Shattered Glass Thread


Well-known member
I just realized, it seems like Hasbro Slicer is potentially the inverse of Botcon Slicer. There we had SG Wheeljack pretending to be Slicer; but the bio for Slicer says he's an Autobot infiltrator, and probably pretending to be Wheeljack.


Wondering bot
this was an immediate buy, slicer? he's just normal slicer in the sg universe?

I'm kind of questioning that, while I not read the comics, I seen a fan stop motion series where he is an evil Autobot who later joins the evil Decepticons after escaping from the heroic Autobots


Continuity Nutcase
In the comic, the character's name is Slicer, so he's SG Wheeljack but with a different name.

This toy can just serve the purpose of both characters.

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
I find it stupid that Hasbro evidently requested an SG-branded toy character to be called the G1 name in the comic proper, but oh well.


Well-known member
If anything, it's Botcon's fault. There was NEVER a toy actually named to be SG Wheeljack. The toy that is associated with him, is 'Slice'. SG Wheeljack only exists in fiction. So, for a design team that focuses so much on what was done before, looking to previous SG toys; they're gonna come across Slice.

Despite that: Its a different SG universe then Botcon's; so maybe SG Slicer is just like SG Jazz, in that they look virtually the same to their positive universe counterpart.

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member

Did not see the setup of this reveal coming.





The Phazer

Well-known member
Flamewar has been too important a character to relegate to a convention exclusive toy for years, so it's good that they're doing her.

I have no idea what the entire concept of the Shattered Glass line is supposed to be any more, but to be fair I also didn't care about the mirror universe stuff and I will buy this.


Well-known member
Well right now, it's remaining Botcon toys at least. Its not like its a completely random character. So maybe we will see other Botcon themed stuff show up here?


singularly focused
Hell yeah!
weird line placement and faction logo(at least it matches her deco?) aside I'm pumped about this!

I was trying my best to avoid buying the arcee expecting a flamewar to happen(the mold clearly fits her better), but I ended up caving and getting the arcee anyway lol


Flamewar is an evil recolor of a very recognizable heroic character, so the SG line is a thematically appropriate place for her, even if in practice it means this is technically an alternate universe version of her whose characterization is probably one big joke about Glen Hallit or someone.


Continuity Nutcase
Flamewar is an evil recolor of a very recognizable heroic character, so the SG line is a thematically appropriate place for her, even if in practice it means this is technically an alternate universe version of her whose characterization is probably one big joke about Glen Hallit or someone.
It's even more unflattering than that: When Ben Yee first created the character, he meant for her name to be a joke about us, the Transformers fandom in general, and our tendency to bicker about everything under the sun.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Weird how if this was just Flamewar in legacy packaging, I wouldn't bat an eye at the red Decepticon symbol, but knowing she was shoehorned into Shattered Glass, the red symbol will always bug me.

Still getting her though.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
The red symbol is a bit weird, but I can easily handwave it away to make this regular Flamewar. By the description blurb, it seems like Flamewar is Flamewar in any universe, anyway.

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