind of high-up on the legs) AIR Lock attachment points mean there's a base mode of some kind that we can't see right now since otherwise, this is very much "screen-accurate character" like many of the G1-based toys since Earthrise, just focused more on size accuracy this time around. =/ The original Cybertron Metroplex was cool, but compared to his line-mates he didn't really do much other than 'be tall'.

And man... the AIR Lock points randomly coming back for this just makes me wish the current team did something more with that concept. Where's the return of the Micromaster city complex play pattern, HasTak? =P

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I'm really hoping those (kind of high-up on the legs) AIR Lock attachment points mean there's a base mode of some kind that we can't see right now since otherwise, this is very much "screen-accurate character" like many of the G1-based toys since Earthrise, just focused more on size accuracy this time around. =/ The original Cybertron Metroplex was cool, but compared to his line-mates he didn't really do much other than 'be tall'.

And man... the AIR Lock points randomly coming back for this just makes me wish the current team did something more with that concept. Where's the return of the Micromaster city complex play pattern, HasTak? =P
This just made me think of the irony of including the ramp connectors for Micromaster bases while leaving out the Minicon.

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