Today at Pulsecon 2022 were announced the winners for this year’s Transformers Hall of fame entires, to the surprise of many the poll was themed about a Transformers Animated character, with the winner being popular Megatron Loyalist: Lugnut! with triple changing terror of town Blitzwing coming in as a hot second.
As for the winner for the Transformers Legacy Toy entry for the Hall of Fame was Commander-class Motormaster which may or may not have carried some votes meant for Menasor, which was not quite an option, but still won by a land slide, with Voyager-class Jhiaxus also coming in for a hot second.
And as for the human entry was the deceased Henry Orenstein a survivor of WWII concentration camps that would go unto become a toy inventor that would help get the relations with Takara to import Diaclone to America and would become the transformers franchise.
Did your pic make it to the hall of fame let us know in the Allspark Forums, our partnered Discord at, and the Allspark Facebook page!