Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
So far it's none of them. Outside of Rise, Raph has been my favorite ever since the or live action movie. But this Raph has very little in common with any other Raph ever. In fact, except for Mikey, it feels like none of the characters feel like who they're supposed to be. So far this really feels like a "in name only" Turtles series. If not for the assurances that it does get better, I would have dropped it by now. As It is, I'm pretty much resigned to eye rolls and putting it off as background noise.
Keeeeeep going!

To be honest, Raph is my least favorite turtle because he's the belligerent one. (Classic Raph tho, I didn't feel his negativity that much. He was ok). But from 2k3, Nick, the movies, the Nightwatcher movie, Archie, Image (which I think was rebranded at TMNT Urban Legends? Which I actually completed and liked a lot. I read online that the creators actually finished the storyline somehow, wow), I was miffed that Raph was 'trying hard to be cool and angsty'.

Rise Raph, first season, I was slightly taken aback cuz he was actually showing that he was caring to his brothers by watching over them / trying to lead. It was... odd. Nice but odd. I woooould have liked it (maybe) but he got overshadowed by the madness of Donnie, hahahaha. (Absolutely adored that he loves dancing! Can he get any more awesome? Hahaha!)

Aaaaanyway, keep watching! Go go go!


I didn't read the original Image comics but I did read the Urban Legends on ComiXology. It was pretty nuts. And yes, they did go back and give it an ending. They also colorized it. Not sure if that's a deal breaker.


Well-known member
But this Raph has very little in common with any other Raph ever. In fact, except for Mikey, it feels like none of the characters feel like who they're supposed to be.

Yeah...Rise is kind of "Oops...All Michelangelos!" with it's characters. Everyone's more of a party dude in this version. (There's Raphael...The Family Focused Teddy-Bear Mikey from the 2012 cartoon, Donatello...the Smooth-Operator Prankster Mikey from the Bay Movies, Leonardo...the overconfident idiot savant Mikey from the 2003 cartoon, Michelangelo...the generic store brand Mikey from the 90s movies, Splinter...the lazy but fun-loving Mikey from the 80s cartoon, and April...the more-violent than you'd expect Mikey from the Mirage Comics.). It's the version where the characters are at their MOST "teen".

They do get moments where their characters shine, though. And, like I said before, they were trying to do something completely different with this cartoon. Obviously...there's a reason it wasn't popular. But, it does get better.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Mikey was my favorite growing up... is this why I liked Rise so much?

Nah. TBH, I see where you're coming from, but at the same time, don't really see it that way.


Issue 131 is out today. I feel compelled to say something since a new issue is out. But really, the only thing I can think to say right now is that Alopex better be back.


Look, I'm just saying, okay? I'm just...I'm just saying. This is what was advertise:



And this is what I got from BBTS today.


Comparison with Playmates:


I mean, the chrome looks nice and at least the pauldrons don't hover over the shoulders. I mean, it looks nice, especially for a BST AXN toy. But the colors aren't nearly as badass as the promotional picture.


Okay, I want to take you back a bit. Back in the day, children in my grade at school only knew about the Fred Wolf cartoon. I'm not even sure if the movie had come out yet. So here I am, my idea of the TMNT is that there's no swearing, no blood, and they were only able to go all out on the Foot Soldiers because they were robots.

This here is my first ever Mirage TMNT comic book and my first time seeing the turtles in glorious black and white.


Scan 8.jpg

Scan 9.jpg

Wow!! Mommy and Daddy must never know what I've been reading! 😇

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, I had a similar thing going with a couple of big, thick volumes.

Sadly, I don't have those any longer. My dad locked them away in a trunk as some sort of collectibles (looking back, I wonder if he was BSing me...), and unfortunately, well, stuff happened.


Because someone asked, I have not given up on Rise yet. I finished volume 1. I'm taking a short break before volume 2 so I can get the last couple issues of "The River" scanned and cropped.

Also, I haven't said anything lately because I was tired of bitching.


Okay, here's a question for you. What version of each of these characters do you prefer?

