Star Trek General Discussion


Well-known member
I did this on the old forum and just stumbled across it in my old notes and thought it should be preserved here too:

There are actually several distinct arcs running through DS9:

The Bajoran reconstruction/religion:
101 "Emissary"
(We see DS9 and Bajor in ruins, encounter the Orbs, the Prophets, and find out that Sisko is the Emissary.)
102 "Past Prologue"
(We see that the Federation is not wanted, but needed, as some Bajorans aren't ready to let the war go. Also, we meet Garak, the Cardassian in exile.)
112 "Battle Lines"
(We lose Kai Opaka [and we hear Kira's opinion of her past and Bajor's future].)
114 "Progress"
(Kira is forced to evict an old man from his home in the name of progress.)
118 "Duet"
(A guilt-ridden Cardassian offers himself up to Bajoran justice, causing Kira to question her beliefs.)
119 "In The Hands of the Prophets"
(Vedek Winn does her best to turn DS9 into the Middle East.)
201/202/203 "The Homecoming" "The Circle" "The Siege"
(A Bajoran war-hero returns, and a militant group tries to overthrow the Provisional Government.)
205 "Cardassians"
(A Cardassian child left behind on Bajor is unwillingly repatriated.)
208 "Necessary Evil"
(We get a flashback look at Terok Nor during the Occupation.)
210 "Sanctuary"
(Displaced refugees arrive, and try to settle on Bajor.)
224 "The Collaborator"
(Kira realizes just how much was sacrificed during the Resistance, and Winn becomes the new Kai.)
313 "Life Support"
(Bareil sacrifices himself to establish a treaty between Bajor and Cardassia.)
315 "Destiny"
(Cardassian scientists arrive to establish a relay station, provoking demonstrations, and Sisko & Kira discuss his status as Emissary.)
322 "Explorers"
(Sisko builds an ancient Bajoran star-sailor, confirming an 800 year old connection between Bajor and Cardassia.)
324 "Shakaar"
(Winn tries to tighten her political grip and nearly causes a civil war.)
416 "Accession"
(A time-lost Bajoran claims to be the true Emissary, forcing Sisko to finally embrace the role.)
505 "The Assignment"
(A Pah-Wraith infects Keiko, and Rom[!?] explains Bajoran mythology.)
508 "Things Past"
(Another flashback look at Occupied Terok Nor, and we see that even Odo's hands aren't entirely clean.)
510 "Rapture"
(Bajor nearly joins the Federation, but Sisko sees a vision [presaging the Dominion War].)
511 "The Darkness and The Light"
(A mutilated and crazed Cardassian survivor of the Occupation starts killing off members of Kira's cell.)
601 "A Time to Stand"
(We see DS9 under Dominion Occupation.)
602 "Rocks and Shoals"
(Kira realizes she's become a collaborator.)
603 "Sons and Daughters"
(We see that Ziyal is an artist, who doesn't belong on Cardassia or Bajor, but carries the best elements of both.)
606 "Sacrifice of Angels"
(The new resistance forces the Dominion off DS9.)
611 "Waltz"
(Dukat's facade of sanity falls apart and he escapes, after airing his rationalizations and real opinion of the Bajorans.)
613 "Far Beyond the Stars"
(Sisko receives a vision from the Prophets.)
617 "Wrongs Darker than Death or Night"
(We see another flashback of the Occupation, revealing that the Cardassians kept Bajoran "comfort women.")
621 "The Reckoning"
(Bajoran archeologists trigger an apocalypse. Winn defies the Prophets, admitting that they have never spoken to her [this is probably why].)
626 "Tears of the Prophets"
(Dukat gets possessed by the Pah-Wraith, which then closes the Celestial Temple.)
701/702 "Image in the Sand" "Shadows and Symbols"
(Romulans build an outpost in the Bajoran system and nearly start a war with Kira. Sisko discovers his true parentage and reopens the wormhole. A Pah-Wraith cult has sprung up.)
717 "Penumbra"
(Sisko buys land on Bajor and proposes to Yates. Dukat gets surgically altered to look Bajoran.)
718 "'Til Death Do Us Part"
(Winn receives a vision while Sisko struggles with a Warning. Dukat begins his seduction of Winn.)
719 "Strange Bedfellows"
(Yates gets pulled into Bajoran religious customs. Winn realizes the Pah-Wraiths are pulling her strings.)
720 "The Changing Face of Evil"
(Winn and Dukat conspire to free the Pah-Wraiths.)
721 "When it Rains..."
(Kira, Odo, and Garak join Damar's resistance, but face opposition from Cardassian specism. Dukat is blinded and Winn casts him into the street.)
722 "Tacking Into the Wind"
(Kira runs Damar's resistance with Bajoran know-how.)
724 "The Dogs of War"
(The Dominion shatters the resistance, but Kira still manages to turn it against them because Bajorans Don't Quit. Yates is pregnant.)
725 "What You Leave Behind"
(The Battle of Cardassia. Damar dies, and Cardassia is left in ruins. Dukat and Winn die, and Sisko dwells with the Prophets, but promises to return within a year.)


