Buzzworthy Bumblebee - the "everything goes" toyline

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Wasp would at least have the benefit of being something that's never been fully realized in toy form before.

Although, which color scheme would you prefer? Pre- or post-incarceration? Both look nice.

Pre-, personally. That's the entire point of that design.


Well-known member
Wouldn't it be another Waspinator?

That'd actually be pretty funny if they just repacked a Waspinator and called him G1 Wasp. It's the homage Ouroboros!


Somehow still sane
I could see them packaging a green animated Bee homage as Waspinator simply because they already have the name and Wasp sounds like it wouldn’t be worth the effort to trademark


Well-known member
Should have a Wasp hijacked box set of four: Buzzworthy BumWaspee with Cybertronian Wasp from Origins Bumblebee, Earth mode Wasp from Earthrise Cliffjumper, second Earthern Wasp from Needlenose (a jet mode to homage Starscream possession) and finally Waspinator.


Continuity Nutcase
I could see them packaging a green animated Bee homage as Waspinator simply because they already have the name and Wasp sounds like it wouldn’t be worth the effort to trademark
Yeah, that's what the original unreleased toy of Animated Wasp was gonna be like, with the name "Fugitive Waspinator".


No new headsculpt, sadly, due to Ironhide taking up the budget for a new head in the originally planned wave the two would have been a part of, before Wasp got cancelled and Ironhide became a Toys R Us exclusive.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Should have a Wasp hijacked box set of four: Buzzworthy BumWaspee with Cybertronian Wasp from Origins Bumblebee, Earth mode Wasp from Earthrise Cliffjumper, second Earthern Wasp from Needlenose (a jet mode to homage Starscream possession) and finally Waspinator.
I would absolutely buy Needlenose in Wasp/Waspinator colors. Actually, any of these, really, but that would be great!
I wonder what Spinister would look like in Waspinator colors?


Somehow still sane
The original version of the mold had a short, stubby cockpit and came with a minicon that was supposed to form a longer, more conventional cockpit. They remolded the cockpit on this version of the mold to look like an actual cockpit but kept the minicon unchanged. The new cockpit sticks out a lot more than the original version, which was just a flap.


Well-known member
Should have a Wasp hijacked box set of four: Buzzworthy BumWaspee with Cybertronian Wasp from Origins Bumblebee, Earth mode Wasp from Earthrise Cliffjumper, second Earthern Wasp from Needlenose (a jet mode to homage Starscream possession) and finally Waspinator.

I like how you are thinking here.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
The original version of the mold had a short, stubby cockpit and came with a minicon that was supposed to form a longer, more conventional cockpit. They remolded the cockpit on this version of the mold to look like an actual cockpit but kept the minicon unchanged. The new cockpit sticks out a lot more than the original version, which was just a flap.
View attachment 14818

Ah, gotcha. I wasn't following Transformers very close in those days.


Well-known member
The original version of the mold had a short, stubby cockpit and came with a minicon that was supposed to form a longer, more conventional cockpit. They remolded the cockpit on this version of the mold to look like an actual cockpit but kept the minicon unchanged. The new cockpit sticks out a lot more than the original version, which was just a flap.
View attachment 14818

Ah, gotcha. I wasn't following Transformers very close in those days.
Almost. The matching Mini-Con redeco ("Trigger") was available separately as part of a "Micron Booster" batch along with the redecoed Mini-Cons/Microns Wrench, Clamp and Gauge to match the Armada Blurr, Hoist and Side Swipe retools Blurr, Longrack and Runabout (named "Runamuck" for the Hasbro release).

The inset in the TFWiki photo is intended to showcase the Mini-Con compatibility.

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