What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Actual candidates? Or just people whom are running? Cause the latter is two, but the only actual candidate is trump.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The same thing they've already discussed; They'll let him run from jail. If he's found guilty of the 14th, the argument will go exactly like this;

1.) he's not allowed to sit, he can run all he wants.
2.) (if he wins. He won't, but you gotta say it.) He won! You can't stop him from presiding.

Because the law does not apply to these people, or at least they think. White glove treatment or not: trump IS being investigated and tried for his crimes. They are putting up with stuff from him no one else would have gotten away with, and most wouldn't have even dared to try. But he IS in court for his actions.

The GOP might try declaring desantis the moninee (cause, hailey? Yeah, they won't give it to a woman.) when trump is arrested, but the push back from the cult will ultimately stop that noise pretty quickly. The bigger concern is what the cult will do when trump is found guilty and arrested for his crimes.


Well-known member

The bill that was introduced didn’t define “Intelligent Design.” All you need to know about it, though, is that there’s no scientific support for the idea. It stands in direct opposition to evolution and is nothing more than a religious myth promoted by Christians as a way to push God into the classroom using a plausibly legal framework since Creationism wouldn’t make the cut.

(Even more bizarre? The bill added that clause to a part of the state code that currently says teachers can’t be forced to change a grade and that teachers should decide if a student can move on to the next grade level… which is to say they shoved this pro-Creationism bit in the first place they could find.)

This is nothing more than an attempt to destroy science classes by giving teachers leeway (and legal cover) to spread misinformation to students.

It did, however, undergo one change before it passed out of the committee on Tuesday: The phrase “intelligent design” was replaced with “scientific theories.” The latest version of the bill now says teachers can’t be prevented “from discussing or answering questions from students about scientific theories of how the universe and/or humanity came to exist.”
That… makes the entire bill meaningless.

Teachers can already talk about those theories in the classroom. What they can’t do is lie to students by responding with ideas that have no basis in science… like Intelligent Design or Creationism. If this revised bill passed, it would still be illegal to teach Intelligent Design as if it had any legitimacy among scientists.

To put it another way, if teaching “scientific theories” about the origins of our existence are permitted in the classroom, that would, by definition, exclude Intelligent Design and Creationism, which aren’t scientific.

Not that Republicans seemed to understand any of this.


Well-known member

“Why did Superintendent Walters appoint a social media influencer to the state’s Library Media Advisory Committee? What are her qualifications? Is she a librarian? No. Education background? No. Does she even live in Oklahoma?" said state Rep. Mickey Dollens, D-Oklahoma City. "No. Is she a right-wing extremist social media influencer responsible for perpetuating repeated bomb threats on Oklahoma public schools? Yes. We cannot overlook why Superintendent Walters made this controversial appointment."

Dollens said it was just last week, that news reports surfaced that showed Walters used taxpayer dollars to expense his travel to promote himself and attend media appearances, speaking engagements and a horror movie premiere, despite an order from the governor’s office banning public spending for most out-of-state travel.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Here's the thing... quebec screams about seperation some times, but they know they ******* can't because the money is not there. The second quebec seperates from canada, it's instant poverty. They'll invent excuse after excuse, but they won't actually seperate, and the portion of the population that actually wants it is so far flung and seperated that they'll never rally to push for it, and will never get coordinatedly violent over it.

Texas literally has the same problem: but enough shmucks with guns that if they PROMISE something, well, those politicians have to eventually deliver. So let them secede from the union, and let the history books remember why, and the conditions that prevailed after because of it.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
how long until he argues it'd be legal for him to send a bunch of goose-stepping idiots to attack washington because of "states' rights?"

Covert Agent Rodimal

Active member
Texas wouldn't last a week has an independent anything. Has soon has they lost all their state and federal funding and were informed they were now an unaffiliated foreign power with no treaties, or agreements with, nor protections from the United States they'd be crawling back. Or get anexed by Mexico, whichever comes first. Not to mention all the business that could no longer operate in Texas until international contracts were negotiated.


jumbled pile of person
Not to mention that if a state ever secedes from the US, it's because we're letting them, and the only reason we would do that is if we hate them so much we want to be rid of them. In which case there probably won't ever be any treaties or trade agreements. They made their bed, they can die in it alone and unloved.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Not to mention that if a state ever secedes from the US, it's because we're letting them, and the only reason we would do that is if we hate them so much we want to be rid of them. In which case there probably won't ever be any treaties or trade agreements. They made their bed, they can die in it alone and unloved.
Oh, you'll forge treaties with the country of texas. See, they got OIL! And without the US federal government to cut the states welfare cheque, it'll be a third world country. And what does the US do to third world countries, with oil?

The irony being that "removing" abbot that way for political reasons will only end with a more progressive in charge, instead of another tyrant.


Well-known member
I don't understand (or want to understand) the doublethink involved in people who think 16 is old enough to work or to be forced to have a child, but not old enough to read books with sex in them or make their own medical decisions.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
The same thinking that says 18 is old enough to fight and kill and die for oil barons your country but not old enough to drink.


Well-known member
That reminds me, there are Republicans who want to raise the voting age.

Republicans just hate young people. There's no other way I can interpret it.

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