Well-known member
The Fall of Cardassia:
102 "Past Prologue"
(We see that some Bajorans aren't ready to let the war go. We meet Garak, the Cardassian in exile.)
118 "Duet"
(A guilt-ridden Cardassian offers himself up to Bajoran justice.)
205 "Cardassians"
(A Cardassian child left behind on Bajor is unwillingly repatriated.)
208 "Necessary Evil"
(We get a flashback look at Terok Nor during the Occupation.)
218 "Profit and Loss"
(We learn of the Cardassian dissident movement, how far Cardassia is willing to go to kill them, and where Garak's loyalties lie.)
220/221 "The Maquis"
(The Maquis make their first appearance.)
222 "The Wire"
(Garak's spotlight episode, and the first mention of the Obsidian Order [and a hint of how highly-placed Garak was within it].)
225 "Tribunal"
(We get a look at Cardassian jurisprudence [and social engineering] when O'Brien is put on trial.)
305 "Second Skin"
(Kira gets caught up in an Obsidian Order plot to discredit Central Command and break the dissident movement.)
307 "Civil Defense"
(The crew triggers an old Cardassian defense program. Also, Garak and Dukat hate each other.)
309 "Defiant"
(the Maquis steal the Defiant and expose that the Order is building a fleet of its own.)
320/321 "Improbable Cause" "The Die is Cast"
(The Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar launch a joint strike at the Founders, and are decimated.)
322 "Explorers"
(Sisko builds an ancient Bajoran star-sailor, confirming an 800 year old connection between Bajor and Cardassia.)
401 "The Way of the Warrior"
(Cardassian Central Command has been overthrown. Klingons withdraw from the Khitomer Accords and establish beachheads in Cardassian space.)
404 "Indiscretion"
(We learn more about Cardassian family dynamics, as Dukat sacrifices his marriage [and his seven children!!] to save his illegitimate daughter.)
413 "Return to Grace"
(Cardassian holdings are still being raided by Klingons, until Dukat and Kira seize a Bird-of-Prey. Ziyal stays on DS9 while Dukat becomes a renegade.)
421 "For the Cause"
(Yates is convicted of smuggling for the Maquis [while the Federation is delivering aide to the Cardassians]. Eddington escapes. Garak and Ziyal bond.)
513 "For the Uniform"
(Sisko captures Eddington.)
514/515 "In Purgatory's Shadow" "By Inferno's Light"
(Cardassia joins the Dominion, and Dukat returns to power.)
519 "Ties of Blood and Water"
(Tekeny Ghemor entrusts his secrets to Kira before dying.)
603 "Sons and Daughters"
(We see that Ziyal is an artist, who doesn't belong on Cardassia or Bajor, but carries the best elements of both.)
606 "Sacrifice of Angels"
(Damar murders Ziyal, which puts Dukat off the deep end and gets him captured.)
609 "Statistical Probabilities"
(Damar becomes Cardassian leader, and we confirm [for the record] that Cardassia has no real power in the Dominion.)
611 "Waltz"
(Dukat's facade of sanity falls apart and he escapes.)
626 "Tears of the Prophets"
(Chin'toka falls, and Klingon troops land on Cardassian soil.)
701/702 Image in the Sand" "Shadows and Symbols"
(Damar is becoming an alcoholic.)
703 "Afterimage"
(Garak has a breakdown, fearing that he's betraying Cardassian lives by helping fight the Dominion.)
718 "'Til Death Do Us Part"
(The Breen join the Dominion.)
719 "Strange Bedfellows"
(The Dominion screws over Cardassia in favour of the Breen, and Damar releases Dax & Worf, beginning his rebellion.)
720 "The Changing Face of Evil"
(Damar formally announces his rebellion. The Defiant is destroyed and Chin'toka is retaken.)
721 "When It Rains..."
(Kira, Odo, and Garak join Damar's resistance, but face opposition from Cardassian specism.)
722 "Tacking Into the Wind"
(Kira runs Damar's resistance with Bajoran know-how.)
724 "Dogs of War"
(The Dominion shatters the resistance, but inadvertently turns Damar into a folk hero.)
725 "What You Leave Behind"
(The Battle of Cardassia. Damar dies, and Cardassia is left in ruins.)


