
Anonymous X

Well-known member
Still remember back when the Iraq invasion started, there were absolutely furious arguments at my local Labour Party (most comrades were obviously not in favour of the conflict), and we had a group walk out and say they were off to defect to Galloway’s so-called Respect Party. Never heard from any of them again, or that fringe party, come to think of it.
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i cant take it anymore im at my limit
says the asshole who keeps a book of adolf ******* hitler's speeches at his bedside

Thylacine 2000

Well-known member
If the bar tolerates a Nazi, it's a Nazi bar.

That was in JANUARY. Said in public directly to Columbia administrators. How many times do we need to see these university suits say "Reasonable people can reasonably disagree on whether the Jews should be exterminated, teach the controversy" ? If they aren't going to take out their trash, someone else will have to.
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Active member
It is not clear whether the Columbia administrator conducting the disciplinary hearing alerted a superior or public safety official to Mr. James’s remarks — or whether Columbia policy dictated that the administrator should have.

A spokesman for the university declined to comment further.

It's unclear if it's university policy to alert anyone that a student talked about murdering "Zionists" and it wasn't deemed worth clarifying on by the university. I know some of the talking heads on the left expressed a lot of consternation about Republicans grilling universities about their policies on people calling for genocide against Jews several months back, but, uh, they seem to have still not figured it out yet. These are not brain teasers.

And all this and that dude is only on interim suspension, not expulsion. Madness.
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Active member

At the University of Michigan, the leader of the main student anti-Israel group, who had been sympathetically profiled in the New York Times and given the university’s prestigious award for students “who best exemplify the leadership and extraordinary vision of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” wrote on social media, “Until my last breath I will utter death to every single individual who supports the Zionist state. Death and more. Death and worse.”

I must've skipped over the death and more part of the "I Have A Dream" speech.


Active member
Attempted vehicular attack outside a Brooklyn Jewish school, fortunately no one hurt.


The 58-year-old man was driving a 2011 white Crown Victoria and making a turn onto East 55th Street — in front of the Mesivta Nachlas Yakov School in Canarsie — when he suddenly veered toward a few men dressed in traditional garb, according to the NYPD and video obtained by The Post.

“I’m gonna kill all the Jews,” the driver allegedly seethed, according to the sources.

Anonymous X

Well-known member

(Direct link to article.)

If you’ve not been following the Uk general election campaign, the far-right Reform party is surging in opinion polls, and this is the sort of candidate that the party is inducing on towns like mine.


jumbled pile of person
So not only are the Tories going to lose big to Labour, these guys are going to steal what's left of their vote?

Anonymous X

Well-known member
So not only are the Tories going to lose big to Labour, these guys are going to steal what's left of their vote?
Looks like that, basically.

The Reform party were barely registering on polls until Farage announced he was standing for MP (again) and was coronated Reform leader. Now he’s appearing on television daily, getting much more news coverage than the LibDems and Greens, who both actually have sitting MPs. The media, particularly the BBC, is fuelling all of this again…

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