Transformers: EarthSpark


Wondering bot
What does that have to do with anything I just said?

Animated show, cost money and a lot of entertainment companies are hurting right now, with Paramount being one of them, Hasbro also hurting due to poor choices, so we could be looking at a low budget show instead of high quailty


Continuity Nutcase
Animated show, cost money and a lot of entertainment companies are hurting right now, with Paramount being one of them, Hasbro also hurting due to poor choices, so we could be looking at a low budget show instead of high quailty
Again, what does that have to do with what I said?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
If the rumor is true, hopefully the writers have enough time to wrap up major threads before the end of the second season.

And hopefully the show remains readily available on streaming or, better yet, DVD/BluRay and doesn't get buried due to tax writeoff or other such nonsense. It's a good show, doesn't deserve to vanish just to make room for The Next Big Thing.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Given how close the premier it, it's already in the can most likely, and too late to change anything substantial if they had to. They did a good job of making the S1 finale feel like it could be a series finale if it didn't get renewed, so perhaps they'll do the same here. ANd given that Prodigy did get shopped around when it got pulled before its S2 aired, I'd expect the same thing to happen here if it did somehow get pulled in the next month or so.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
It's *possible* we might hear something next week as it's Paramount's screenings one way or another.
I’m not expecting any sort of announcement, much less before the initial batch of season 2 episodes air. It’s going to be another “quiet cancellation” where they will just run through the episodes, wait a few months, and Hasbro will make a big announcement about the “next big chapter in Transformers!”.

The big indicator of Earthspark’s fate will be next spring, if retail opts to retain the line going into the spring. Walmart is still selling Rise of the Beasts, so if they dump Earthspark, presumably shortly after the second round of episodes air, going into spring? That’s a good indicator that Earthspark was not successful and Hasbro’s clearing the air, so to speak. Hell, some of the leaked gimmick toys we’ve seen listings of for 2025 might be an effort to keep something kid centric on shelves without a dedicated tv series Or associated toy line.

That said, Hasbro’s predilection over the past 15 years also wouldn’t preclude the idea of them scrapping an existing series, regardless of quality or success, in favor of something more in tune with the most recent “big” movie initiative. Hasbro cut off Animated to make a more movie styled series for their new network. GI Joe Renegades got canned due to, supposedly, it being too similar to GI Joe Retaliation. I hear tell that Hasbro was working on a new Snake Eyes/ninja-centric animated series before the film bombed and the cartoon got scrapped.
Hasbro completed a full, 52 episode, Micronauts animated series that they abandoned to a tax write off largely due to their and Paramount’s inability to get the Micronauts movie off the ground.

Further, if Paramount is in a position where they are looking to sell themselves, Hasbro could also be looking to divest themselves from Paramount to avoid an “Animated” situation where one of their shows is tied to a particular media partner.
Truthfully, if the rumor of poor ratings and lackluster toy sales is accurate, the reality might be a combination of ALL those factors at play.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Hasbro cut off Animated to make a more movie styled series for their new network. GI Joe Renegades got canned due to, supposedly, it being too similar to GI Joe Retaliation.

So they killed one show because it wasn't close enough to a recent movie and killed another show because it was too close? What?


Well-known member
Now the Earthspark toyline is cancled in Japan. That fuels the rumor of the show being cancled after season 2.

Does Japan still have the 52 episode rule for show?


Wondering bot
Now the Earthspark toyline is cancled in Japan. That fuels the rumor of the show being cancled after season 2.

Does Japan still have the 52 episode rule for show?

Depends upon the type of show, a lot of animated shows these days only get 13 eps for a season, thou some get 26, thou it depends upon if they are based upon sucessful manga or not and if a company wants to take on a project, but the current normal is pretty much 13 eps as animation is expensive and if the show can mech well or not, the most resent Gundam series, was 26 eps where's previous Gundam shows have been 52 eps!

Personally, I would like for Takara to take the lead on a TF project again instead of Hasbro but that is just me.


Continuity Nutcase
It probably didn't help that every episode of the Japanese dub has also been split in half to make then all 11-minute 2-parters instead of the full 22-minute episodes that they are in the English version.


Continuity Nutcase
New toy reveals from TakaraTomy.

Takara's release of Warrior class Elita-1 has been retooled to give her a head swivel and to remove her arm gimmick in favor of two normal arms and new gun accessories.