Well-known member
Ferengi Social Reforms:
110 "The Nagus"
(we meet Grand Nagus Zek, and get a good look at the status quo of Ferengi society. We also see it being subverted by Nog.)
207 "Rules of Acquisition"
(A Ferengi female disguises herself as a male and impresses Zek with her business acumen.)
314 "Heart of Stone"
(Nog decides he wants to join Starfleet, citing how Ferengi society has failed his father.)
323 "Family Business"
(Quark's mother defies Ferengi convention, and we get our first close look at Ferenginar.)
407 "Little Green Men"
(Nog leaves for Starfleet Academy, and we learn snippets of Ferengi history.)
415 "Bar Association"
(Quark allows his employees to unionize. Rom resigns and joins the Bajoran Militia.)
424 "Body Parts"
(Brunt manipulates the system against Quark, forcing him to lose his business license.)
520 "Ferengi Love Songs"
(Quark finds out that his mother and Zek are dating, and that Zek is suffering dementia.)
623 "Profit and Lace"
(Ishka is now publically accompanying Zek, who has made it legal for women to wear clothes and conduct business. A HORRIBLE episode ensues.)
724 "The Dogs of War"
(Zek retires, leaving Ferenginar transformed and Quark thoroughly horrified.)

The Klingon Political saga (which actually carries over from TNG):
401 "The Way of the Warrior"
(Klingons withdraw from the Khitomer Accords and establish beachheads in Cardassian space. Worf is kicked out of the Empire. Again.)
414 "Sons of Mogh"
(Kurn returns, having fallen into disgrace thanks to Worf's actions.)
425 "Broken Link"
(Klingons officially declare war on the Federation.)
501 "Apocalypse Rising"
(The Klingon Changeling is revealed, causing a cease-fire, but not ending the war.)
514/515 "In Purgatory's Shadow" "By Inferno's Light"
(Cardassia joins the Dominion. The Klingons are forced out, and ally with the Federation, as do the Romulans. Martok and Worf become close friends.)
521 "Soldiers of the Empire"
(Worf becomes Martok's first officer and a member of his House, and helps him overcome his PTSD.)
603 "Sons and Daughters"
(We see that Alexander is a laughingstock, who doesn't belong among Klingons or humans, but Martok adopts him into his House because he's still family.)
607 "You Are Cordially Invited"
(Worf and Dax get married, and Sirella gives us a glimpse of Klingon Household politics, history, and mythology. Jadzia becomes part of the House of Martok.)
707 "Once More Unto the Breach"
(Martok reveals his family heritage, giving us a look at Klingon classism.)
721 "When It Rains..."
(Gowron seizes the reins of the war from Martok.)
722 "Tacking Into the Wind"
(Worf realizes that Gowron is trying to get Martok killed [and is losing the war to do it], and Challenges him.)
715 "What You Leave Behind"
(Martok returns to Quo'nos as Chancellor, with Worf as Federation Ambassador.)