2012. He wants to lead early on but he learns throughout the series what that actually means. Yes there are times where he's a jerk about it. There are times when he's a little know-it-all. But we also see an insecure side who, especially when he has to step up into Splinters shoes, he doesn't have all the answers but still has to make the decisions. 2012 really made Leonardo shine for me like he never has before.

IDW. Before IDW, Donatello was the background "he exists" kinda character. But between nearly being killed by Rocksteady and Bebop, spending time as a cyborg (this is before I got around to reading Urban Legends), being experimented on in the latest story arc, he's gone from nobody to my second most favorite (right behind and gaining ground on Raph).

1990 movie. Yes there's the whole thing with him saying damn 3 times in the first 15 minutes. Yes he was also the moody/angry one when I was a moody/angry teenager myself. And it's not like he's not angry at the end, because he is. But he's not a one-note jerk like he sometimes comes off as. "Listen, what I said before, you know, about not needing you..." "Leo! Don't!" They had an argument. Leonardo was feeling really guilty that it was the last conversation they had before Raphael was put into a coma. In probably the sweetest part of Raphael's whole career, in two words he was telling his brother, we had an argument. We'll probably have plenty more. It's in the past so don't even worry about it. Best Raphael moment ever.

Honestly, as much as I'm really not enjoying Rise at the moment, I'm going to have to say Rise. At least IDW isn't treating him like a total buffoon. But it seems to be at the cost of not even wanting to go so far as making him a party dude. Rise is probably the one time they actually nail the balance of making him a happy go lucky guy without making him a complete moron. I'm still not liking Rise much, but I have to admit, they are getting Mikey right.

2003 series. He's stern, but 2012 felt borderline abusive. The movies are just kinda there. Don't even get me started on Rise. So it's kinda 2003 by default.

1990 movie. Fred Wolf Shredder is a buffoon. 2003 changed him dramatically by making him an Utrom. 2012 made him a revenge before reason idiot that would destroy the entire world just to settle a personal vendetta. I haven't run into Rise Shredder yet, but I have seen his design and...ugh! The 1990 movie, I loved the design, he was threatening, no BS kinda guy.

1990 movie again. The Fred Wolf made him an irritating one-note Clint Eastwood caricature to the point where when I was in the theater and saw him leap down from a tree in the park, I immediately groaned. It wad like "oh no, not this guy!" But Elias Koteas made him cool. He actually made Casey into a character I immediately want to see how they're going to design him with each new iteration. Koteas is the Casey that I will forever compare all Caseys to.

Oh yeah, April
2012. I've always liked the idea that she would take lessons from Splinter. As often as simply knowing the Turtles puts her life in danger, why wouldn't she learn what she could from a ninja master she sees every day. Other versions play with this. The Archie comics have her doing some background training with Splinter. The CGI movie shows her already a competent fighter who can go toe to toe with Karai. But 2012 really takes the time to show her through the stages: inexperienced civilian, newbie still fumbling with the basics, able to defend herself and finally able to kick ass and take names along with the turtles.
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Okay, I want you all to read this carefully and try to fully understand what it is that I am trying to say to you, okay? I really want you to understand me and where I'm coming from. This is very important. Okay? Are you all ready? Okay, here we go.

This episode...was about...RETURNING A DVD!!!!






WHAT IS THIS ******* SHOW????


Well-known member
*Looks up where Caldwin is in relation to the rest of the show*
Well, you're almost halfway done. Just a little more until it actually starts to get interesting.


As for my favorite versions of all the cast:

Leonardo: Hmm...this one's tough, because he's usually the most "bland" or "responsible" out of everyone. I think I might go with 2003, because he does have a hidden rage underneath his usual stoicism in this version. IDW's pretty close, with his dark-side arc, but...I just have more nostalgia attached to the 2003 version.

Raphael: IDW for me. He's arguably the "heart" of the team in this version. He the one on his own in the beginning and reconnects with the family later. He has the best relationship outside the team with Alopex (...we'll see how the current storyarc plays out). He fights as a vigilante/cop for Mutant Town. I think he's the most layered version of himself, here.

