Transformers Legacy toyline

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I wonder what a series 2 might bring. Topspin? Weaponizer Rack N Ruin 2pack? T30 Whirl (are those still within present day price points?)? Ironfist from Siege Hound? A Wingfinger redeco/retool finally?
Well, we ARE getting a retooled T30 Arcee in Studio Series, so I assume Whirl isn’t THAT impractical.

But with Ironfist, while I think that would be an idea…we ARE getting (according to leaks) Crankcase in Legacy. I think that would be a FAR stronger option for a retool, and I know most of us would be disappointed if we got an Ironfist from Hound when a superior base tooling was becoming available.

If nothing else, Roadbuster would a stronger retool choice for the Hound tooling. And if they were able to rerun the Red Cog guns, it’d be a nice way to get those weapons out there besides a Target exclusive.
A darker grey would have helped immensely.
That’s what I’ve been saying!


Staff member
Council of Elders
I would call that a fairly small Roadbuster, but then Impactor isn't as big as I feel he should be, so idk. Would look a bit small next to Springer. Maybe if they pulled a Kingdom Cheetor-to-Tigatron and beefed up that mold somehow. And I dig that idea of using Red Cog's gun loadout.

Either forgot about or didn't know about that Crankcase... But eh, while it's a better altmode in some ways, robot mode is a less effective match. Double guns would suit the weapons engineer character, but the hood chest is hard to ignore. But hey, maybe they'll engineer two positions for it or something.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I also thought Springer needed a darker grey. See the Repaint Concept Thread.

I don't want Roadbuster from Hound. The vehicle mode fits almost perfectly, but the robot mode is miles off. I don't want another T30. I want a robot mode as close to the original as they can get without giving their lawyers heart attacks.


Somehow still sane
Springer desperately needs more color. Sure the original toy was like 80% gray but they had stickers to cover up the vast swathes of gray. Even painting in the sculpted thrusters green would do a lot of good for the vehicle modes.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I do love how Hasbro has gone full FunPub with things like Shattered Glass and the Wreckers sublines. Repaints and slight remolds, this is what I used to love about their offerings. I wish the fiction to go along with the characters was a bit more robust, but I definitely enjoy the figures.


Wondering bot
I kind of want a animated movie featuring the Wreckers, Transformers has a lot of potential and a stand alone Wreckers movie could be a fun romp of a film where a bunch of misfit Transformers have to complete an important mission, given to them by say Ultra Magnus and they have to get intel and maybe bust out the bot with that intel from a heavily guarded base of the Decepticons, say the spy is Punch/Counterpunch who spent along time under cover and gotten to a point where he gained access to highly classified information, but to get that info out, it going to take a team of tough bots and the Autobots cannot afford to divert some of their best troops to this, thus a bunch of misfits are selected for the mission with the only field commander and second in command avaiable at the time being Impactor and Springer, of course, bots are going to die during this, just to up the stakes and you are left guessing who going to die! For a cliffhanger ending or tease for any future films, have a Autobot named Longarm recieve the data and then reveal to the viewer that they are really a deep cover Decepticon spy, who so happens to be one of Shockwave's clones!


words pain, funny man
Or, at least, tampographed details where the G1 version had stickers.

I'll never not hate stickers on modern toys.
I really like Toyhax's offerings.
Hasbro's stickers suck because of the quality. They're usually cut at the wrong sizes and printed on material that's flimsy and peals easily.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Comparison shots:

I'm still torn whether to sell my existing Kingdom Cyclonus or just keep them both. Hell, I ended up with 2 versions of the deluxe one, why not the Voyager?!


Wondering bot
Comparison shots:

I'm still torn whether to sell my existing Kingdom Cyclonus or just keep them both. Hell, I ended up with 2 versions of the deluxe one, why not the Voyager?!

You can say that you have Cyclonus and his Armada, X2, similar to me, I have the old Universe figure and the repaint that came with a repaint of Classics Hot Rod


Well-known member
I really like Toyhax's offerings.
Hasbro's stickers suck because of the quality. They're usually cut at the wrong sizes and printed on material that's flimsy and peals easily.
I will (and have) absolutely buy stickers from Toyhax on occasion. I use them all the time to replace stickers that have aged poorly, and occasionally for customization purposes. I never want to see them come with a modern Hasbro toy. If Hasbro does it, the toy is incomplete if the stickers aren't applied. Just saying "it's my option to use them" really isn't enough.

But, yes, it's definitely a thousand times worse when Hasbro does the stickers the way they do them.

The Phazer

Well-known member
I have Cyclonus in hand. Tolerances aren't as good as the Kingdom version but it's not a disaster.

Won't be applying the stickers. Stickers look awful. He's suitably dark in hand but I think he might be a shade more plum than the original toy (granted, just off the top of my head, I haven't dug out my G1 Cyclonus to check and I don't know if his plastic has changed over time anyway).

I find the idea of the stickers a bit baffling in general really. If they'd done the white boxes in tampo on the legs that might have been okay, but on stickers that are a different shade of purple? Nah, it just looks awful.

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