Studio Series discussion


I'll get better someday, hopefully.
Yes. I consider the WfC Trilogy, the Legacy family of lines, and SS86 as a collective under one "master line" of sorts. And I count some of the Prime Wars toys in as well for my personal canon, mostly for the combiners which might not get remade again.

But isn't the Nemesis in the High Moon games Trypticon? (maybe Gamer Edition Trypticon will be a Titan at some point when they run low on subjects, eh?) This Nemesis looks to have a face based on the Decepticon symbol if that is Nemesis on the Legacy Evolution box-art (The Ark's face is based on the Autobot symbol, so it makes sense).


Well-known member
I wish they would bring back the fan votes. Give us a list of 3 or 4 Titans that are being considered and of course, always room for a write in so something silly like Erector can be added in . 😅


Well-known member
So what's these games connections to the movies? the credit music of both being linked to the movies? that crappy third game which slapped aligned and the movies into one continuity?

We'll get WFC Dinobots before they even touch AOE Scorn, Stafe and Slug!
But isn't the Nemesis in the High Moon games Trypticon? (maybe Gamer Edition Trypticon will be a Titan at some point when they run low on subjects, eh?) This Nemesis looks to have a face based on the Decepticon symbol if that is Nemesis on the Legacy Evolution box-art (The Ark's face is based on the Autobot symbol, so it makes sense).

Commander class of both him and Metroplex, sick of Titans, haven't got the space.

The Phazer

Well-known member
All three of these are a pretty easy skip to be honest. None of them are very good designs, and they're not executed very well.


I'll get better someday, hopefully.
EDIT: I can edit my posts too. And this crap's gotta go. Big block of ugly text and I don't want it here anymore. I DON'T CARE. I get too close to the sun and forget my place every time.
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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
It seems the pictures of Bumblebee are mistransformed? And he actually looks a bit better when converted right. That's good)).

I just saw this turnaround video that does show those wheelwells rotating up to look way less bizarre and in-the-way in robot mode:

He's still a little pot-bellied, but significantly better than those other photos.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh man, that makes a ton of difference. I was thinking he must have been mistransformed.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I hope so. They're not for me, but they clearly had fans.

I loved those games! High Moon, I feel, were the only ones to ever truly get how a Transformers game should work. My only complaint is that on the higher difficulty settings, they were too scarce with the ammo.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I am planning on breaking out WfC on my XBOX360 this weekend. Weather is going to be crappy and I haven't played the game in years. Should be fun.


Well-known member
Going to need to break out all the systems for some gaming. WfC on the PS3, Armada on the PS2 and let's not forget Beast Wars on the PS1 and PC! I guess we could say the entire Earthrise/SS could go with Devastation on the PS4.
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Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Yeah, I pulled out my 360 last year to play through those games and it refused to read discs despite me lovingly packing it away years ago. I wound up dropping $55 on a used one through ebay.

Really wish I had just bought them on Steam in the first place. Being able to pull them out on my Steamdeck whenever would have been nice.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, I pulled out my 360 last year to play through those games and it refused to read discs despite me lovingly packing it away years ago. I wound up dropping $55 on a used one through ebay.

Really wish I had just bought them on Steam in the first place. Being able to pull them out on my Steamdeck whenever would have been nice.
Yeah, I hope that they get them re-released on Steam so I can get them that way too! Plus, it would neat to see what a new Gaming PC could do with those games.


NOT a New Member.
SS GE 01 - War for Cybertron DLX Bumblebee

Image of Studio Series War For Cybertron GE-1 Bumblebee Concept Design (13)__scaled_800.jpg

While there has been a lot of excitement around the new movie line for Studio Series, we are thrilled to finally be able to debut the expansion of our Gamer Edition sub series. Kicking this segment off we revisited a game that is very near and dear to our hearts, War for Cybertron (2010)

First up is Bumblebee! It was great to get a chance to revisit this character with a more faithful representation of the in game character. In a previous release, this figure had been based on the concept art, so this release allowed us to follow the game model for more accuracy in terms of detail and scale.

In the game, Bumblebee is a much smaller character, so the SS line benefits from being able to scale the characters appropriately to one another. Similar to the development process of our traditional studio series movie figures, we utilized the three dimensional character models from the game to translate a functional transformation for these figures.

I had the joy of partnering with Shuhei Umezu at TT, who did an incredible job of developing the transformation. It’s unreal how compact of a vehicle Bumblebee converts into in the game, but Shu found a way to pack the entire robot form inside of it, with zero compromise to the alt mode.

Bumblebee gets loaded with alternate blasters and a sword accessory, all of which can be loaded onto the robot and vehicle modes.

To further diversify this segment from its predecessors, we brought one of the in game gimmicks to life via a 5mm port system. All of the figures in the WFC sub line are able to remove their right forearms to allow for the transformative weapons to be able to be mounted In place of their limb. Because an armory of different weapons were available for each character in the game, you can mimic this gimmick by swapping weapon limbs across your SS WFC figures.

Overall I am thrilled with the launch of this new segment, and even more excited for all the untapped content that this presents as potential future candidates for the studio series line.

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