
The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
"Sorry about that whole 'shooting you' thing. But, I know if you look deep into your heart...which is currently all over that tree...you'll find a way to forgive me."

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
"The thing about being an assassin is that people expect you to do the dirty work that no one wants to do: taking someone off the grid, going deep undercover in some hell of a craphole or just wiping someone's ass after they'd done it. You're expected to finish it clean, you don't show your face in public and people think you're just a damn 'accident'. By the way, we never had this conversation."

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
"He keeps kickin' me in the dick. Why? Why does he keep kickin' me in the dick?!"
"Hey Vegeta, I think I got a way to beat him!"
"I swear to god, if you say 'Hit him really hard,' I will kick YOU In the dick!"


Well-known member
A chef went to a dentist. He'd recently had a new plate implanted and felt some pain in the area.
Upon examination, the dentist stated "the acrylic is starting to deteriorate. Tell me, have you been eating a lot of Hollandaise sauce?"
"Yes," said the chef "it's a favorite. Is that bad?"

"Well," explained the dentist- "Hollandaise has lemon juice as a base so it's highly corrosive to this material. I could do a replacement but we'd likely be in the same spot a few months down the road. I think we will have to make a new plate, but this time i'll have to use a chrome base."
"Why?" asked the chef.
And the dentist replied "Because there's no plate like chrome for the Hollandaise."

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
"Sounds like you've got a solid plan, mister.....?"
"You can call me Tucker."
"You're Tucker the trucker? Really?"
"Why not? You're Robo the robot."
"Well played, Tucker."


Embrace Eternity!

By the goddess!


Keelah Se'lai, boshtet!

Can it wait? I'm in the middle of some calibrations.

I will destroy you!

I should go.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
"How do you make anything out of that, anyway?"
"Nunya fuckin' business. Trade secret."

From God of War 4, after Atreus brings materials including "Screams," "Despair," and "Ultimate Sacrifice" to Brok the dwarven smith.


Well-known member
Sherlock Holmes returned to 221B Baker Street, carrying a box of lemons in his arms.

"Where did those come from, Holmes?" Dr. Watson asked.

and Sherlock replied

A lemon tree, my dear Watson.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
"Put as much distance between you and the truth as you want, it changes nothing. Pretend to be everything you are not... Teacher... Husband... Father... But there is one unavoidable truth you cannot escape. You cannot change. You will always be... a monster."
"I know......But I am your monster no longer."

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Fear makes the heart grow louder. Death makes the heart grow flowers. Welcome to Night Vale."


Vossler: We've secured an Atomos. Come!
Balthier: An Atomos? All skiff, no ship...hardly fit for a leading man.
Vaan: So I can fly it then?
Fran: You're mad!

Vaan: How old were you again?
Fran: *walks away without a word*
Balthier: Ugh! Nice, Vaan!
Ashe: Ugh!
Larsa: Surprisingly rude!
Penelo: Try to grow up please?

Vaan: So you two were close, huh?
Balthier: Close enough for fisticuffs. Driver, faster if you please. I would be loathe to expend any of the violence of my present mood on my companions.

Ashe: Our names may be notorious but our faces are not far known.
Vaan: True, true. You're a princess and we didn't even recognize you.
Ashe: I noticed!
Penelo: *motions as if to say 'shut the hug up'*

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