Star Trek: Picard


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Although fans have wanted them to come back.

They did in DS9 Relaunch novels, and it's offhandedly mentioned in a Shatnerverse novel that Picard and crew dealt with the first of three incursions, for whatever that's worth....

They were also used in STO during the Delta Quadrant arc as Iconian servants/tools.


How did we get so dark?
I watched the sneak peak for this week's episode. No spoilers for the 90 second clip, but it really felt like a scene from TNG.
There's a absolutely gorgeous shot of the Enterprise in that preview, and the amount of detail that's been put into the model is insane. There's the superficial damage from Veridian III, and you can also very much tell that the difference between the old and worn saucer and the less battered Syracuse stardrive. It's really a good fit with the older and worn crew at the helm.

As much as I was cynical leading up to last week's episode (and I still do have issues), seeing all the love and care that's been put into the Ent-D bridge and model, and seeing these heroes from my childhood ride to the rescue has really warmed this guy's heart.

Does that make me part of the problem, now? :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Maybe playing to form, but it really bothers me a line that Picard says to everyone telling them what they've all known all day.
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New member
Terry Matalis has pulled a reverse Star Wars sequel trilogy. The Force Awakens brought us back with the original cast (mostly) and laid down the breadcrumbs for a lot of plot elements that were meaningful and would pay off - then the next two movies ignored almost everything and turned it into disconnected drivel.

Picard's Seasons 1 and 2 gave us a bunch of disconnected nonsense that was quickly abandoned and ignored only for Terry to come along and pull those elements out of the dumpster, give them weight, relevance and a way to properly give them a pay off that makes them valuable.

That is a HUGE accomplishment and I wouldn't have dreamed it possible.
That is why I never had much interest in the sequel trilogy for the other Star Franchise. The original Star Wars ended on a hopeful note. The Legends Books continued that hopeful note, even when established characters faced death or hard times. The sequels retread the original and made everything that happened before pointless. In this day and age, we need that hope. That sense of wonder.

Picard, for all its perceived faults, is very much about rediscovering yourself and reinterpreting your own history through contemplation and your interactions with those around you. The series finale of Picard could end very badly for the TNG crew, but I doubt at this point that it won't end without a bit of hope for the future. Star Trek Picard is always trying something new, but celebrates the past. While SW unceremoniously throws away its older generation, leaving them in a past of sadness and missed opportunity, Picard elevates the old guard, allowing some to live happy lives all these years later while others to begin the healing process for their losses. Star Trek, even at its worst is about Family. Family among the crew and family among the fans. All the while, slowly building up the next generation with neither old or new characters being put down to build up the others.
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Active member
That is why I never had much interest in the sequel trilogy for the other Star Franchise. The original Star Wars ended on a hopeful note. The Legends Books continued that hopeful note, even when established characters faced death or hard times. The sequels retread the original and made everything that happened before pointless. In this day and age, we need that hope. That sense of wonder.
How did the ST make what happened before any more pointless than the EU did? In the EU the New Republic failed. Its successor failed. The GFFA ended up ruled by a resurgent Empire with a Skywalker/Solo child as Empress after Luke radicalized and weaponized her to assassinate her own twin.


Well-known member
Maybe playing to form, but it really bothers me a line that Picard says to everyone telling them what they've all known all day.

Is this about the carpet?

Well...I was talking about a line from the preview scene for this week, so I shouldn't have been talking at all probably. There is absolutely nothing spoiler-y about the scene. They are all on the bridge of a Starship and Picard tells them all what is going on like the audience left for a commercial break and got amnesia on the way to the kitchen.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
Well...I was talking about a line from the preview scene for this week, so I shouldn't have been talking at all probably. There is absolutely nothing spoiler-y about the scene. They are all on the bridge of a Starship and Picard tells them all what is going on like the audience left for a commercial break and got amnesia on the way to the kitchen.

In Lorraine Banes' brother's voice: What's a commercial?

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Well...I was talking about a line from the preview scene for this week, so I shouldn't have been talking at all probably. There is absolutely nothing spoiler-y about the scene. They are all on the bridge of a Starship and Picard tells them all what is going on like the audience left for a commercial break and got amnesia on the way to the kitchen.
Ah, gotcha, sorry, I didn't watch the preview so I guess I forgot it existed 😓


Well-known member
It is a really strange preview. Everyone who saw last week's episode knows there will be a scene just like this.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
I like how in the preview trailer the Enterprise-D now has the lights dimmed down to almost nothing all the sudden

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Riker does say at the end of the episode to put as much power into the old shields as Geordi can.......

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Incidentally, seeing this post quoted again and thinking about it
Picard's Seasons 1 and 2 gave us a bunch of disconnected nonsense that was quickly abandoned and ignored only for Terry to come along and pull those elements out of the dumpster, give them weight, relevance and a way to properly give them a pay off that makes them valuable.
No shade to either you or Matalis, but I was wracking my brain to think of anything in S2 that contributed anything to what's happening in S3. After all, my biggest issue in S3 that really made the first three episodes feel like more of the same shit was how Raffi's character had to be busted back down to where she was at the end of S1 after the growth she'd seen in S2 (past her addiction, independent, self-actualized, and recognized by her peers, all of which she has lost by the time she meets Worf). Data, the Borg, Picard's past assimilation and trauma in relation to the Borg as well as his new body, even Crusher's absence, the things that set up the shape of S3's plot, were elements that came from or were last seriously developed in S1. S2 didn't really touch on anything that reappears in S3 except showing the Borg Queen in the flesh again, and most of what it did introduce, like Seven and Raffi's friendship (poorly executed romantic angle aside), was blown out an airlock like Rose Tico. And understandably, because S2 accomplished almost nothing for most of the characters and did so through a plot of dismembered nonsense.

But through the nonsense of Picard's past, it did touch on this idea of Picard as a parent, which has been a theme this season too. So at least technically S2 did get something in there. I really get the vibe that Stewart wanted certain elements of Picard's character to be explored and that that was one of them, and that Jack is a part of that same exploration, but that does at least mean that there was something that S2 built the groundwork for and S3 continued to develop.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, lots of great points. I can't think of a single thing Season 2 did other than vaguely give Q a final farewell and a cameo by Wesley. The only thing it actually did was give a side mention on why Seven was in Starfleet now and why Raffi had Cristo's ship. Something that could have just been explained in a conversation.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
That is of course assuming we never see Jurati again, which at this point is still open.

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