Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:

Hey, remember when the FBI intentionally sabotaged Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2016, and Hillary's supporters deluged FBI offices with threats of violence?

Oh right, they never did that. Because the two sides are NOT the same. Trump supporters are literally known for issuing death threats every time someone angers their Flabby Führer. Their political opponents don't do that. The two sides are not the same.


Well-known member
I'm going to find it funny how Trump is going to justify taking nuclear weapon documents from the White House. Even the most braindead members of his cult is going to realize how bad that is.

As for this guy, if that's what the Right Wing has in store for the FBI, they're about to find out just how stupid it is to hug around.

Ironbite-also FBI should go talk to Scott Adams for a larf.


Well-known member
I'm going to find it funny how Trump is going to justify taking nuclear weapon documents from the White House. Even the most braindead members of his cult is going to realize how bad that is.
The official MAGA position seems to be that anything damning they found was "planted."

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The official MAGA position seems to be that anything damning they found was "planted."
Because of course it was. They live in their own, separate and entirely distinct reality from reality. It doesn't matter what was found, how it got there, or why it happened: none of this news is for THEM, and frankly it never was. They are simply waiting for someone, anyone they consider to be in a position of authority over them, to call for violence, or mutter a string of words they can interpret as a call for violence.


jumbled pile of person
Looks like they were after the documents Trump took from the White House he wasn't entitled to.
You drop that "the" in there so casually like this was common knowledge, but it's news to me. Or maybe I just forgot because I was too distracted by all the other terrible things he did on the way out? I feel like Trump absconding with papers related to nuclear weapons would be both a big deal and a weird twist even by Trump standards. Who exactly was he planning on sharing those with? The only foreign power he's known to be in bed with is already a nuclear power and has been for as long as anyone besides us.

Then again, knowing Trump, there's also a decent chance he didn't even have any plans, and just casually grabbed them on the way out because they were there, too dumb to realize he wasn't supposed to do that or how much trouble it could get him into.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:

The FBI has set the frightening precedent that if you steal nuclear documents and then hide them in your house, the "deep state" will give you six months to voluntarily give them back, after which they'll file the correct paperwork for a search warrant so they can take them back. Ooooh, so disturbing.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Hopefully after yesterday the Mad About That Crowd found out that a nail gun won't get you through bulletproof glass.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Let's put it this way:

Found hoarding government documents under the archives act: criminal act and felony
Found hoarding government documents under the espionage act: it's treason.


Slightly Off
So what does that mean? Why is it a big deal?


These two were executed under the Espionage Act.
While it will remain a very, very distant possibility, that this is now known to be a Espionage Act investigation, capital punishment is legitimately on the table. Especially since Barr restarted Federal executions.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I think a lot of that depends on WHAT he was planning on doing (or had already done) with said documents. Being that it's Trump, there's about 4 options of what he was keeping them for, each probably as likely as the others.
1) Someone told him he couldn't keep them so he kept them out of spite.
2) He was planing to sell/had sold said information to foreign actors.
3) He was using the documents as blackmail.
4) He thought they were actually his property, not the governments.

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