Transformers Legacy toyline


Continuity Nutcase
The red cockpit canopy on the chest and the silver horns above the yellow face are giving me King Atlas vibes, which I truly hope doesn't mean that Hasbro intends for this figure to also sort of double as King Atlas in addition to Dreadwing (in lieu of giving the king his own toy with his own proper deco) in the same way that the Skyquake toy doubles as both the G1 and Prime versions of him.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I will be collecting all of the versions of this mold. It is a fantastic mold and all of these guys will make great troops for my Prime Dreadwing.


Somehow still sane
The red cockpit canopy on the chest and the silver horns above the yellow face are giving me King Atlas vibes, which I truly hope doesn't mean that Hasbro intends for this figure to also sort of double as King Atlas in addition to Dreadwing (in lieu of giving the king his own toy with his own proper deco) in the same way that the Skyquake toy doubles as both the G1 and Prime versions of him.
Isn't this more likely a G2 Dreadwing color reference? I'd expect some white and red if they wanted a King Atlas homage.

I find the colors are much better than Skyquake. Pea-soup green and salmon are not very aesthetically pleasing. Also a slight disappointment that he has a cannon barrel on his gun instead of the minigun Skyquake had. It's accurate but gatling guns are illin'. I'd like to get a version of this mold and barring a G1 colors Skyquake, I think this is it. Sorry to King Atlas but I'm leery of white plastic.
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NOT a New Member.
Has anyone digibashed this into MW Starscream yet?
Yes. Someone digibashed the mold into all relevant iterations when the original Legacy version came out, but I can't find them. I think I reposted them here at this thread too?


- As mentioned above, here are two such digibashes.

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NOT a New Member.
Super Deceptico Bros.jpg


Well-known member
It's a leaked G2 Dead End.

It hasn't been officially announced yet.

Guess is that it's a Walmart exclusive as part of the Toxitron subline.

-ZacWilliam, being a Walmart exclusive good luck.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I still have my fingers crossed that Walmart will fulfill my preorders of Toxitron and Cloudcover.

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