Get My Pippsqueaks in Here; It's the Pipp Petals Thread


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Council of Elders

She puts the 'Little' in My Little Pony. In this thread we talk about Pipp Petals. This thread's intro is the shortest because so is she.


I like the toy. The wings are so fluffy!


But as far as the movie goes, she just didn't make much of an impression. They almost could've taken her out of the movie and lost nothing.

I hope the series does better by her, cause I really want to like her. But the movie just didn't do enough with her to make the kind of impression she needed to make.


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Council of Elders
She didn't make the biggest impression on me either, but I did instantly like her because her proportions reminded me of the way I drew Amber Spark. She's puffy and fluffy.


This is how a unicorn comments
She made an impression on me, though I admit she needed more screen time.

Still the expressions we do get are gold. This one is what made me adore her:

I just can't help but laugh at how freaking happy she is while just hanging there.


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Council of Elders
Followed by her palpable anguish when she's left hanging later. And they just left her there. Poor Pipp. She goes through a lot in her short screen time.


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She made a impression on me, but not a wholly positive one.

The thing is she's basically Rarity...without any of Rarity's redeeming qualities. Izzy kind of has Rarity's creativity. So, she's kind of left with being the most dramatic and narcissistic one of the group. And then...there's the social media influencer/idol stuff, which was the only time in the whole movie that I felt the need to cringe a little. Maybe ponies with phones will just take me a while to get used to.

But, I also think that makes her the pony with the most room to grow. I feel like she might undergo the most character development, once the show actually gets going.

I guess it'd be interesting if they played up the musical idol stuff a little. Basically, give her a background crew and turn her into Jem and the Holograms. Or give her a Jabberjaw and go on musical mysteries while she tours, or something. That could be fun.


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Council of Elders
But, I also think that makes her the pony with the most room to grow.


But I know what you mean. Rarity had her creativity and business sense to make her interesting. She tended to have the most adult problems of the group, and have her epiphanies well before her spotlight episodes were over, and still have to work to fix things. She was interesting. Pipp doesn't have that yet.

But to be fair, Pipp is royalty but she's not next in line to the throne. She has the perks but doesn't have the weight on her shoulders yet. So her present personality is understandable. If the show's writing is any good, she should change as she goes on some adventures and experiences new problems.


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Council of Elders
Her song is one letter away from "Growin' Up."

They're doing this on purpose.


Pipp was my favorite from the movie, even though plot-wise she doesn't do that much. Her relationship with her mom and Zipp is just so good and fraught. Like, when she gives that put-upon sigh and eyeroll in the alley, that was such a realistic portrayal of sisterhood.

She was such an interesting mix of sincere and insincere, in that way that is inevitable when a bunch of people you don't know have a parasocial relationship with you.


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Council of Elders
It is an absolute triumph of G5 that Pipp is so likable. She could have been a grating character and she's not. It helps that she's so small but I still like her when she's getting to do stuff instead of just being cute in the background. I want her to get whole episodes doing her thing.

I think it was Sunny's nervousness being on camera that let me put my finger on it. Pipp's phone nonsense isn't taken for granted. The writers appreciate that there are some actual skills involved in what she does. They're trying to take her seriously.

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