TMM Hungers: The Next Course


Well-known member


That technically makes the Monster the son of Doctor Pepper and therefore should inherit the Pepper name. And who's to say whether it's a Doctor or not? Has anyone even asked for credentials?


New member
Med doesn't have her own thread anymore so I decided to share this here:

The mobile game Granblue Fantasy recently introduced a character who is a female gnome who is obsessed with drawing manga of the male characters.


Well-known member
if you don't want your skeletal minions on the table, a little lemon water in a squirt bottle can be used as negative reinforcement.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Some people believe that we should suffer for art.

I'm perfectly okay with just buying the lunch meats, personally.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Seeing how it can be done at home is entertaining, though. Plus, any time Babby goes off the rails is good, longer videos make better background noise.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

Finally got my hands on the Shadow Fox. Dug out the old one for comparison. They're pretty similar in size, although the new one is sharper and more streamlined (mostly due to, y'know, not having a wind-up motor in the torso). The new one also seems to be a slightly bluer black than the original's grayer black, but that could just be my original being a bit faded from years out on the shelf.

A couple notes about the build. First, some of the pointy bits (ears, claws, especially the teeth) are sharp enough that a little caution is warranted. Second, the housing for the mid-torso joints (the first part of step 14 in the instructions) is prone to popping apart if you're not careful when handling those joints. I glued it together, it's fine now, but anyone else building one might want to just glue it while building to save the trouble of having to take it apart to get to it later. I also glued in the small net launcher inside the tail, the tiny tab wasn't strong enough on its own when moving the barrel, but that's less of a hassle to get at. The spoiler-ish flap over the hips is also kind of easy to knock off if you're not paying attention while moving the tail.

Other than those mostly minor issues (the mid-torso joint box is the only one I'd consider a real problem), it's a pretty solid build with plenty of articulation. The main gun still has the original's extending gimmick to rise up and aim around, and there's a 3mm hole between the hips to put it up on a stand for running and leaping poses. It's a little heavy for a Figma-style stand, but a Bandai Action Base can handle it.


Nonstop Baaka
I'm preordering that FFXIV cookbook from the Squeenix store. You want anything from there, and do you already have an acct for their site?


Nonstop Baaka
^So the shipping fee is $20 so screw that. At least the GameStop website finally has it for preorder.


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