Final Fantasy


Well-known member
You can always start a new class/job. There's a Smith guy at every Adventurer's Guild who runs short tutorial missions focused on roles, you might find that helpful for easing back into White Mage.

Mind you, even the low-level content has been revised significantly, so making a new character would be a good idea anyway. Hell, I started two years ago, and the Endwalker updates were significant enough that when I recently made an alt just to do the Limsa starting quests (my mains are out of Gridania, but I'd done an Ul'dahn when I was still on trial account) I found so much had changed.

If you do roll up a new one, I'd suggest Limsa as the starting city (so, Arcanist or Marauder), for some reason they decided to make the opening missions VERY tutorial in nature. The other two cities you get dumped into the live city and need to maneuver around all the other players right away, but Limsa puts you in a much more guided experience in a separate instance of the city (and it'll even turn you around if you go the wrong way).

My mains are on Excalibur(Primal), Kat Anderes and Searing Khamsin.




This is where I got to last night. I'm probably going to do some missions to level up before taking on the reactor.


Nonstop Baaka
I, uh... just beat ch2. Trying to get all the missions and sidequests. Been trying not to play on work days so I don't get caught up in it and lose track of time.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm still at the post script of World of Final Fantasy. I can't muster up the enthusiasm to fight the Knight of the seven bosses to collect. The one who uses an instant kill attack on the 12th turn.


Just finished Crisis Core. I was able to capture all of the cutscenes, except that they blocked recording on the one scene I wanted the most! Gah!


I captured just about every cutscene possible. These are just a few I put together.

I hope Aerith has insurance for that roof.


Things start falling down.

Down, down, down.

Pay attention to the geography of the reactor. Anyone else notice how they keep falling down, down, down...right back to where they started.


Reached the max video limit. Had to make a new post.

Embrace your dreams and whatever happens, guard your honor...AS SOLDIER!

And a bit from Remake.



Active member
Playing Final Fantasy XII on Play Station 2. I finished the booby trapped mountain pass. This is after Golimore Jungle. On Final Fantasy XIII I started Chapter 4.

Once you get to Play Station 3 you start running into overheat problems so I might restart XIII forward on PC or something. With a PS mini I can play up to Final Fantasy IX.

On Final Fantasy IX I'm actually near the end of Disk 1 but want to be stronger before then.

I almost have Final Fantasy X finished actually. One more Summon.


You're playing multiple FF's at the same time! 😮

XII: I actually much prefer the Zodiac Age. I tried playing the original on PS2 and just couldn't get through it. But I got Zodiac Age on Switch and had a much better time of it. You can also get it free with PS+

XIII: I enjoyed it at the time. It'll always have a spot in my heart for being the first FF I played while it was the current one (played day of release no less). But having a level cap for each chapter and pretty much having to hit the cap to even have the chance with each boss was infuriating. The fact that each boss also had a doom-counter just was not a good thing.

IX: I absolutely adore IX. I have absolutely nothing bad to say about it.

X: I liked the battle system. But the leveling menu and Tidus in general makes me not want to go back to it.


Active member
I play Final Fantasy XII quite a bit
to train up my LP so I can max
out skills. My players are a 36
for Level strength. I may need
to run up the other 65 levels
given the massive HP on boss


Since it's free with PS+, I went ahead and started Zodiac Age on my PS5 last night. I looked back at my Switch save to see how I filled out my license boards, seeing if I should replicate it in this play through. It wasn't much help considering I actually maxed everything out because I was grinding so much.

I'm playing Mass Effect at the same time and giving it priority. But it'll be nice to see Fran again.


The demo for Theatrhythm is out. I guess it's been out for most of the week but I just found out about it last night.

I played the first two games on 3DS with the touchscreen, so I wasn't sure how they would be able to transfer things to a traditional controller. They actually did pretty well.

So I preordered digitally so I can start playing the moment I get home on Thursday February 16, 2023!


Nonstop Baaka
I liked the stylus games well enough. Played a lot of other rythm games back in the day, but I dunno, feeling kinda meh about rhythm games lately. My reaction time isn't what it used to be. Also may have gotten spoiled by an actual good story in the Persona 4 dancing game.


I restarted my subscription to XIV last night. I just really missed my Viera Bard. I may be having to relearn everything for a while though. I had no idea what I was doing.


I'm 50 something, but don't worry about it I already have a friend to guide me through the big questions who's also on the same server I'm on.

Besides, right now my issues are more along the lines of spending 10 minutes to figure out how to resize my HUD, 5 minutes to figure out how to put things back on my hotkeys, 20 minutes to find the bare basics on the menus...those kinds of things.

Thanks though. I'll keep you in mind if I run into trouble.


Well-known member
One piece of advice, if you haven't already been planning on it, is to do FATEs. Start out in the lowbie zones, regain the feel of your basic attacks. Then work your way up to re-engage your higher level abilities. The challenge logs will get you a decent chunk of a level in the process, too.



I absolutely love Fran's character, so when it comes to her background, I absolutely had to upload these two vids to YouTube.


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