Well-known member
The Odo/Kira romance:
116 "The Forsaken"
(Lwaxana Troi meets Odo and becomes smitten.)
201/202/203 "The Homecoming" "The Circle" "The Siege"
(Kira meets Bareil, and sparks fly.)
208 "Necessary Evil"
(We see the first meeting betwen Odo and Kira, and we see their trust shaken.)
216 "Shadowplay"
(Kira and Bareil become lovers.)
224 "The Collaborator"
(Odo visibly reacts to Kira's romance with Bareil.)
308 "Meridian"
(Kira pretends that Odo is her boyfriend to ward off an unwanted suitor.)
310 "Fascination"
(Lwaxana realizes that Odo loves Kira.)
313 "Life Support"
(Bareil dies.)
314 "Heart of Stone"
(Odo admits he's in love with Kira.)
324 "Shakaar"
(Kira moves on from mourning Bareil.)
412 "Crossfire"
(Kira and Shakaar become lovers. Odo's distraction nearly gets all three of them killed.)
522 "Children of Time"
(Kira and Shakaar break up. Future-Odo tells Kira he's in love with her.)
526 "Call to Arms"
(The Dominion War begins, and Odo and Kira agree to focus on more important matters.)
604 "Behind the Lines"
(The resistance wins victories, but causes a rift between Odo and Kira, which the female Changeling arrives to exploit. She seduces Odo, which completely ruins a resistance mission.)
605 "Favor the Bold"
(Odo and the female Changeling are now living together [giving us an insight into how Founders view solids]. Odo tries to apologize to Kira, who tells him [justifiably] to go hug himself.)
606 "Sacrifice of Angels"
(Odo finally gets his jive together and buys time for the resistance to sabotage DS9.)
607 "You Are Cordially Invited"
(Odo and Kira have a good long talk.)
620 "His Way"
(Vic Fontaine arrives and sets up Odo and Kira.)
625 "The Sound of Her Voice"
(Quark tries to take advantage of Odo being distracted.)
714 "Chimera"
(Odo admits that he wants to return to the Link, but stays because of Kira.)
721 "When it Rains..."
(Odo starts to show symptoms of the changeling plague.)
722 "Tacking Into the Wind"
(Odo tries to hide his disease from Kira)
725 "What You Leave Behind"
(The Dominion surrenders, and Odo promises to return to the Great Link to cure them.)


Well-known member
Section 31:
618 "Inquisition"
(Sloan spins a web of lies to recruit Bashir into Section 31.)
706 "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River"
(The Founders are suffering from a disease, which Odo doesn't seem to have.)
716 "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"
(Sloan uses Bashir as a pawn to eliminate an ally, with Ross' approval.)
721 "When it Rains..."
(Bashir realizes that Section 31 is behind the Changeling plague, and Odo starts to show symptoms.)
722 "Tacking Into the Wind"
(Bashir and O'Brien hatch a plan to reach Section 31.)
723 "Extreme Measures"
(Sloan commits suicide rather than be compromised.)

The Mirror Universe:
223 "Crossover"
(Kira & Bashir encounter the Mirrorverse, ruled by the Alliance. We establish that Changelings can be killed.)
319 "Through the Looking Glass"
(A Terran rebellion is fighting the Alliance.)
419 "Shattered Mirror"
(The rebellion has seized Terok Nor, and has their own knockoff Defiant.)
712 "The Emperor's New Cloak"
(Zek is abducted by the Alliance in order to get their hands on prime-verse cloaking technology. The rebellion captures the Klingon Regent.)


