Florida, Florida, Florida


Now with hi-res avatar!
Because it's one thing to take away some one ELSES home, its another thing entirely to lose your own. When trump and maga don't come through for them after everything they've already given, they'll be pretty ******* pissed. A lot of these floridians have lost literally everything, and the prevailing conditions before ian mean it's already impossible to rebuild.
I hope you're right, but given the way the MAGAts treat Trump as their messiah, I wouldn't be surprised if this is where they start giving the "mysterious ways" excuse to rationalize Trump and the R's indifference to their situation.


Slightly Off
We're already got "pastors" baptizing people in the name of Trump. It's friggen mortifying.


Slightly Off
When the Bible talked about the people falling for a false idol who would lead them into sin and damnation, it sounded so metal. Then we got.......this.
No seriously, I am legit upset by this.

When I became a believer and read through the Bible, I took these warnings super seriously. Like I was just like "This is going to happen and there's a very real chance I'm going to fall for it because this is gonna be insidious..."

Then it actually happened and I'm just like "How? How are people falling for this shit?!"

FFS, "The Stand" at least had an Anti-Christ with Charisma and that bastard was wearing an ALL DENIM ENSEMBLE. Here in reality we get Il Douche, the sentient piece of Candy Corn.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
It's like the birth of the Rastafari religion all over again but stupider.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
No seriously, I am legit upset by this.

When I became a believer and read through the Bible, I took these warnings super seriously. Like I was just like "This is going to happen and there's a very real chance I'm going to fall for it because this is gonna be insidious..."

Then it actually happened and I'm just like "How? How are people falling for this shit?!"
Because most of these so-called “Christians” don’t actually read the Bible. They just listen to their pastor or TV personality and ASSUME what they say is (or is not) in the Bible to be true. There is blind faith, and then there is blinded BY faith. And too many people are asking for the blindfold…


jumbled pile of person
It's like the birth of the Rastafari religion all over again but stupider.
OK, I think I missed something. I always just assumed Rastafarians were just people who made up a religion around smoking weed so they could claim that their freedom of religion was being violated if they weren't allowed to smoke weed. You're saying there was more to it than that?


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Yup, though the weed thing probably lead to a spike in popularity starting in the 60s.

Gist of it is that a group of people in Jamaica convinced themselves that the new emperor of Ethiopia was the second coming of Jesus or God's newest prophet(I think the actual belief varies from sect to sect) back in the 1930's.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I think it's in relation to this image:

There's also some messianic language coming from fringe Christian groups relating to Trump as a Christ-like figure, though I personally haven't found anything confirming actual baptisms in Trump's name.(at least not yet)


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Not sure. I usually steer clear of directly interacting with various religions, especially ones lead by some charismatic cook. Guess it depends on how you define fringe(some megachurches I'm sure COULD be considered fringe).

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
There's a massive overlap between the evangelicals and the trumpists, so... yeah, people with messianic complexes who love their pomp and circumstance.

If all this bullshit wasn't so dangerous, there wouldn't be a problem in letting them have water fights and pissing contests.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
. . .

Y'know, for the son of a carpenter, a lot of Jesus' miracles involved food and/or drink. . .
Jesus was a hero to the poor and underprivileged in a time when poverty meant starvation. It makes sense that one of their big interests was food.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
I love the way people are pretending that it's irresponsible governance and not capitalism itself that led to the overdevelopment of Florida real-estate and the destruction of the wetlands that could have mitigated the effects of this hurricane.

Capitalism is what says "this land is being wasted if we don't pave it and build condos on it". Capitalism is what leans constantly on local governments to approve development, and since capitalism outlasts any administration, sooner or later capitalism will get what it wants.

You can elect responsible government after responsible government after responsible government (not that Florida would actually do this), and still, eventually you would elect an irresponsible government, and capitalism would get what it wants.

As long as capitalism runs our lives, it was 100% inevitable that those vital wetlands would be turned into golf courses, shopping complexes, and retirement homes. It was just a matter of time, because every unspoiled natural resource is a wasted "business opportunity".


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

All things considered, the reconstruction is going well.

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