He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Rechecked and it was just the previous ep where Duncan shoves an RK unit into the mouth of a Battle Bones. I guess I forgot it cuz it happened so fast. But I still don't know what RK means.

Anyhow, done with it. I really like that Orko is something else this time around. He and Cringer are the characters I would like to see more of the good guys. Love that Skeletor does uncle jokes (offshoot of dad jokes?). Nice Hand Witch, Word Witch lore. Any more? Sight Witch? Kick Witch? That hilarious SANDWICH joke?! Haha!

Hated the toilet humor about urinating on the helmet. Adam manufactured his own drama by not talking to his dad are once. I really, really hope the Dark Masters stay in powered forms but, wow, the transformation sequences were great. Not into the overly long attack processes (or He-Man's lightning strike silhouette).

Would that it wasn't a cliffhanger, darn! Great stuff!


Well-known member
Watched the first two episodes of the new series, probably do two a night all week. But yeah, I and my roommate really liked this. Its a perfect balance of taking itself seriously and being completely silly. Yeah some of the characters are a bit different, but everything is so fun and charming. Except that theme song.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Alright, started watching the new series.

Do I like the whole "THEM! But as KIDS!" trope? Nope. But I am glad the franchise is strong enough to experiment with it's core identity.

That said: I am enjoying the hell out of it, and it really does seem that netflix knows how to make them a good cartoon.


David Kaye's Cringer is great. At first I was like "uh, this Cringer is not cringey enough" but he's a fantastic character so I got over it. I feel like Battle Cat has never been this much of an actual character in his own right and I really like him. Skeletor is maybe not terribly interesting, but he looks fantastic. Evil-Lyn and Trap-Jaw are both excellent.

For a kids' show it's fairly ambitious in its worldbuilding. There's a lot of political stuff going on with Randor, they're playing with distinct schools of magic. It's interesting that there has explicitly been no champion since King Grayskull, whereas Revelation has a whole bunch of people picking up magic swords before Adam.

I'm still only... six? episodes in, but the show is pretty great. It skews young and it doesn't give a shit about the traditional beats of the canon, but that was its job and it succeeds beautifully. I think it will definitely do its job as a tool for attracting a new generation of fans. Slotting some of these dudes into Masterverse pretty quickly is a smart way to build some bridges.

Show really needed a unique name though.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Show was nice enough. Some iffy humor, but it also nailed a few solid zingers and the animation work was top notch (regardless your view on the design work itself). It's actually a bit refreshing to see the show take some liberties with the source material. Nice to see that companies still remember that a lot of these properties are supposed to be FOR KIDS.

I'm curious how the broader franchise push will go. The last big "reboot project" from Netflix was Voltron. Despite its acclaimed series...the tremendous disconnect with how the series worked and how the toy line was marketed was pretty damn severe.
Feels like there is a lot more synergy between how the series is being presented across different mediums this time around.


too old for this
6 episodes in on the new cartoon and I am really liking it. It's very good. Animation is great, voice acting is damn good (seriously, why could we not get this for Transformers?!)

I think this is a winner and I hope it sticks around for a good while.


Active member
I'm curious how the broader franchise push will go. The last big "reboot project" from Netflix was Voltron. Despite its acclaimed series...the tremendous disconnect with how the series worked and how the toy line was marketed was pretty damn severe.
Feels like there is a lot more synergy between how the series is being presented across different mediums this time around.

She-Ra was 2 years after Voltron.


It's interesting that both Rev and CGI go with Grayskull and/or associated powers being outlawed. In Revelation it's Randor reacting bitterly to the secret and Adam's death, but in t'other it seems to have been standard policy basically forever. Is this a thing that Rob David is bringing with him everywhere nowadays, or something that the two shows aligned on accidentally, or is there pre-Netflix precedent? I don't recall it being a major thing before, but it's fairly central to the plot of both new shows.


I'm down to the last two episodes. I hope to watch them tonight. Funny that when I saw the designs in the trailer I was like "hell no!" But actually watching it, it's pretty darn entertaining.

Deathy G1

Active member
Finished the first 4 episodes of the new Netflix toon. I am really digging it.
Also found Masterverse Faker at Target for a surprising $19.99.



I got my Man-E-Faces from Amazon today. Okay, let me start out by saying, I am fully aware that my vintage was bought used and may have some color fading. But I do specifically remember even as a kid having the feeling those tubes went right into his skin. So I am glad that the Origins version does make that clearer. But..well...let's just get into this.

Vintage does better:
I like the ridges on the mechanical parts. The Origins figure is just too smooth.
The Origins, while making clear it's a suit and not his skin, it's just too yellow. Not just yellow, but a jaundiced kind of yellow that's just...ugh! Sorry, he just looks jaundiced to me, even the part that's obviously his human face. Otherwise I'd say the as far as human face goes, it's a tie. They look exactly alike, except Origins is jaundiced.
I also like the larger disk for changing the faces.

Origins does better:
Well, first and foremost, that book isn't back there just for background. Vintage absolutely can not stand by himself (or has to have a very unnatural, painful looking pose to stand). Also, the possibility of Origins is just undeniably better. And unlike most origin figures where the upper leg overlaps the lower leg in a weird sort of way, this one looks so much better because you can just say it's a boot. It looks right. You can also move the head. I also have to say that there's a nice clicky feel while changing the heads so you know a particular face is locked in. It's a very nice feel.


Monster face definitely looks better on the vintage. The details are deeper and more pronounced. I don't like the beady eyes on Origins.


This is very much a tie honestly. It's slightly different but mostly the same. Again, the vintage detailing is deeper and more pronounced, but for robot head, it's not so much a detriment to Origins. Vintage eyes are deeper, but Origins is darker. It's hard to say one is better than the other. I really thing robot face is a tie.

So which version is better over all? Eh! I mean, I really just don't like jaundice yellow. Jaundice yellow and monster face are two really big strikes against Origins. But being able to stand on it's own without a book to support it, the sheer possibility and even being able to turn the head...it's hard to give the win totally to vintage. And if I were honest, I think I may be biased because Man-E-Faces was one of my favorite toys as a kid.

I'll grudgingly have to give the win to Origins. But damn that jaundice yellow! They gotta do something about that!

Deathy G1

Active member
Got my Man-E-Faces coming tomorrow from Amazon. He, Faker and Battle Armor Skeletor were my only MOTU figures as a kid. My brother had more.


Okay, just finished He-Man on Netflix.
I hate cliffhangers. But I enjoyed this far more than I thought I would.
Also... I want action figures for ALL of that. Hug Revelations. I want more of this!

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