Well-known member
And The Dominion War itself:
111 "Vortex"
(Odo gets his first hint that "Changelings" are from the Gamma Quadrant.)
207 "Rules of Acquisition"
(We hear about the Dominion for the first time.)
210 "Sanctuary"
(Displaced refugees arrive [fleeing the Dominion], and try to settle on Bajor.)
212 "The Alternate"
(Odo discovers some ruins with ties to Changelings.)
216 "Shadowplay"
(Odo encounters a refugee from the Dominion, and hears [secondhand] legends about Changelings.)
226 "The Jem'Hadar"
(Sisko and Quark encounter the Jem'Hadar, New Bajor and the Odyssey are destroyed, and the Dominion issues an ultimatum for the Federation to stay out of the Gamma Quadrant.)
301/302 "The Search"
(the Defiant arrives, and Odo meets his people and discovers that they are the Founders.)
306 "The Abandoned"
(We see Jem'Hadar's maturation process, and learn both their innate aggression and how the Dominion controls them.)
314 "Heart of Stone"
(The female Changeling investigates Odo's loyalty to the solids.)
317 "Visionary"
(Romulans show up, demanding intelligence.)
320/321 "Improbable Cause" "The Die is Cast"
(The Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar launch a joint strike at the Founders, and we see that Changelings are infiltrating Alpha Quadrant powers.)
326 "The Adversary"
(A Changeling infiltrator nearly causes a[nother] Federation/Tzenkethi war. Odo becomes the first Changeling to kill another.)
401 "The Way of the Warrior"
(Cardassian Central Command has been overthrown. Klingons [convinced there's a Changeling involved] withdraw from the Khitomer Accords and establish beachheads in Cardassian space.)
403 "Hippocratic Oath"
(Bashir and O'Brien encounter a platoon of Jem'Hadar defectors, and we learn more about how they are controlled.)
406 "Starship Down"
(The Dominion punishes the Karemma for doing business with the Federation.)
410/411 "Homefront" "Paradise Lost"
(We confirm that Changeling infiltrators are on Earth, and watch it become a police state overnight.)
422 "To The Death"
(Renegade Jem'Hadar attack DS9, and Sisko and Weyoun must work together, giving us a look at Jem'Hadar discipline and capabilities.)
425 "Broken Link"
(The Founders punish Odo by turning him into a solid. Klingons officially declare war on the Federation.)
501 "Apocalypse Rising"
(The Klingon Changeling is revealed, causing a cease-fire, but not ending the war.)
502 "The Ship"
(Sisko finds a crashed Jem'Hadar ship, giving us our first look inside.)
510 "Rapture"
(Bajor nearly joins the Federation, but Sisko sees a vision [presaging the Dominion War].)
512 "The Begotten"
(Odo finds a baby Changeling, and regains his shapeshifting.)
514/515 "In Purgatory's Shadow" "By Inferno's Light"
(Cardassia joins the Dominion, and Dukat returns to power. The Klingons are forced out, and ally with the Federation.)
526 "Call to Arms"
(Sisko places a minefield around the wormhole. Bajor signs a nonaggression pact. The Dominion seizes control of Terok Nor, and the Dominion War has officially begun.)
601 "A Time to Stand"
(We see DS9 under Dominion Occupation. Odo becomes part of the station's ruling council, and Sisko's crew destroys the Dominion's only Ketracel White facility.)
602 "Rocks and Shoals"
(Kira realizes she's become a collaborator and forms a new Bajoran resistance.)