Donatello: 2012, I guess. I'll admit, 2003 comes pretty close, too. But, 2012 just came across as more "human". His crush on April can be awkward, but some of his reactions to some of the situations they find themselves in can be fun.

Michelangelo: 2012. This just feels like the most "Mikey" Mikey we've ever gotten. Upbeat. Childlike. Optimistic. He still gets a "idiot savant" power, like the 2003 version, only this time in Dimension X, which feels more deserved since Mikey just goes with the flow more, which helps in a alien environment.

Splinter: Again, 2012. He's just fun. His lessons are sometimes contradictory...and he admits that. He kind of feels like he's still figuring out the whole "master" thing, and that's kind of unique. Although, no spoilers, but Rise probably changes the most over the course of the show. Despite the rocky start, Rise Splinter IS a contender, believe it or not. IDW might actually be my LEAST favorite Splinter, since he kind of loses his way a little after taking over the Foot Clan.

Casey: 2003, no contest. He's still the voice I hear in my head when I read Casey in comics nowadays. He's probably one of the better fighters. But, not a complete psycho.

April: It's close, but I'm going with IDW April. She has the best combination of "usefulness" and "fitting into the plot". The 2012 verison has more power...but she honestly became a little "Deus Ex Machina"-y to me. 2012 April almost became TOO important to the plot, if that makes any sense. 2003 has a great relationship with Casey, and probably has my favorite personality and voice of all the Aprils, but she doesn't get a lot to do. IDW April is a scientist, which is useful to have around. Although...if "Shredder's Revenge" April counts...she might be a contender.

Krang: Um....2012. As overused as they are, the Krang actually get a interesting origin, even if it does feel like a retcon.

Shredder: 2003, no contest. I don't care if he is a Utrom, or a Tengu, or a Cybernetic construct. This is the Shredder I judge all others by. His voice and leitmotif are iconic. He's actually threatening. It's ALWAYS exciting when he shows up. For the record, the Utrom Shredder is specifically my favorite, but ALL the versions of him are pretty good. IDW Shredder comes closest to recapturing a lot of 2003's cool, but...well, him being someone else's pawn kind of waters him down in my eyes.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Okay, here's a question for you. What version of each of these characters do you prefer?

2012. He wants to lead early on but he learns throughout the series what that actually means. Yes there are times where he's a jerk about it. There are times when he's a little know-it-all. But we also see an insecure side who, especially when he has to step up into Splinters shoes, he doesn't have all the answers but still has to make the decisions. 2012 really made Leonardo shine for me like he never has before.

IDW. Before IDW, Donatello was the background "he exists" kinda character. But between nearly being killed by Rocksteady and Bebop, spending time as a cyborg (this is before I got around to reading Urban Legends), being experimented on in the latest story arc, he's gone from nobody to my second most favorite (right behind and gaining ground on Raph).

1990 movie. Yes there's the whole thing with him saying damn 3 times in the first 15 minutes. Yes he was also the moody/angry one when I was a moody/angry teenager myself. And it's not like he's not angry at the end, because he is. But he's not a one-note jerk like he sometimes comes off as. "Listen, what I said before, you know, about not needing you..." "Leo! Don't!" They had an argument. Leonardo was feeling really guilty that it was the last conversation they had before Raphael was put into a coma. In probably the sweetest part of Raphael's whole career, in two words he was telling his brother, we had an argument. We'll probably have plenty more. It's in the past so don't even worry about it. Best Raphael moment ever.

Honestly, as much as I'm really not enjoying Rise at the moment, I'm going to have to say Rise. At least IDW isn't treating him like a total buffoon. But it seems to be at the cost of not even wanting to go so far as making him a party dude. Rise is probably the one time they actually nail the balance of making him a happy go lucky guy without making him a complete moron. I'm still not liking Rise much, but I have to admit, they are getting Mikey right.

2003 series. He's stern, but 2012 felt borderline abusive. The movies are just kinda there. Don't even get me started on Rise. So it's kinda 2003 by default.

