Hyrule Town Square


Maystor missspelur
I went to save my Garudo Waifus first Harder path I know but it will be worth it so I started that quest line first
I feel more confident about combat now still not goona take on a Hinox or anything just yet

And holy fooking sheet thoses malice hands scared the hell out of me!!! they are no joke dont F- around and find out run!


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
And holy fooking sheet thoses malice hands scared the hell out of me!!! they are no joke dont F- around and find out run!
Unfortunately I kinda had that spoiled for me, so I wasn't so scared. Not sure what the item they drop is used for, but I noticed one of the poe shrines offers the same item as a reward

Gonna play a bit tonight. Not sure what I'm gonna focus on. Maybe try and figure out how to trigger the Popla Foothills Skyview Tower. Got to it but the terminal seems to be glitching out and I haven't quite determined how to fix it.



okay, when I get home from work I"m going to finish the Hateno mayor quests! But that's it. I really want to get back to the Final Fantasy XIV msq. So just that one side quest and I'm moving on.

Holy crap! It's well past bed time and I'm still on TotK. Darnit! What happened to FF XIV? *sigh*


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Think I'm gonna focus on the Goron area tonight. Messing around yesterday I started the questline there and I can already see that Yunobo's ability will come in rather handy outside of the Eldin region.


Maystor missspelur
Im gonna put this here for posterity OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Future me was I right?


Shrines in Breath of the Wild make you feel like:
I'm the cleverest of all humans. Bow before me, lesser creatures.

Shrines in Tears of the Kingdom make you feel like:
I'm a silly, silly child.


I got the Master Sword.

I knew as soon as they started talking about how swallowing a stone would make you an immortal dragon but you lose yourself in the process, I knew precisely then what would happen to Zelda. But that didn't make me any more prepared to see the moment happen. 😭


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Well, the plan WAS to go do the Goron thing, I got distracted and ended up getting Autobuild and getting all but two of the towers unlocked(need to go take a trip to the southwest and knock out those last two) I've gotten to the fire temple now, though. Just gotta ensure I'm stocked up on food before proceeding.
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Maystor missspelur
Rito Region spoiler
Ok the trek up to the ark was insane I dont have a fear of heights in video games but even that had me gittery
Easy top 10 WTF moments in gameing that was....gah


Maystor missspelur
Ok 3 down but I kinda Brute forced my way though the 3rd one( Death Mountain )I could kinda see what they wanted me to do but I was like nahhhh


Maystor missspelur
Terry Town bonuses
I build my house a 3 story affair with the 3rd floor asses you have to use ascend to access its my weapons room
The editing is limited though like you cant elemnate walls or add walls or doors I had to rework half my house when I found this out my staircase did not line up right Im about 75% satifided with the current build


Maystor missspelur
I had a set goal when I started playing at (1am) I started on that goal attempted that goal .......and was for the next 5 hours DOING SOMETHING ENTIRELY DIFFERENT AGRH!!!!


Well-known member
Pretty much what I've been doing: just exploring the land, getting the map, doing shrines and enjoying it but now realise I've done nothing to rescue Zelda!


Maystor missspelur
Zelda be like tapping her foot and checking her watch "Where is that boy?"

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