Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Remember when CRTs were like completely worthless and you could easily get one for crazy cheap (or even free in some cases) if you wanted to play old games?

Yeah now people try and get like $100-200 out of them because they're 'retro'. It's why I'm glad I still got two CRTs, one with that bonus 'retro' flair that people love (I'm not getting rid of either of them btw).


Somehow still sane
I actually started playing FE: Three Hopes. This fixes all the story and character problems from the main game, holy crap.

A shame about the gameplay.


Well-known member
wild arms one and two are some of my favorite rpgs ever, and this is by the devs of both of those games. we ehhh don't talk about wild arms 3.


Nonstop Baaka
Bah! I played WA3 first and loved it! Almost beat 2 and one of the later ones before I got distracted.
That reminds me, I need to back the Kickstart after pay day.


Well-known member
Bah! I played WA3 first and loved it! Almost beat 2 and one of the later ones before I got distracted.
That reminds me, I need to back the Kickstart after pay day.
it was too different at the time for me. i might go back and play it now that all the wild arms games seem to be getting put up on PSN.


Nonstop Baaka
Female protag, fun main cast and side chars, and I looooved the puzzles. Also they did some really cool stuff with the intro/ending songs that I've never seen elsewhere.
Every so often, the intro song/visuals change, and there's an ending song/visuals that do the same when you quit the game.


Somehow still sane
Thia might as well have been a Squeenix direct.
Also I can’t believe they’re porting Fire Emblem Heroes to Switch


Well-known member
So if their re-mastering all the vita and psp final fantasys dose this mean well see the return of Gackt? or gods help us a re-master of Dirge of Cerberus.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Why so many farming games on the direct today? also new Bayonetta 3 gameplay trailer.
Probably trying to get some of that Animal Crossing/Life-Sim money.

or gods help us a re-master of Dirge of Cerberus.
They probably want to focus their energies on GOOD games to remaster


It’s strange to me to see so many things i bought for the Vita end up getting remastered or remade between the current crop of consoles. About the only thing of note on my Vita TV is the Sony-exclusive stuff that hasn’t ended up on another platform in some fashion.


Somehow still sane
When you secure a job as the animu protagonist but just came from your 4th of July parade gig.


Nonstop Baaka
Trying out a demo for Harvestella, Squeenix's farming sim game. The visuals are pretty, story's kinda interesting, but geez the time passes way too quickly. 8 seconds of real time is 10mins in game. You def feel pressured to focus on either farming for the day or hitting the dungeon/advancing the plot. Getting KO'd in the field causes you to wake up at noon the next day, losing precious time, and paying the doctor a fee that increases every time. There's jump points and shortcuts you can unlock in the dungeon, but you need the tools and time to access them.

There's also a job change system w/ outfits that you can switch near save/jump points only. Real time combat, not too bad but I'm having trouble w/ the first boss. He's weak to some spells but casting takes time, and you can't cancel casting and the mage job is a glass cannon... anyways. I'm curious about the game, but not enjoying feeling stressed about the time crunch.


Nonstop Baaka
At least in Animal Crossing, there's no energy meter or notifications begging for help/stamina/etc every 5 minutes.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Getting banner ads on mobile for Queen's Blade Limit Break and holy **** the art is kinda horrifying. Have these people ever seen actual breasts?

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