1990 movie. Fred Wolf Shredder is a buffoon. 2003 changed him dramatically by making him an Utrom. 2012 made him a revenge before reason idiot that would destroy the entire world just to settle a personal vendetta. I haven't run into Rise Shredder yet, but I have seen his design and...ugh! The 1990 movie, I loved the design, he was threatening, no BS kinda guy.

1990 movie again. The Fred Wolf made him an irritating one-note Clint Eastwood caricature to the point where when I was in the theater and saw him leap down from a tree in the park, I immediately groaned. It wad like "oh no, not this guy!" But Elias Koteas made him cool. He actually made Casey into a character I immediately want to see how they're going to design him with each new iteration. Koteas is the Casey that I will forever compare all Caseys to.

Oh yeah, April
2012. I've always liked the idea that she would take lessons from Splinter. As often as simply knowing the Turtles puts her life in danger, why wouldn't she learn what she could from a ninja master she sees every day. Other versions play with this. The Archie comics have her doing some background training with Splinter. The CGI movie shows her already a competent fighter who can go toe to toe with Karai. But 2012 really takes the time to show her through the stages: inexperienced civilian, newbie still fumbling with the basics, able to defend herself and finally able to kick ass and take names along with the turtles.

I kinda want some sort of multiverse TMNT. Like, not like Turtles Forever and the like, exactly, but take one Turtle from each iteration to form a team that goes on some bizarre multiverse adventures.

Like, the roster I would make:

Rise Don
4Kids Leo
Fred Wolf Mike
2012 Raph

And for funsies, get OG movie Casey and Adventures April in there.

For Shredder? 4Kids. He's as bad and deadly as they come.


*Looks up where Caldwin is in relation to the rest of the show*
Well, you're almost halfway done. Just a little more until it actually starts to get interesting.

Finally got to it last night. Splinter finally got off his butt and did something. In fact, he's doing more than the turtles at this point. There's finally something resembling an ongoing plot. So it's getting better.

Understanding, yes, it's getting better. But this show is still distilled ADHD, which is just not the kind of show I enjoy. Teen Titans would often go right up to the line, but never really crossed it. So I could take it. Teen Titans Go was just too much. I have a low tolerance for these kinds of shows. But yes, it's gotten better. It's gotten to be watchable. And I'll wait till the end to make my final judgement. But as it is now, it's watchable, but still not going to be anything I revisit any time soon after I finish it.


Yeah, that's the main reason I'm still persevering through this. It's not my favorite TMNT by far. But I still want to have the legwork done before I watch the upcoming movie.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Okay, I want you all to read this carefully and try to fully understand what it is that I am trying to say to you, okay? I really want you to understand me and where I'm coming from. This is very important. Okay? Are you all ready? Okay, here we go.

This episode...was about...RETURNING A DVD!!!!






WHAT IS THIS ******* SHOW????
Comments like these are why I'm waiting for you to keep on going, hehe.

Seriously though, on the hugs, it might be later (if ever) when you can look back and realize how odd it is that the brothers are looking for affection from their dad because, usually, teenagers are being rebellious and wanting nothing to do with their family.

But the Rise brothers were desperate for acceptance from their dad. Rise Mikey 'Dr Delicate Touch' would be young and sensitive enough to want nurturing. Then Donnie 'the funny purple one' said something about finally being appreciated. Rise Raph was like usual Leo while Rise Leo was different cuz he almost seemed like he didn't care.

This was a different Splinter. Was Rise Splinter a good father? It's played for laughs but did he even know his sons' names?

Was any other incarnation of Splinter ever shown as a bad father?

(Yes, I remember being shocked at Nick TMNT 2012 Splinter beating up his students. Like, wow.

Also, best dad memory of 2003 Splinter was them finding out about the Battle Nexus and being told that Splinter was a champion. Mikey saying 'It's like finding out your dad was Superman' struck a chord. Like, do I have a memory of being proud of my own father?


Anyhow, keep gooooing. I hope you make it before the Netflix movie drops cuz were going to be raving or ripping at it and you wouldn't be able to read the posts, hehe

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