603 "Sons and Daughters"
(We see that Ziyal doesn't belong on Cardassia or Bajor.)
604 "Behind the Lines"
(The female Changeling seduces Odo, which compromises the resistance.)
605 "Favor the Bold"
(Federation morale is plummetting, and Sisko plots to re-take DS9. Odo and the female Changeling are now living together [giving us an insight into how Founders view solids].)
606 "Sacrifice of Angels"
(The Battle for DS9. Odo finally gets his jive together and buys time for the resistance to sabotage DS9. The Dominion abandons the station, leaving Dukat in custody.)
609 "Statistical Probabilities"
(Damar has replaced Dukat as Cardassia's figurehead military leader.)
611 "Waltz"
(Dukat's facade of sanity falls apart and he escapes.)
618 "Inquisition"
(Sloan spins a web of lies to recruit Bashir into Section 31.)
619 "In the Pale Moonlight"
(Sisko and Garak conspire to force the Romulans into the war. The Dominion captures Betazed.)
626 "Tears of the Prophets"
(Starfleet goes on the offensive. Chin'toka falls, and Klingon troops land on Cardassian soil.)
701/702 "Image in the Sand" "Shadows and Symbols"
(Romulans build an outpost in the Bajoran system and nearly start a war with Kira. Damar is becoming an alcoholic.)
706 "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River"
(A "defective" Weyoun tries to defect, and reveals the history of the Vorta. The Founders are suffering from a disease, which Odo doesn't seem to have.)
708 "The Siege of AR-558"
(Sisko and crew bolster a demoralized ground facility, and Nog loses his leg.)
710 "It's Only a Paper Moon"
(Nog deals with PTSD.)
716 "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"
(Sloan uses Bashir as a pawn to eliminate an ally, with Ross' approval.)
717 "Penumbra"
(The Founders' disease is proving incurable. Dukat gets surgically altered to look Bajoran. Dax and Worf are captured by the Breen.)
718 "'Til Death Do Us Part"
(Winn receives a vision. Dukat begins his seduction of Winn. The Breen join the Dominion.)
719 "Strange Bedfellows"
(The Dominion screws over Cardassia in favour of the Breen, and Damar releases Dax & Worf, beginning his rebellion. Winn realizes the Pah-Wraiths are pulling her strings.)
720 "The Changing Face of Evil"
(The Breen attack Earth. Damar formally announces his rebellion. Winn and Dukat conspire to free the Pah-Wraiths. The Defiant is destroyed and Chin'toka is reclaimed by the Dominion.)
721 "When it Rains..."
(Kira, Odo, and Garak join Damar's resistance. Gowron seizes the reins of the war from Martok. Bashir realizes that Section 31 is behind the Changeling plague, and Odo starts to show symptoms. Dukat is blinded and Winn casts him into the street.)
722 "Tacking Into the Wind"
(Kira takes over running the resistance. Worf realizes that Gowron is trying to get Martok killed.)
723 "Extreme Measures"
(Sloan commits suicide rather than be compromised, and Bashir and O'Brien enter his mind in order to find the cure.)
724 "Dogs of War"
(Sisko receives a new Defiant. The Dominion shatters the resistance, but inadvertently turns Damar into a folk hero.)
725 "What You Leave Behind"
(The Battle of Cardassia ends the Dominion War. Damar dies, and Cardassia is left in ruins. Dukat and Winn both die, and Sisko promises to return in a year.)


