Studio Series discussion


Staff member
Council of Elders
I hate clear plastic, but as has been said before, not enough to double dip on this guy. I'm a huge Soundwave fan and have several versions of him, but not as big a fan of Blaster.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
The boxart almost always has better colors than whats on the toy. I know in the past there have been toys with better paint apps and decos in the boxart than what actually made it to the toy. Frustrating to see what could have been with just something like the knees and hips having a splash of color added.

Look at the boxart on the back, where it shows the actual toy:


That blue looks a whole lot darker, and the gold and symbol pop better.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
They need to do ALL the cassette bots in that style. I don't even care if they never make transformer they can fit into like soundwave or blaster. I want the cassette bots, as many as I can have.

Related note: my pile of loot is like 12 days from shipping out and the ENTIRE TIME has been spent waiting on ******* rumble and frenzy to ******* drop. WTH is going on with BBTS?


Staff member
Council of Elders
Wondering about the possibility of Hasbro eventually getting around to Core class versions of Rewind and Eject since they're starting with Steeljaw. I still don't think those are that good a value, but it sure beats having to buy Eject and his Blaster accessory.


Well-known member
Pass from me. Not enough to double dip. Plus a TRU Exclusive up here which is awful even if I did have one near me.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Related note: my pile of loot is like 12 days from shipping out and the ENTIRE TIME has been spent waiting on ******* rumble and frenzy to ******* drop. WTH is going on with BBTS?
Half of the stuff I preorder on BBTS ends up in stores before the order comes in. Or the preorder is delayed for months (I have one Gundam kit that was supposed to be in last August and still hasn't shown up) and inevitably shows up about a week after I ship the previous POL. There is very little in between.


Well-known member
I mean, this Blaster looks great, so if someone missed the first go, this is definitely a great way to fix that.

I didn't, however, and i'm okay with my clear eject. I *AM* definitely on team more casettes, though. Its the main reason Soundwave and Blaster exist, and right now Blaster is out numbered. Gotta fix that.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Yup, I already have both Billy Blaster and Blaster Twincast, I don't need to get a second Blaster to get a cassette guy I already have but in non-clear plastic this time lol

(Hastak pls I am begging you for a Rosanna)

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
They need to do ALL the cassette bots in that style. I don't even care if they never make transformer they can fit into like soundwave or blaster. I want the cassette bots, as many as I can have.

Related note: my pile of loot is like 12 days from shipping out and the ENTIRE TIME has been spent waiting on ******* rumble and frenzy to ******* drop. WTH is going on with BBTS?

I never use POL, but I am still waiting for my Frenzy to ship this month.


Somehow still sane
A solid blue tape guy is kind of a draw but damn the chest door is tacky. Even a solid allspark blue window would be preferable to having a fake cassette drawn onto it.


Continuity Nutcase
And Blaster didn't even have cassette minions originally. His toy's cassette door was even sealed shut during its original 1985 release before the gimmick was restored for his second release in 1986.


Somehow still sane
Yes it was like that on the cartoon but it’s clearly meant to represent the sticker on the toy meant to look like a cassette. It’s dumb but I get it, Blaster has to take any differences from Kingdom he can because there barely are any.

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