Both her and Warrior class Hashtag also have much more extensive paint jobs to make them more show-accurate.




As for the Deluxe class range, Deluxe class Jawbreaker and Aftermath (new character coming in Season 2) have also been revealed. Expect the Hasbro versions to have far fewer paint apps than what's seen here.








Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
My G1-er is showing, but I still want a Jawbreaker in classic DInobot colors. He's got the right "clunky 80's robot in the general shape of a dinosaur" look to fit in with the group. My only quibble is that I wish he had a longer snout/beak.
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Continuity Nutcase
I just realized that Hashtag has also been retooled. Her combiner port on the top of her truck mode has been removed.


Continuity Nutcase
A clarification rundown of recent EarthSpark news

Transformers fans have been taken for a loop lately since information and misinformation is coming from every direction for the Earthspark line.

Rumours Regarding the Show Itself

When it comes to the show, there were rumours that another show was under development. While that is yet to be proven true or false, it brought upon a ton of theories regarding the current show, Earthspark. As of now, all we know is that Paramount ordered two seasons and we are getting two seasons. We do not know if a third season will be coming or how many seasons were planned. A new show is probably in development but that does not mean that it is in response to Earthspark's performance. It may be that the new show is made ot be more in line with the next phase of the TF franchise, now that Transformers One moves it into a new era.

The Mistranslation that Created Misinformation

Now adding to this was a mistranslation of a Japanese site summarizing what they read in a magazine (so already there we have 2 levels of being stray from the actual source). While some fans interpreted the quote to say that the Earthspark line in Japan was cancelled, the actual quote from the magazine said that the deluxe Prowl figure was cancelled. The line itself is not over in Japan, and instead we are getting something that fans have asked for a very long time: Takara exclusive toys.

Which of the New Toys Revealed Today are Exclusives?

Remember the Transformers Go line, where Takara retooled Hasbro toys exclusive to their market? Well those days are back. DX Elita-1 is not really a deluxe Elita 1 figure. It is instead the warrior class toy we got in the first wave from Hasbro but retooled so that the weapon gimmick is removed and so that her head can swivel. She also gets a great deco treatment. So Takara basically turned a warrior class into a deluxe figure. They are doing the same with Hashtag, which as you can see below has been retooled to remove the combining gimmick of the warrior class figure we are about to get from Hasbro.


Those two toys will not be released in the US or other Hasbro markets, they are exclusive to Japan. And since collector sites are not importing this line, anyone who wants these exclusives have to buy them from a Japanese outlet like Amazon Japan (links below). The two other toys shown today, Aftermath and Jawbreaker, are actual deluxe class toys we will be getting from Hasbro. We have their listings, they are coming out later this year. However, their deco will not be as detailed as the Takara versions. So if you want this exact deco, then once again you must order from Amazon japan or another Japanese online retailer.

Transformers Earthspark ESD-12 DX Terran Jawbreaker
Transformers Earthspark ESD-13 DX Terran Hashtag
Transformers Earthspark ESD-14 DX Elita-1
Transformers Earthspark ESD-15 DX Aftermath

Hopefully this helped a bit, if ever there are questions not addressed, feel free to join us in the message boards.


- There is still an entire season of Earthspark to watch for anyone interested, we do not know if there will be a third season, or if one was even planned.

- The only thing cancelled, either by Hasbro or Takara is the deluxe Prowl toy, which was a redeco of the previously released Cyberverse deluxe Prowl. The Earthspark line is not cancelled anywhere.

- DX Elita 1 and DX Hashtag are Takara exclusive retools and redecos of warrior figures we either already got or will be getting from Hasbro

- DX Aftermath and DX Jawbreaker are molds that Hasbro will also be releasing but their decos
will be slightly different

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Yeah, the one two punch of "Earthspark might be canceled" and "This Prowl figure definitely is cancelled" I think made people jump to a lot of conclusions.

I think it's probably done after two seasons though, if for no other reason than there's probably a much cheaper show that could be produced instead.


Wondering bot
Yeah, the one two punch of "Earthspark might be canceled" and "This Prowl figure definitely is cancelled" I think made people jump to a lot of conclusions.

I think it's probably done after two seasons though, if for no other reason than there's probably a much cheaper show that could be produced instead.

Or they think TF One will be a major sucess and wouid like to spin a series out of that movie

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