UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss


Well-known member
That’s pretty much locked in with Brexit though right?

Like, that’s just how it’s going to be when you blow your own hand off at the behest of Farage and the rest of the moronic ilk.

Labour isn’t going to be able to do much to counteract that.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
That’s pretty much locked in with Brexit though right?

Like, that’s just how it’s going to be when you blow your own hand off at the behest of Farage and the rest of the moronic ilk.

Labour isn’t going to be able to do much to counteract that.
No, they aren’t, particularly as like the Tories they refuse to enact any realignment with Europe (which would boost the economy overnight). It’s just going to be ongoing decline for the foreseeable.


jumbled pile of person
At this point I think the EU would only deign to let them back in if they agreed to become a full member and fully submit to their laws instead of the special treatment they had for decades before that. A lot of what the EU has achieved in the past few years has only been possible because the UK's lobbyists are no longer holding them back.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm not one to sit and spin but living well is the best revenge
Baby I am calling you on that


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
At this point I think the EU would only deign to let them back in if they agreed to become a full member and fully submit to their laws instead of the special treatment they had for decades before that. A lot of what the EU has achieved in the past few years has only been possible because the UK's lobbyists are no longer holding them back.
[laughs in irish]

Anonymous X

Well-known member
At this point I think the EU would only deign to let them back in if they agreed to become a full member and fully submit to their laws instead of the special treatment they had for decades before that. A lot of what the EU has achieved in the past few years has only been possible because the UK's lobbyists are no longer holding them back.
I mean, the UK could rejoin the Single Market relatively straightforwardly, and still realign with it very quickly, which would rescue the economy, but they won’t. Because Europe = Bad to both the left and the right.

Anonymous X

Well-known member

Key sentence: “The minimum income for family visas has also risen to £38,700.” Which is up from £18,600. So British people with foreign spouses are going to lose their spouses to deportation, even if they’ve resided here for years or decades. (And I know some people who voted for Brexit because they believed it’d make the UK government go less harsh on people from non-EU/EEA countries…)


unfortunate shark issues
OK, hypothetical situation: You've told the Covid inquiry that you lost your phone in 2021 so there's absolutely no way you can turn over your messages to them. You then get into an argument on Twitter and the only way to prove you're right is to post a screenshot of one of your messages from 2020. Do you a) stick to your story and lose the argument on Twitter or b)

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Our prime minister made a televised address to the nation yesterday evening warning of the danger to society of increasing right-wing extremism.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
And when the FIND the people who did it (and it amounts to rich theocrats.) they will... do nothing because they want access to the money more than they want YOU to have your basic rights and privileges as human beings.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Hey, there was a period in quebec history (and not too long ago.) where we were doing the same thing. They'd hit the stated date after an election, someone would scream "No confidence" and since it was all minority governments at the time: it collapsed and they did a new election. We had a new douchbag every year and a half for so long: they had to ******* remove the option to scream "no confidence" and put the province on a fixed election cycle.

Because they are children. Spoiled, ignorant, pathetic, children.


jumbled pile of person
Just once I'd like to see a country put "nobody" on the ballot as an option and see just how big of a landslide it wins by.


Now with hi-res avatar!
Just once I'd like to see a country put "nobody" on the ballot as an option and see just how big of a landslide it wins by.
It's not exactly what you're asking for, granted, but it's probably the closest we're going to see in our lifetimes:


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