Disney animation and related media

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh! So that's why Caballero Panchito sounded familiar. It's 201X Ducktales Don Karnage! (Though I wasn't too fond of how that Don Karnage wasn't fierce enough. I didn't watch Tailspin tho)

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm at ep11. I'm still not fond of the level or type of goofiness. I'm afraid this is what the new Darkwing will translate into.

Funny thing would be the writers being fans of Voltron. There were two references I found.

At the moon ep where Donald tells his friends to control the arms and legs and he controls the head.

At the underworld ep where Felldrake has his ancestors make a freaky giant body (with faces for hands and feet) and he controls the head.


Koopaling Aficionado
Alright! So it looks like those long awaited Gargoyles comics reprints are being done as a Kickstarter. You have a couple of options between the old Marvel book, the main SLG book or Bad Guys. Also between regular, hardcover, signed hardcover and Deluxe Hardcover options.

Good news Everyone, the kickstarter has already funded so theres no fear that you wont be able to buy what you want!



Continuity Nutcase
I'm guessing the comics published in Disney Adventures are out of the question. Though, both those and the Marvel ones weren't canon anyway.


Well-known member
Actually, I think they probably could reprint the Disney Adventure comics. Various places have reprinted comics from there before, so I don't think there's any legal reason they couldn't. I assume they just didn't think about those. And they might be hard to track down and remaster for a larger printing size. But, a reprint of those comics really should be possible.


Continuity Nutcase
While we're currently in February and the following is related to Christmas, I only just now found this.

This is a video of the original intro to the very first TV broadcast of the Goof Troop Christmas special, hosted by Michael Eisner and the costumed walkaround character of Max. What makes this extra special is that it features rare dialogue for Max provided by his original voice actress, Dana Hill; dialogue that cannot be found anywhere else.

The special began with the Goof Troop feature "Have Yourself a Goofy Little Christmas", and was followed by the classic Donald Duck cartoon shorts "Up a Tree" (1955) and "Toy Tinkers" (1949), as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the then-newly-released Aladdin (1992), to make it a full one-hour presentation.

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Well-known member
They did a second Owl House and Amphibia crossover short.

Watch until the end for a little surprise.
I can't believe this is how we finally see King's face.

And, yes, that's a tongue, not a beak.
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This is how a unicorn comments
Continuity error! Polly is shown playing jump rope with Hootie, yet the girls have their gem powers. If that was true, then Polly should have legs. Man I can't believe they would mess up so badly. XD

Spoilers: I'm joking.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I'm behind on my Star Trek and I didn't want to dip into my backlog of anime so decided to give Monsters at Work a try.

It's two seasons, dunno when it dropped. S1 was ok. I actually LIKE the Starscream Duncan a lot. He was schemey and ambitious and I kinda liked that. Main character Tylor is just too... pretty? He's not even fuzzy. Plus he whines, haha. Val the leggy dropout is cooler than him. Still, season1 ended in a gooey warm feeling cuz Monster Inc 1 really is one of my fave Pixar movies. (Inc 2 as well actually).

But season 2! There's a drama, mystery and intrigue and, holy cow, Rhys Darby is voicing a new character in the show! The s2 eps had gimmicks (restaurant, baseball, team building) but the plot was brewing in the background.

Then ep9 made me tear up in the same way Monsters Inc 1 originally did. Then the ending! Holy cow. (I'm actually in the 10th ep but had to pause to suddenly gush).

Anyhow, if anybody here in a fan of Monsters Inc, watch the Monsters at Work series.


Continuity Nutcase
We have ourselves a Goof Troop reunion with Goofy, Pete, and P.J.

Wish they could have also gotten April Winchell (Peg), Nancy Cartwright (Pistol), and Frank Wellker (Waffles and Chainsaw), but I can imagine how their schedules may not have allowed for all of them to get together at once.


Continuity Nutcase
I just stumbled on this (from 4 months ago) and just find it incredibly remarkable that someone would give such unabashedly honest praise for this movie over its much more popular predecessor movie:

Though, do note that her repeated claim of Max being 19 in this movie is based on unsourced info gleaned from Wikipedia, rather than anything official.
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