Well-known member
There are also a bunch of minor events buried as plot points or throwaway lines:
303, 305 "The House of Quark" "Second Skin"
(Business is down because of the Dominion threat.)
308 "Meridian"
(Defiant pays a quick visit to the Gamma Quadrant, defying the Jem'Hadar.)
311 "Past Tense"
(Defiant is en route to Earth to brief Starfleet Command on the Dominion.)
415 "Bar Association"
(After a flurry of quick recon/charting runs, Defiant spends five days in the Gamma Quadrant, seemingly calling the Dominion's bluff.)
615 "Honor Among Thieves"
(The Dominion is using the Orion Syndicate as pawns.)
616 "Change of Heart"
(There is [or was] at least one Cardassian working for Starfleet Intelligence.)
621 "The Reckoning"
(The Dominion is setting up to attack Vulcan, and the Romulans liberate Benzar.)
622 "Valiant"
(The Dominion rolls out a new type of battleship, which is huge.)
624 "Time's Orphan"
(The war has kept far enough away that the O'Briens can return to DS9.)
625 "The Sound of her Voice"
(The Federation has made failed attempts to retake Betazed.)


Well-known member
Went to trekfest this weekend. Saw both Gowron, Martok (both in full ridge) and the nerdiest costume I had ever seen. The judges didn't get the joke but mot of the audience did.



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Well-known member
yes, they even sang Klingon opera together in costume. Gowron even did the eyes for a picture with my son.

The guy who did their makup was a makeup artist for TNG, DS9 and Voy


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Was that in Riverside?

We stopped there last night, Trekfest was already done, but the 3-year-old wanted to play in the park, and they have a really nice one (right next to the Kirk statue). Had to laugh, they have that soft rubber play surface with a huge Starfleet emblem decoration in the middle. And the USS Riverside was parked right across the street, but we didn't get any pictures.


Well-known member
Was that in Riverside?

We stopped there last night, Trekfest was already done, but the 3-year-old wanted to play in the park, and they have a really nice one (right next to the Kirk statue). Had to laugh, they have that soft rubber play surface with a huge Starfleet emblem decoration in the middle. And the USS Riverside was parked right across the street, but we didn't get any pictures.
Yes it was. There is a little museum where the USS Riverside was parked. I have been to many Creation conventions, and this was more friendly than any of them.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
We were traveling past from another activity, so the museum was closed, but I've heard it's pretty good. I was really into Star Trek in my junior high and high school years, but even though I've lived within an hour and a half drive to Riverside for almost 20 years, I've never been there for any Trek events. With little guy getting older and sharing a lot of my interests, it might be worth taking time for a family outing next year.


Well-known member
We were traveling past from another activity, so the museum was closed, but I've heard it's pretty good. I was really into Star Trek in my junior high and high school years, but even though I've lived within an hour and a half drive to Riverside for almost 20 years, I've never been there for any Trek events. With little guy getting older and sharing a lot of my interests, it might be worth taking time for a family outing next year.
If nothing else, the museum alone is worth the trip, events are a bonus. It is a perfect blend of the open-mindedness of a Star Trek event wi the friendly charm of a midwest town festival...and it is all donation driven, so there is not "The Creation Air Tax"


Well-known member
iTunes has a bundle of the TOS films on sale for $20 and a bundle of the TNG films also on sale for $20.

They will automatically upgrade to 4K when Paramount releases them later this year (as the first four TOS already are) so $40 for 10 Star Trek movies in UHD is a great deal. Especially for someone like me who already paid full price for all that on VHS/DVD/BLU…


Immortal Maximal OC
If any of you were building the Eaglemoss Next Generation Enterprise... There may be a long delay on your next parts. If you ever see your next parts. On Jul 12th it was confirmed they applied for Administration


Active member
Yup, I'm out a few hundred on pre-orders - they take the money when you order rather than when they ship - but I feel really bad for anyone mid-way through any of the build collections.


Immortal Maximal OC
Update on Eaglemoss
There are things being worked on. Nothing solid or concrete yet but Eaglemoss is now offically in Administration. Which means employees are allowed to speak on the situation. Hence this interview. Paramount is said to be supportive of finding other distributors and RUMORS are going around naming companies like Round 2 are interested in some of the models the now officially defunct company has in their library. They are now in the part of this where they try to see how they can get as much money as possible to pay off Eaglemoss' debts.



Immortal Maximal OC
Basically Round 2 models is a company that bought the rights to AMT, MPC and Polar Lights models. They keep the legacy of those companies going.

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