Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Even if the organization survives the 5 years without being able to do business: would you voluntarily work with a group that spent literal decades committing every kind of fraud on the books?

This is it, they're done. Doesn't matter how much money trump has (and he doesn't. Otherwise he wouldn't have spent HIS ENTIRE LIFE lying about how money he had.), no legitimate business will contract them, and the scrutiny to the trump name going forward will mean the criminal organizations won't touch him either: too much risk. And the banks won't touch him either, now that it's proven that he will lie to them to steal their money. Oh, and it's going to be next to impossible to get insurance too (which is mandatory for businesses and buildings open to the public. (and a good idea for private buildings too.)). So none of his resorts will be able to operate.

Given his generally... untrustable nature, the payment of fines and punishments will have to be remanded to a bailiff to ensure that it's actually trump paying and not the myriad of super pacs he controls. And that wonderful bastard will probably announce to the world that donald trump is TOO BROKE to pay his dues.

When trump finally gets to his federal trials for his crimes against the country: he won't be a rich white business icon. He'll be poor. white. trash.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Trump is doing everything in his power to incite someone to murder the judge and D.A., and everyone is still acting as if it would be untoward to throw him in prison.

According to a new HarrisX poll, the majority of Republicans see Trump as a sincere "man of faith".

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I doubt they'll get the stench of that human fart whiff out in time... but it is a spirit halloween store, so how would you tell?

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
I'm so tired of seeing headlines saying that Trump crossed a line. He's always crossing lines. It's what he does, and he keeps doing it because there are never any consequences. Every day he walks around free is an affront to the rule of law.

(sigh) And now we have to explain to Trumpers that fraud is a real crime. Their selective ignorance is exhausting.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Explaining doesn't work on Trumpers. Either they're too ignorant (willingly or otherwise) to care, and thus you're just wasting your time; or they only cared about making people mad in the first place, in which case you're giving them what they want. They're either stupid, or they're bullies (often both, but one usually begets the other). If explanations worked, they would've left the cult already, or never fallen for it in the first place.

Or they're in on the grift, in which case they know what you're saying and just don't care, because they're making bank.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
They aren't THAT ignorant; they know fraud is a crime. Trump is literally beating the "I let them come after me to stop them coming after you" drum. They have just been convinced that everything the cheeto factory reject says is truth; and the dollar store knock off dictator is telling them he didn't commit any crimes.

While simultaneously screaming that biden has, and is currently committing (shockingly enough!) the exact same crimes trump actually committed. Fraud, and bribery, and retaining top secret documents. Amazing isn't it?

They know law and order are things: they are being told that trump hasn't broken the law, that things democrats are doing IS breaking the law. Projection and admission, every. *******. Time.


Well-known member
His lawyers have been very busy. I'm not sure how a team can be expected to do 4 criminal trials and 2 civil trials for a celebrity all at once without making some screwups.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Most of his lawyers are also demonstrably incompetent. But that just gives him another avenue to appeal any judgements and tie it all up in the court system for the rest of his life, dodging any real consequences.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
One could argue that having to run across the country to go to courts and paying millions for incompetent lawyers for the rest of your life is in fact a punishment. Sisyphean level of punishment even.

I wouldn't, because he's not actually paying his lawyers. It's not like it's minor charges he's facing: eventually the courts will proceed with or without his cooperation. If this whole thing lasts the rest of his life, it's because the stress of being guilty catches up with his fat ass and kills him.


Well-known member
It is intriguing how often Trump lawyers get called out for being ridiculous. You would think with the loss of his business and his freedom at stake, he would hire the smartest lawyers in America, but it seems like he instead seeks out the most obedient ones.


unfortunate shark issues
At this point, given how much publicity about how Trump doesn't pay anyone, I have to assume his lawyers think they're working for exposure.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Not so sure. They can probably get book deals once this is all over.

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