Transformers Legacy toyline


NOT a New Member.
So, I forgot what led me onto this train of thought, but...

Wouldn't it be cool if Legacy (or whatever by-now arbitrary line name) released some of the Turbomasters?

Pyro would be neat, and maybe we could finally get Hyperdrive as a toy?

But of course, the one they'd kind of have to do at this point is Thunderclash.

Who could have an easy p/retool as Machine Wars Optimus Prime, naturally.

I feel like that poses a bit of a question, though: Should that version of Optimus be a straight-up repaint of Thunderclash?

View attachment 17971

Or should he be retooled to look more like the box art?

View attachment 17972

Or maybe there's a happy medium to be had?

NGL, all three appeal to me. I like Thunderclash's colors, but as OP goes, I saw the toy sitting at Kaybee many a time, yet never pulled the trigger. As a result, I kind of associate him more with how he appeared on the box.
The boxart was repurposed from Lazer Optimus Prime, right? If so, why don't they just remold Legacy G2 Optimus Prime?


Well-known member
Echowarrior said:
I'd argue that, were they to give us a new Thunderclash, they'd release Thunderclash, then later do a retool and slight recolor as MW Optimus Prime.

But yes, new Turbomasters would be awesome. Under ideal circumstances, we'd get a modern update of every G1 toy.
I'd argue it depends on how in need they are of an Optimus otherwise. I mean, we got Shadow Striker before Sideburn and Detritus before Hound, after all.

It does seem like they have moved to a technique of releasing the "less requested" version first. In the case of Thunderclash, I'd think more folks want him than MW Optimus so they'd do Optimus first knowing that they'd likely sell more of both vs TC first and fewer buying Optimus? I could be way off there though.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
it's Straxus:

STAXUS 2.jpg


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