We truly live in a golden age of transparency. Generations Selects Magnificus was just confirmed and now designer Evan Brooks has shared the inside story of how the Perceptor mold came to be. Read on.
“Hello again, Transformer fans!
It’s been awhile but I thought with the official drop for Magnificus that now was the time to talk about the creation of Studio Series 86 Perceptor!
Worked on this figure with the Mythical Kunihiro san who was the man with a plan. I always feel like Perceptor figures are given a bit of special treatment because of their connection to Yoke san.
You can see Kunihiro san’s plan in marker as he skillfully lays out the proportions and conversion.
We had talked about if the Tank mode should be included since it wasn’t featured in the animation but was in the Marvel comics. It’s such a core feature of the previous versions of the character that we ended up including it.
Early in the design plan, you can see that the initial plan had a cavity in the front of the chest for the head. We realized that it would be odd to see Perceptor’s black helmet be so visible when in his microscope mode so we changed where the head hides to his back.
For the details, Kunihiro san recommended we base them off the illustration that was used in the TT re-issue G1 figure. It’s a beautiful drawing that has some great modern detail updates but still fits in well to the 86 G1 aesthetic.
The only other detail to bring up is the alt head. We were asked in the Roundtable event a few weeks ago on if we always put in an alt head with our characters. I can certainly say I always try to get one in there! When there’s a big difference in the Animation head vs the g1 Toy head then I always try to get a toy accurate head in there for a future Redeco.
But anyway, let me know your thoughts on this figure! I certainly am glad we were able to make him as tall as we could get him at a DLX scale and really think he came out great.
Source: Instagram
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